THIS IS greece?:D

they are not retards. this is what happends when your governement steals your public money an dgives it to the banks who went bankrupt because of their speculating. u guys dont know jack shit seriously. if u lived during the french revolution ud be saying the same about the ppl who took place in it. ignorants.
+ the Greece Government that told enormousness amount of lies to the european union, they should never have been allowed to join.But seriously the police did not cause the problems, so there's no need to shoot flares and throw rubble at them.
its what happends when u let neoliberalist run the world. they are bunch of cunts. but ppl here on crossfire doesnt know anything about politics, they think that the good ones are the police just because they dont know whats exactly going on there.

I've been in spain and i had to face riots, these guys are agressive and do not want to debate anything, they abused a lot of their powers and they even beaten up ppl on a wheel chair (and i was there when it happend) so if u start pascifist protests and the governement tells the police to kick u off with violence the people reacts with violence aswell, they started with the violence.

just follow up whats going on in the USA. it all started in the arabic countries then greece and spain, afterwards it was followed by the entire USA.
- Neo Liberalism is good in theory, but not when it's regulated in the way it was.

- Governments gave banks way too much freedom and power and placed far too much reliance on the financial sector.

What's the alternative to neo liberalism?
id like a social democracy.

but a REAL social democracy.
ye take out ur anger on ordinairy policemen who have nothing to do with it:P they should go to the governments building and have protests
it sure has a lot to do with policemen, its them who take them choices and its them who i saw abusing their powers several times
fuck yeah

e:that will happen tomorrow in portugal
this makes me so fucking angry
they are not retards. this is what happends when your governement steals your public money an dgives it to the banks who went bankrupt because of their speculating. u guys dont know jack shit seriously. if u lived during the french revolution ud be saying the same about the ppl who took place in it. ignorants.
what a fucking retarded country, hopefully they get fucked up big time at some point soon

tbh they should get some rubber bullets and shoot the shit out of those faggots
why are those people mad you think?:D

QuoteWhile the sickeningly bored European debt crisis continues with Greece possibility running out of money within weeks, and with the European banking system on the brink of collapse, there is a small piece of comedy, although probably a dark one.

Swedish newspaper SvD Näringsliv reports that Greece has apparently just ordered 400 tanks from the United States (what?).
what ???? oh wait ..finland ?...faggot.
cmon... who is finland?
on the one hand,
i think this fucking lying bastards of greeks should get what they deserve - cuts in public expenditure and other economic sanctions

on the other hand,
i can understand the greek people rioting because they were betrayed by their own representatives.

weird situation going on down there.
"on the other hand,
i can understand the greek people rioting because they were betrayed by their own representatives."

if think for more 10secs u realize thats the only thing they can do, and possibly wont still change shit since the new puppet government EU planted there
well i think the eu made the right choice. send some accredited economic experts over there to bring the country back on the right path - economically. what else opportunities where left? leave them alone with yet another corrupted regime or incompetent politicians?

dont forget the greek people theirself also caused all this, not paying taxes/drawing pensions without legal cause etc.
economic experts, ending up buying tanks from USA while even in greece government didn't want to. Yet EU forces greece that the deal been proposed is good.

Only reason EU excists is because countries as french/be/nl etc expected germany to grow way too hard. They had fear germany would become to powerfull.
if u rob people of their identity, if u rob people of their democracy THIS will always happen ALWAYS
democracy and identity are mere illusions
the next fights for freedom will kill millions and either this shit system will colapse or it will be a fight that will take fuckin forever
voting each 4 years and then looking at the governement do whatever he wants and not able to do anything about it till 4 years later to vote another cunt who'll do exactly the same thing its indeed not a real democracy but bullshit. the people should have ALOT more voice.
Just so we could have retards like you decide?
No thanks, I'd rather have a handful of useless wankers.
conformists are the reason greece was lead to their situation. u are no better.
And what do you propose, complete anarchy? Good luck with that.
no i dont, by the way anarchism is the perfection but human kind cant handle it.

i want a social democracy.
About as perfect as communism, which evidently worked out so well in the Soviet Union.
how can u possibly compare a dictatorship with an anarchy?
if your taxes are then used for bullshit like in here (they just cut 3 millions on scientist research to pay a golf tournament) then i do not want to pay any taxes either...

not to add all the corrupt politicians payng their houses out of em.
most of greece people feasted themselves on officialdom and prosperity on state costs, which the state never had the econmic power to keep up for eternity. no1 wants to get cut off his benefits. but people profited for decades, so its now just fair that they contribute there part of saving the state who allowed them to get fed, by safing money.

nevertheless the quality of governmental representatives is a completely different story. they are selfish, moronic, fuckfaces everywhere. this aint a unique problem of greece.
i agree with you.
poor people rioting.

oh no.

< give a crap meter .jpeg >
Nice day at work
Retards fighting for good reasons
people Canadaritoing :)
well 40% of the youth doesnt have a job there
udd get angry for less
they are not retards. this is what happends when your governement steals your public money an dgives it to the banks who went bankrupt because of their speculating. u guys dont know jack shit seriously. if u lived during the french revolution ud be saying the same about the ppl who took place in it. ignorants.
so, you think that this gives people the right to throw whatever bullshit they do to the police?
ffs, there are laws for a reason.
and police officers are just regular people as well. They do their job.
"there are laws for a reason." :D for what reason :D not to help the people of greece at all. Police are in these moments not defending the people, so i don't get the reference to they just do their job? They defend these rich ppl, proberly receiving double salary for it aswell. They risk it, this is what they get. If they would arrive to such scene. Say hey we are here to protect you, there would be no problem. Yet they arrive in such gear.... well you can ask for it.
Police wouldnt have to do their job unless people werent on the streets fucking throwing bottles on fire (YES I DONT REMEMBER WTF THAT WAS) everywhere. Most of the people are not on the streets.. so that means, police has to make sure they wouldnt get hurt.
or what do you say, that those people on the streets, they should have the power?
I couldnt even imagine where would that end up.

and no, im not backing up.
This is retarded what the people do. That is definitely not a solution for the problem.
The only thing that Greece can do now is to force through those sanctions.
And there is no other option.
Basically every other nation in the euro-zone lent money for Greece from their own national budget. So dont start on that Greece is the only one who has to "suffer".
image: 378401_2704814224610_1384401741_3176347_5836964_n1

They protested for how long now? And greece is happy with the money from EU. As said here somewhere else, you only get 110billion if you use 5 or 10 it was for new tanks. They started protesting peacefully, like in USA and other occupy movements. First they ignored them, then they started to fight, still no changes and you wonder why these people are mad at anything government related?
Very cool, until a policeman draws his weapon and fires. Fucking tards. All of them.
they are not retards. this is what happends when your governement steals your public money an dgives it to the banks who went bankrupt because of their speculating. u guys dont know jack shit seriously. if u lived during the french revolution ud be saying the same about the ppl who took place in it. ignorants.
I'm talking about these kind of riots. What's the point in targeting those policemen? In building up hate towards people who are just doing their jobs? When they should be targeting the people who created this problem. You're right about the other problems, I'm not saying that, but this is just useless in my opinion. This solves no problems, it only creates others.
they are the ones defending the governement who stole the ppl, therefor they are the enemy now. whenever they do their duty which is serving the people we'll talk again.
That's ignorant. I wonder how you would react if your father was a policeman in Greece.. Setting people on fire is good? People who are just doing their jobs.. Ye right. If I get you, you would lynch all the politicians.. good stuff.
a lot of rioting police spoke about how unfair it is and actually didnt obey. they are persons afterall who can think, if u are morally okay u would questionate what your superiors tell u, because these riots started by police men beating up pacifist protesters and thats how it ended.
the ppl 1 authority 0

this is what happends when u laugh at the ppl and steal from them over and over again.
Hoping that Catalonia becomes intependent.... after a couple of years they would be in same position as Greece
its not about catalonia going independent but all fascists like u compare it to the same crap, we fought for the same cause all over spain,

by the way catalonia wud not be like greece, study a bit of spains economy, catalonia is the wealthiest state in spain, but they are forced to give a lot of money to madrid so they give it to the rest of spain because they are as rich as mongolia.

I dont need an actual independence, i wud just ask for more rights for the catalans, but these riotings have nothiing to do with it, just cleared it up for you my lil right winged piece of shit. but dub ppl like u with low intellect make it a football fight.
See you in 16 days bro
its pretty sad that your life is all about following some mongols kick a ball.
Nah, my life is about laughing at ppl like you
laughing at other ppl when their team lose*
yeah thats greece right now...what did you expect???

its better to fight than do nothing...

on a sidenote, Greece is the first victim of an undeclared economic war against the euro.
more countries will follow such as the so called southern european countries, Italy spain portugal wiht Ireland and probably France following.
I do support you, same with people in syrie libie etc. Only retards and still listening to the ones leading.
you cannot compare libya and syria to greece...we have democracy they dont..(syria is supposed to have democracy but asad came to power without being elected and rules as a dictator)

Greeks have to choose among equally corrupted politicians..
syrie is one of the countries which has 1 building for every religion. I know you can't compare the people of greece with the rebels of libie/syrie. Simply because you don't have weapons. Ever wondered how come those mid-east countries can't have enough money for food and drink everyday (like EU people) but they do have enough to get shiny weapons? Who lives in the desert kinda and buys a shotgun?
its very easy to just accuse them to be retards while you will never really understand what caused them to get there...

in Greece there is not a single politician who can walk unharmed on the street except from the communists..
the people should blame theirselves too and not just the politics...
the politicians are blamed for their incompetence...

i am not suggesting that people who dont pay their taxes are not to blame, but they do so
because the governments are unable to punish them and thus far incompetent
Likr any politician can fix your fucked up shit... just look at your work times and your retire age.. It was just a matterof time... Xdd
I agree that most of this shit is cuz of politicians
the only thing the ppl can be blamed of is for voting corrupt politicians who steal their shit.
wow this is insane, i was talking to my friends about greece last night and how its just going down...its sad, im expecting this to happen in the u.s too.
greeks are lazy , every single store was closed at 15:00......

if u are looking for a greek u will find him at local bar having a juice of smth and talking with his amigos :]
either the parliament or the cops defending it
no putting those responsible in jail does...

but noone of them ended up in jail..
shouldnt a kind of nemesis be ascribed?
Burning people is known for solving problems, right?
They should become proper activists and burn themselves.
the sooner this european failure union collpases the better
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