What you up 2 today?
28 Nov 2011, 08:47
Drinking a nice "koffie verkeerd" at Panos Halle station at the moment, then I'm going to miss 2 hours of school 'cause I have maths anyway.
Since tuesday I am at my sister's house, because my mom's a fucking bitch.
Because of that I was wondering if there is something in Belgium that helps "young adults" in having school, working and pay a rent (to live by myself). I appreciate any help.
Oh and what are you up to today?
PS: Belgium's going to have a government soon lolwut
Since tuesday I am at my sister's house, because my mom's a fucking bitch.
Because of that I was wondering if there is something in Belgium that helps "young adults" in having school, working and pay a rent (to live by myself). I appreciate any help.
Oh and what are you up to today?
PS: Belgium's going to have a government soon lolwut
hopefully either some ET or quake live aswell :)
10.00 - 11.00: grocery shopping and gonna look for some new shoes
11.00 - 12.00 or so: gym (legs)
afterwards: lunch and some uni homeworks
16.00 - 19.00: Uni again (business strategy game discussions..)
Tonight some more devil may cry 1 on PS2 :D
14.00 - 1.00 LoL
NO LIFE !! <3
we did read it ,;D
prolly not awnsering the other thing cuz we have no idea :p
I didn't understand you
you're a nigger
Java, Math Analysis II....Analogic and Digital Electronic....
Then, working on new mashup till 20....then going to club cuz i have to get saturday's payment...
Finally back2home and pracchardgopro with my lovely e-friendz
PS: Nop
True stroy bro'
Essaie de demander à cette pitrerie de PMS dans ton école, garde ton sang froid quand la grosse te racontera plein de conneries, essaie de capter deux trois infos utiles dans l'amas de banalités qu'on va te lacher et redirige toi vers une organisation/association/que-sais-je un tantinet plus compétente.
Sinon tu as toujours le système de l'internat. Certes beaucoup moins de libertés mais un mode de vie se rapprochant de "l'après secondaire".
Ca va d'aller, m'fi
Anyway, i'm back from uni. I had a german class (kinda boring and useless :() from 8 to 10, now i've some free time til 13.
I've a meeting to choose my next year erasmus' destination. I've to give my choice before Friday and i don't know if i will be able to meet the deadline, ffs. Guess i'm gonna write a journal to ask for some help :D
Je parie sur.. polytech! :p
But yea, Antwerp is a great place, very great place :)
e: as belgium is a very small country, it's easy to travel by train to visit the whole country. Kinda interesting :)
just wait for the upcoming "overstorming"
Seriously dude.. this is pathetic.
I was making a comment on the expression "fuck the flemish" or "les sals flammands" as you like to blur out so much. We are ONE country, maybe it's time we act as 1 instead of expressing hate to the other side.
I mean, if you don't have to work in belgium with some flemish poeple, why would u give a fuck about this language?
I made a choice not to learn your language anymore because i don't want to stay in belgium for the upcoming years. Do i speak dutch? Not really. Am I able to ask something to someone in Dutch? Of course, and i've to use it almost every day. But i don't need more knowledges..
Good night, belgian mate :)
I am gonna prac ET hard all day.
Did you rage too hard at quake and woke your mum up? :(
but seriously goodluck xxx
Ik ken iemand die verderstudeert en geld krijgt van ocmw voor te studeren en kot te betalen.
Thanks man
meeting @ 14:00
pick up new pair of skiis ( k2 twintips)
workout @ gym like a baws
play WoW
so im sad panda
mein erstes auto... aber reparatur 2000€ und das hat nur 500 gekostet :(((
got 2 days off from work todays and tomorrow
Gaming is fun, but you'll be able to game when you're older and have actually succeeded in something.
I'll keep looking until I find the right option...
I also have a 5 page english paper to hand in, and also a 5 page art paper.
And I'm in college from 8AM-9PM
wake up, turn on pc, turn off pc, go to sleep
fuck yeah
Just woke up. Gonna sit around playing Dota 2 for a while.
kk neger :S
Changed my tongues and summer skurt to my heels and suit.
Went straight to work...
My advise : Forgive your mum, apologies to her for whatever your argument was about and go back to live with her. You should focus on your study instead of having to worry about paying bills.
Don't play with your future and remember Mums are ALWAYS right !!
If she has a problem with alcohol she needs some help, you should not leave her alone...