chest workout

hello guys,

i wanna becoma a swole motherfucker just like some of you here.

since crossfire is a gaming/bodybuilding community and im too lazy to google.
Whats a good chest workout routine?

ps; and no i dont do steroids like you motherfuckers (alexL and likes)

image: tara-conner-bikini
Ask Waki! But getting some hand weights would be a good start
i do go to a gym , they got everything you need
Then ask at the gym maybe ?
semi-bad troll
3 set chest press 10,8,6
3 set incline chess press 10,8,6

dunbell press also if wanted.

3 set flys 10,8,6
incline flys,


close hand chest press

then finish on triceps...thats my workout anyway ;D
why give a starter 6 reps? his tendons are thanking you later.
for increasing mass size, every time i drop set i increase weights...
yes, for YOU since your not a starter. but if you never worked out before it's pretty healthy to start with 12-15 reps :-)
yeah correct :P start off light more reps etc etc im sure he'll learn by going more...






also doing 1x Warmup set 3x10 per set and increasing the weight in weekly intervals if iam stalling iam switching back to a 5x5 setup with a higher weight load , works for me

ignore the ppl suggesting you to do 500 chest isolation movement ... as a rookie compoundz is all you need

was using 2009-2010 Strongliftz wasnt to happy , WKM Plan is doing it for me


Edit: you shouldnt obviously hit your chest only.
aight, ofcourse i train my whole body :D

but right now i only do dumbell presses (normal, incline etc) and flys + dips for chest

is it better to do benchpresses or doesnt matter? because obviously you can press more on a benchpress, but dumbells also demand more stabilization.
cant comment much on that , ppl in my gym tend to mix their work outs with alternating dumbbell / barbell benchpress

i actually prefer the barbell benchpress since its easier to keep a proper form as heavier it gets... when i had a small shoulder injury i prefered to take dumbells

you will progress with both , go for what you prefer
ill stick with dumbbells as long as i dont have spotter.

else imma kill myself cause i know i take too much weight:p
Ye use dumbbels, they give u more stretch and demands more muscle control, it's not the weights, its the technique.
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there's nothing else you need, just train and eat
all sorts of pushups.

get this for ur pushups, 2bars only 60euros ":DD" (its epic btw)
what johnny said, btw long time no see polzki!!:)
sup buddy, yeah it's been a long time i didn't even know that et is 6on6 again :p no time for shit nowadays! how is miami and exitium doing?
Chest is fine, but don't forget your biceps, very important!!11
nice to see you in shape
Still got quite a belly :-(

Started with squats 2 days ago, legs are still somewhat sore. Not gonna stop me from doing them again today and other leg/abs stuff! Not like I will most likely never see the abs, but well, still part of the workout :-P
excess of belly fat right?
Yep, some combination of excess skin and still some fat of course. Haven't been too strict on my diet the last weeks for weight reduction. Instead I could make a few strength gains though, so that's okay. :-)
oh ye i ment the belly skin, so how you deal with that? just leave it there or go for sugery?
Will see how much still goes away or rather "moves" with workouts the next year (maybe 2y) and if it's too bad (which it will be probably) I'll go for a surgery
I can barely sit down normally 2/3 days after squatting ;d

image: Pedestal-squat-toilet
your cooking blog is amazing, you really had whole days to spent on working out and cooking? :P
Not really, I'm just a maniac when it comes to planning a day through including food and workouts (sometimes thinking about what to do at what time takes longer than actually doing it though :-D)

Most of the dishes don't really take that long to prep/cook anyway. Might look more complicated and time consuming than it actually is.
And about the workouts, I try to find 1,5-2h a day for that. Either before, between or after the lectures at university :-D

Glad you like the blog!
I dont see where u get steriods from but i can help you out a bit anyway.

Period 1 – 12 reps

Period 2 – 10 reps

Period 3 – 8 reps

Period 4 – 6 reps

Period 5 – 4 reps

everyperiod is 3 weeks.

and for the chest / tricep workout.

4 set benchpress

4 set incline benchpress

4 set Decline press

4 set smalll bench press

3 set Pushdown rope or with a bar
same as to TEKN0, since he just starting lifting weights ( i guess so ) you tell him to do 3 weeks with 4 reps? :D
think you misunderstood the great alexl, hes supost to do 4 reps after hes been working out for 12 weeks:p ea every session is 3 weeks
yea well, everything i read and heard about is that the first 3 months you should do 12-15 reps and a training schedule which affects the whole body. i guess i don't need to explain you why you should start with 12-15 reps since your smart :*
iknow but he only asked for chest workouts, so i guess he got what he wanted :p
yea true, i guess i'm just too kind thinking of that :-(
So you suggest doing bench, squat and deadlift for 12-15 reps? Keeping sets around 5 reps is best for learning the technique. At the moment im doing a period to raise my general physique, growing muscle mass and strengthening my tendons and joints, the stuff you mentioned. And 5-8 reps for 5-10 sets is enough for that. In most assistance lifts 10-20 reps is recommended. Using weights 90+ percent (1-3 reps) of your maximum is taxing and stressful to your body.
unbannaa mut naamalta + kaipaan sun journaleita
well , i won't suggest to do deadlift etc at all when you start in the gym. Just some machines, not so complex exercises where you can do so much wrong, let the body and tendons be adjusted for 3 months and then you can start the whole shit. thats it.
That's what the guy at the gym is making me do so I'm assuming that's good :)
if you just started or had a long break it's indeed good for your body :-)

you will still grow muscles and you have less problems 10-20 years later :b
did you ever use steroids?
did you ever use steroids? u can tell me in private np :D
he never answers this, so i take it as a YES
noway, hes not even that big. working out since 15yr old.

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that's just to much :D, i want big but not that big
thats not big, thats huge xD
goodluck tho :>
just eat good, fitness like 3 times a week?
sorry but if thats you, than your fat go for quality instead :/

thats even higher then 20% of bodyfat, wich also makes your testostrone lower and your estrogen higher ;)
not me :D would never spend so much time working my body out
E: that guy was skinny as fuck :> , need to be fat if u wanna be an orman :D
Da hat er aber bei ALDI eingekauft :-D
Standard! :-D
Haha, kamen mir gleich so bekannt vor die ganzen Sachen :D Kauf fast genau dasselbe! :D Nur weniger Grünzeug :(
Standard Einkaufszettel
image: P1030034

(mal abgesehenen von den TK Beuteln und sowas)

Musste das fotografieren, weil mir die Leute nie glauben, dass ich so viel und quasi ausschließlich von dem Krams esse :-|
Dazu kommen dann noch die paar Multi- und Mineraltabs vom dm :-D

Grünzeug brauch ich irgendwie, um satt zu werden. Hat halt sehr wenig kcal :-<
Haha, meiner sieht genauso aus eig. :D

Noch Äpfel, bananen, Thunfisch, manchmal gönn ich mir nen paar Steaks und ja (:

nimm trotzdem im Moment nich zu :-(
give me that banana ;$
Think most of the stuff is already gone, including the bananas :'-(
So muss das sein!
lol this is for fags who doesn't know what to do with money, you can buy few supplements of diet but it still should be just a supplement not a substitute of real food.
he did.

Nothing private about that. You could see it on his so called ''roidgut'' back in the days.
now he is clean though
nothing wrong with roids, but its wrong if u use them and dont work on it, use it maybie once twice, then get to work.
id rather not have higher chance on cancer, lose my hair etc
u got a higher chancer getting hit by a submarine
im not gonna start this discussion but i dont need it and i dont wanna risk my health
;'D everything what u do is risking health. thats life :D
a roidgut comes from hgh abuse. dont think he could afford that :O
well, i m quite sure he had the beginning of it. and he always posts his vids and pics with huge cars etc, i think makes enough money
stfu b4 i punch ur face

u razz and mind should hit the gym together
and instead of working u pansy faggots will talk about tactics for et
chestpress ftw :)
shakeweights works fine
ben je al 2 meter breed?
3x5 Flat bench
3x5 Incline bench
3x5 Decline bench
3x12 Incline flies
3x12 flies

All you need for Chest.
Chest also gets hit with Tri workout and some chest with back workout, 15 working sets is more than enough to simulate growth, so I could also reverse that picture to you mr wise guy.
You got him all wrong. Who needs that many sets? :D
15 isn't really that many imo, I know people that do even more than that :l. For example 3 of each bench, incline/flat flies, dips, cable flies all in the same workout. I get best results with 15 sets, but obviously its different for everyone. Just surprised that you consider 15 as too many :D

Edit: I am talking about going for hypertrophy, not training for strength, if I'm correct training for strength > fewer sets/reps with more weight.
you do this in ONE workout? :O well if you are sure that you get best results with that. :b
I don't do decline since my bench doesn't have a decline, but I'd add that if I could do that.

I do once per week;

3x5 Flat bench
3x5 Incline bench
3x12 Incline flies
3x12 flies

That's working best for me, I use to do a lower amount of sets and it just wasn't enough.
well, after the flat bench i'm pretty much destroyed :D
still doing incline bench afterwards, something for triceps and thats it :o

but everybody is different i suppose :b
Well I work with pretty low weights since I workout from home and can't afford alot of free weights, benching around 50-55kg which is pretty much all of my weight plates and 10kg each hand for flies, probably why I need more sets than the average person.
bench press + flys will do the job i guess
might aswell just post it

3x8 incline dumbell press (last set dropset)
3x8 incline flys
3x8 dumbell press (last set dropset
3x8 flys
3x8 sitting chest fly machine thing :D (last set dropset)
3x8 sitting chest press machine (last set dropset)
4x8 standing chest flys (supersetted with lifted pushups untill failure)

reps are mostly in between 6 and 10, 3-4 sets, all depends on feeling
wtf, als ik 3 sets dumbell press heb gedaan en 3 sets flys ben ik helemaal kapot :O kan wel nog meer oefeningen doen maar dan moet dat zeker met veeel minder gewicht.
Is dat dan nog wel effectief of ?
Tuurlijk, echt gaat erom dat je de spier stimuleert en het bloed er doorheen pompt, als je lagere gewichten moet pakken is dat niet erg, zolang je maar je uiterste geeft :) Kweet niet hoelang je al bezig bent, maar aan alleen press en flys heb ik niet genoeg iig ;d

Kijk anders even :)
3 maandjes bezig ong, daarvoor paar jaar onregelmatig thuis dingen gedaan, dumbells, pushpus enz.

ik zie dat aardig groei (is ook logisch als je begint) maar chest loopt denk nog wat achter.

Meestal doe ik dips leunend naar voren, (incline) dumbell press, flys , ,en dan nog misschien n machine.

Verder nog niet echt n schema, al doe ik niet compleet random shit.

Heb wel vaker filmpjes gezien van die gozer op youtube, best handig idd.!
ah ik was dips helemaal vergete, die doe ik ook :p Ja, hij heeft veel videos, ik raad je aan om ze allemaal te kijke, erg veel handige informatie :)
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