schnee's sunday journal =)

hey peepz,

after a long time im here to do a sunday journal. =) since some where alrdy requesting one to tell me their lifestories. ;o
so about myself, i was busy with trying to make music. i have so much emotions and music in me that i was thinkin about what to do with this so i decided not to become a dj (lol no wai) but wanted to do my own stuff.. i did choose ableton for this since it is easy to learning by doing atm so dont be so harsh with ur critic and flame n stuff =)

sooo here we go. one of my first steps:

another thing i thought about since some days is following..
friday morning i came home and joined some nbs public. tbh i play once in 3 month and i dont care about skill etc. but i noticed there are still a lot of cheaters on server. WHY since u loose every fun on this game if the cheat is doing all for u. so why ruining the game for those who still wants to play it. imo use ur cheats on games where u still can win smth if u r too bad to do it by ur own. so i came to my daily question since this game is nearly dead.

what is the reason for u to still play et? competition or fun? i play this game cause of teamplay and fun.

what are ur plans for NYE? i still dunno =)

song for the beauties: <3
german song: STUTTGART!

Shoutouts: Carla (aww :* <3), wsk & nOOr (TEH boys), Andrew, Michael, CONFO(!), mica (lips), flooflooo (miau), dialer(kikoo), Estaloth, Jooooaaaaaaaaa (nice hair), marko, .ee & fins =), the GANG, the #bd channel, my channel <3, m!das, tAliiiii, hentai!, fakyyyyy, EVO PAUL SEX(ton), KARTOFFELPoffel!, ALAN and my buddies

image: lstm1hyd2z8d

over and out, have a nice sunday all <3

e. totally forgot about wiz khalifa concert last weekend it was sooo goood and yelawolf was awesome <3
this doesnt even answer one of the questions
I dont like sharing, if you dont want cheaters play on a slac server instead.
still didnt get a shoutout

my life is over.
NBS servers are actually worse than Cybergames, because cybergames = no admin;cheaters
NBS = admins;still cheaters.

And they probably won't move their servers on tzac...
but tzac slac isnt rly a guarantee for cheat free or?!
Some people in order to show off are ready to go and brag saying that bypassing tzac is easy, but most of the time it is complete bullshit...
There is no anticheat at all on NBS2 so playing with tzac on is a real guarantee... I hate seeing random no names being heros there
cf was down cus this journal waz too epic
noticed it ;)
cheat0r hax0r

still play this game when not working or going out

cheaters are morrons, gays & fucktards

enjoy your day :)

e: ROFL!!! Friend of mine on this picture (the second one). Fucking hero!
have a goood day 2. what the fuck. how many liters is this?? :o
Dunno, wasn't at that place when he did it. Probably 1 meter of beers, something like 10 or 12 * 25 cl :p
why would some1 use 25 cl cups for beer :S
Because it's not in a bar
this is a crapy student place, where everyone pukes and pees (not even outside).
These are plastic cups that you throw away when it's finished and most of the time, you drink your beer in one breath, even if you know you're gonna vomit right after.
yeah, but the cups for those kind of things still are 0.5 l :D

0.25l is just too small for anything
Dude, u have no clue.. i mean.. well, you have to be student in brussel to understand
why ? Explain to me. Why cant you drink 0.5l ?
Drinking in half liter cups is not the custom, that's it, there is nothing to explain.
Half liter cups cost more, aren't convenient and i'm sure you're not able to drink more than 2 half liters in one breath. I mean.. well, i can't explain, but this shit wouldn't work.

And, obviously, a 1/4 liter cup is easier to hold, you can squach it to drink more faster.

And i see u coming with the usual "kids can't drink" or smth, blablabla, students have been doing like this for decades, it won't change because it works.
just pussy way
nice arguing
You made it pretty clear that you cant explain it. only that it's tradition.
pussy way to tell u've nothing to say
too much stuff in one journal, I cant handle it atm :X

tune is great!
still high??! :/
hi scarce! whatsup
my jaw hurts a bit
2muchparty?? ;DD
Drinking, studying.

Really not much more to say what I've done :d
hihi :)

playing because fun people to play with still playing!

not that keen on the tune, the first transition, from electronica to the beat was too sudden imo. It sounds a bit more fit for a monday tune, slow and dark :/

got a fair bit to study today, gotto get busy, maybe play something in the evening if i find time for it:)

have a nice monday! (sundays are nice anyways, mondays are the tricky ones)
monday is the worst day from week imo :/
and well i try a lot atm :)

so have a nice monday
thanks, although monday is actually one of the easiest days in the week for me :D
only one lecture, from 12.15 to 14.45
still hungover from last night:(

but just had steak for lunch so im happy!!!!
didnt eat anything just some cookies :)
enjoy ur sunday =)
Guten tag!
Still happy that you're making music, it's coming along well now x)
nbs = terrible server :<

Reasons for still playing ET? Can be fun, the teamplay, kills time, someone. Back playing competitively with BD (OC div 4 final tonight ":D"

Still unsure about NYE, hopefully something great :)
uuuh gl for tonite and for NYE. ill spec if i dont forgot to tune in ;)

and thank u <3
I play this game cuz of its gameplay. And cuz Poland ZaD is playing it.
Playing et just for fun at the moment. every night with some mates a few funwars and sometimes 1-2 laddermatches ;-)

NYE? dnno...have nothing planned yet. maybe hannover :>...some friends even wanted to go to berlin (crazi)
na dann komm ma her ;)
neee bin net so der BIGCITYBOII :p
image: Snow

1. out of boredom and playing with some friends, specially jackie and rezhni because they suck and they flame everyone which is just great to experience. not to forget my insanely loyal fanboy casek!

2. Probably spending nye with family this year, not sure if home or not. so nothing much exciting :( perhaps something else with the xmas days ;)

no shoutout?? first you're hitting on me and now you pretend like I don't exist pff! girls! heh
2much2 read
hdl tho <3
need better pics
Just woke up went to STRP festival yesterday, saw Amon Tobin & Aphex Twin amongst others. Made out with a really cute slovakian girl \0 Now i'm gonna smoke some weed and play SWTOR Beta ;) oh and make pizza. Btw I'm in Berlin again this year with NYE!!! cu there?
Hey beautiful, never knew you actually made music, great thing tho. Hope you keep it up <3

Reasons why I still play ET? Mainly because of the people I met through the game, it's fun and the only game I'm actually interested in. Well, besides Super Mario Kart ofc :3

Competition or fun? I guess both. Tho never have any idea in what league or whatever we're playing, as I said before BD is so lucky to have me :x

What are your plans for NYE? Either spending it in Frankfurt or at home or some place else, who knows.
being the fanboy of xPERiA is more than enough to keep playing.
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