TZAC The Best!!!!!

amazing chetbusting spree !!! 3 cheaters in 3 months grtz!! chaplja the best...
I don't get it.

Are you mad because there's hardly any cheaters?
TZAC The Best!!!!!
TZAC The Best!!!!!
You aren't a fan of chetbusting. You're a fan of faggotry.
still didn't ban some cheaters who are still playing &cheating :P
You didn't envisage that there could be less cheaters because they are scared of TZAC?
that never crossed my mind ofc...

do you think that only 3 et players cheated in the last three months?
And why not? Because let's say that there are three active public servers running with tzac on : BIO, NBS#1 and The Tzac Room (correct me if there are more). So having less than three cheaters in three months is indeed very low but not completely unrealistic. Given that people do not cheat on wars, and you can come up with a good working anticheat
acoording to tzac's site there are currently above 400 players online playing et...
Yes but I don't think tzac detects any cheat if the server itself does not run it. Many publics (NBS once again) servers work this way as well as war servers.
because ET is the most cheat intensive game EVER ratio wise.
if you really believe that only 3 people cheated last month you must be even more retarded than ur usual comments made me believe.
It's more like I want to believe. Unrealistic was not the right word, yea.
i cheated yesterday
on your boyfriend?
maybe just 3 noobs who cheated with TZAC on? Big difference because many publics dont force you to use TZAC.
must be pretty retarded to hack in this small comunity game lol
this, why even bother
True is that I have played u some few times, and happened that u whine about everyone hacking. So get lost
ok i am going to get lost thx
what are you talking about? the last so called bust was on 10th october in ET
you need to get a life man, your only journals for the last year were flaming slac/tzac. fucking reject.
whats wrong with that again? i write on whatever topic i want
why would people still cheat on a dead game?
tzac is so easy to bypass, I dont get why its still used :/
how would you know that? please don't reply with "lol dude played vs most obvious guy the other day lol tzac shit"
because I did it in may, back when it was called slac tho.. there's no difference tho, so it still should be possible. Dont get me wrong, Im not that guy who's bragging about cheating or likes cheating, I just wanted to try out if the idea I had actually would work out.. half year later still not banned -> successful I think..
how did you cheat? because Kamz claims he cheated once but he only used a lag script, not really the same thing.
I downloaded a simple wallhack, "deacitvated" tzac, ran wallhack, cheated on public server for ~15 mins, thats it.. I won't explain exactly how I did it, would harm the community even more :/

e: I just saw Kamz using netlimiter in hns games, he was proud of it ^_^

ban him he admits to using hacks and cheats
he also is proud of his intellect
played on a tzac server?
was tzac beta?
Im sorry, I meant SLAC ofc, although I dont think there has been any changes made regarding to the anticheat itself, except the name..
ye just the name i know
did u play on a slac server?
did u play during slac beta?
I played on a slac server, and no, I dont think that was during beta..
yes.. in a non tzac server n stuff.. thats why chaplja created the server addon and the match thing to make sure slac was always activated...
what do you mean? have there any changes been made compared to slac, or did he just changed the name (which I thought)...
no afaik.. i just mean that what you described shall not work in a tzac etpro server.. plus the match id thing creates a log (afaik) that proves that your tzac has been ON the whole time...

i doubt u could cheat there!
if tzac cant send any data to the server, it cant send a log :p
so when the server check on you, you will report a wrong data, chaplja would detect tbh :>
can the server check someone who isnt even sending data?
let says, slac detects 12 players in a legit match, suddently 1 of them stop sending data or responding, but somehow the others send the playerlist to tzac main server... obvious? there must exist thousands of ways to check then... cbs how chap did the implementation..
I have actually no idea how tzac is checking me.. at that time when I tried the cheat, I didnt care to get banned or not as I didnt (still dont) play ET anymore, looks like it's some kind of security hole in tzac..
lets say you are right and could do this on TZAC server now. why dont you tell chaplja about this, so he can ban it?
chaplja has been informed about this a while ago already, not by myself, but a friend who actually tried it the first time.. my friend got banned for stating that he cheated, without any proof tho :)
only works on non-SLAC\TZAC server

And netlimiter isn't a hack, I use it on my server/router to regulate bandwidth in my home network.
I never said netlimiter is a hack, and its also possible to use netlimiter on slac/tzac servers..
u so good troller dominic m8
dominik* and no, first time Im not trolling :/
I'd say medium troll - 5/10
I'm still not ban :{D
Oh TZAC, if only you knew what Zodiac, famous cheat coding admin, was up to in norwegian private cheat sharing channel #Vj ...
Free TZAC cheats provided I heard.
TZAC did something great.
It got rid of the lagging and useless PB and is now not lagging and just as useless.
Afterall we have just as many cheaters but less laggs.
But this community doesnt even seem to care about cheaters anymore.
Give them a little red triangle but remove it at the blink of an eye.
Sounds to me like a bad player is mad? :)
Arguing that not busting cheaters lagg free is better than lagging cause of not busting anyone.
Arguing that cheaters should be marked for life.
All scarzy has to contribute is "mad".
I sure know why i dislike you that much
ive been playing med+/high for a while now and only one player is strange (Poland upload)
en shitbox maar dies gestopt. upload is wel gewoon echt goedie
Why do you think there's less activity on ET ? Cheaters left 'cause they were scared of getting busted...
People only use cheats on servers that don't require TZAC.
people that say its impossible to hack on tzac and not get busted are either blind or dumb.
blind or dumb or cheaters
or all of the above
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