ferus at reason-gaming?

news about ferus are boring.
lo sexyboy ;o
last match of them wich I saw was casted by ultimate-ferus-fanboi© tosspot, was a really nice match!
ferus in cdap now
He's doing really well in Eurocup, he's a core player in his team, wich already won 2 out of 2 matches.
He'll proceed to the playoffs & I expect a top3 place imo.
sinds wnr hebde gij in kfp geztee :)
Vraag het maar aan KfP.
Ik heb met hun meegespeeld in de grote vakantie.
Ongelovige Thomas.
how old?
hes been there a few months now ffs
you own everybody!
but css is too easy + boring and they dont even have more prizes/lans than et i think ?
css is played 10 times more than et ...

et sux. this is the point.

and css requires more teamplay/teamskill than other games.
that, sir, is bullshit.
plz css is boring as fuck, uber slow, and the same map is played over and over again, ho and you can give headshots while aiming at the ground :x
Just few points.

In CS:S the hitboxes correspond to the model.
The fact that you have to shoot at the ground is caused by the spread of the rifle.

CSS = Perfect hitboxes but a lot of spread that increase while moving or while shooting in Full-Auto.

ET = Random hitboxes with a bit of spread. The hitboxes are moving and hiding in the model caused by antilag.

RTCW = Perfect hitboxes, there is a good spread. This makes the game too hard and then a lot of ppl left for an easiest game: ET.

Then what is better ? A game where the hitboxes are moving following the lag or a game where you always know where the hitboxes are but you have to learn to manage the rifle spread?

Of course CSS is not a hardcore game. As ET isn't. Q3 is a hardcore game. Painkiller is a hardcore game. So don't blame that CSS is slow. ET as CSS are slow.
I tend to agree with what u said, especially with the hitboxes, but where my opinion differ is where u said, it s better to learn to master the spread, ok for RTCW but the spread in css is just insane and that makes the game lotto in my opinion, ok i am not experienced in css, we just played like 10 wars with my ET clan last summer, and we were always laughing while speccing one of our teammate aiming at the balls and getting headshots.
Just a question of what you are used to :)

EDIT : And i really hate to wait till everyone is dead in order to be able to play again, that s what makes the game so slow, in ET or rtcw you dont really have time to be bored even if u die on long spawn.
Then CSS is not the game for you.

But about hitboxes, when you learn to control the spread, the game became easy and more funny.
we owned some css teams with a german etplaying mix, 2 times we got kicked, before we ended the match
wow!, did you take screenshots? That is some impressive stuff you are telling here!
dont know how... but what i tried to say is, that css doenst require more teamplay or teamskill
i agree with you on that then :)
When CSS players play vs a low skilled ET team, they will probable own them to.
And than they will probable think ET is a nerd game, with no teamplay & teamskill.
Nah ...

Btw, you never played a match against top clans. (I mean at least strong EPS clans) and the teamplay level reached is not something that is possible to beat with personal skill.

So get more low- clans plz next time
1. I did play versus top clans (EDiT, FORGE, dM)
2. It's true that teamplay > personal skills
Belgium played 17-19 vs Finland (Adastra, Logitech etc)
Pure on individual skills, you would have said, Finland owns Belgium by far.
But hey, they just lost in overtime by 2 rounds did they.
i played both games, and css gets boaring after a while ....
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