Xmas Soon!

So the excitements high and everyones looking forward to christmas and its only 5 days to go. I have been practically begging for a new keyboard as mine cant handle 4 buttons being pushed down at one time :/ ...

Kinda struggling to think of other things though
So whats been on your lists to santa for xmas this year?
Is Nintendo Wii out yet btw?

Also Reviews on Saitek II and Razer Tarantula are welcomed and appreciated :)


... have a merry xmas all, hf and happy gaming :D


- Champions League
- Premiership
- FA Cup
- League Cup
Ive heard santa isnt real
but he is? :(
Need to get some carrots for reindeer :/
There is a turkish guy that goes around putting presents down peoples chimmneys .. no lie .. Was in paper.. He dresses up at Xmas day and goes around that night dropping empty wrapped up boxes around his area down peoples chimmney :D shall try get pic.
That must be a joke.
omg cMg faker!
yes of course :/ i really am arent i so badly as well ... when i dont even use cMx its just i cant change :/ so hush imo
reindeers dont eat carrots, we have those fuckers in finland, they eat jäkälä and stuff.
fuckin hell how is rudolf and his gangsters suppose to get that from me?
I dunno it that shit grows in UK, we have plenty here, maybe i send?

Send to the roof with the tree near it that looks like a penis
It made me sad aswell.
wii aint out yet afaik, if you want a keyboard that handles more than 4 keys, then u dont want new keyboard, you want old keyboard! keytronic for example.

EDIT=bold :p

image: keytronic
rofl ok :/ Ive looked at two main ones .. Razer Tarantula and Saitek II

Saitek better value but Tarantula looks sexy ? :S
Tarantula is a waste or space, physically
are they cabable of having more than 4 keys? afaik only the oldies can do that?
tbh no idea .. its fuckin huge i know that .. im pretty sure they can .. im sure they dont beep and cancel out when you press four buttons at one time like my current one :/ lol
I had that with a logitech flat keyboard. Keypresses were sweet but when I strafed + forwarded I couldn't switch weapon :< So back to my old microsoft keyboard, good shit.
I cant strafe let alone change weapon too it beeps as it says nah dont wanna do that mate. Proper pissing me off.

And what worse? The computers in my parents room whilst house is decorated .. no late gaming :(
Played on wii lmao! baseball bowling duckhunt tennis tabletennis Boxing zelda

Only the graphics in the sportsgames are little sad.. It's just for the head to head competition. Fun.
Lol seen the adverts and looks a laugh .. The game with the nades, guns knife and etc looks good. Can imagine myself punching the light or something getting physical with the thing and then in hospital the next day with glass in my hand :/

random comment
A girlfriend who was bowling broke a glass with the controller :x
Rofl haha I can imagine punching someone in the face not realising with Wii..
Son ollu jo aika kauanki ulkona tosin ei meidän käpykyläs
joo en tienny ku en oo kauheesti nähny missää
? english ? :/
wii has been out for a while by now, just not here in finland

ah, didnt know cuz I havent really seen it anywhere
i want moneh!
dont blame ya .. we all do i think
Chelsea lose the Champions League

FCPorto win. Hi again Mourinho, i love you, but we win! :)
AHH LOLLIES :) We Love him too here - The lol is for the part about us losing the champions league .. best joke this year.
chelsea?? what it was without mourinho? :)
mourinho 1 (win CL with fcporto) vs porto 1(now)
wii is out tbh.. i was thinking of getting a wii but i think i might just get a new computer on credit and get my mam to chip in some money for it :P + plus she has already got me this really nice 90 quid jacket ^^
what should i buy my self as a gift :P
My gf allready bought n1 underwear for her, (my gift kinda)
But maybe nintendo wii or ps3.

too bad im not kiddy anymore, i luvd xmas mutchmore =[
<--------> DaNnY eRe <--------> says:
post on my fuckin journal now cunthead
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