recursive error 'Z_Malloc: failed on allocation of 88 bytes from the small zone' after: Z_Malloc: failed on allocation of 64 bytes from the small zone

is what the console shows when i try 2 watch a replay. share ur wisdom. thx.

Edit: When i open demos via console it works. oO
Reinstall ET? Reinstall etpro?
QuoteIf you get the error message "Z_Malloc: failed on allocation of xxxx bytes" when loading a new map, you will have to either make smaller configs (remove comments - lines with "//" at the beginning) or run the server with the command line parameter -zone 4096.
rapture fanboi!
thats andreas tuerck, not rapture!
than rapture pics are fake ^^
no, hes his evil twin
1st pic: rapture
2nd pic: andreas tuerck
malloc stuff refers to memory errors
I got that 2 with my old CFG when I was using too many +vstr stuff
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