typical balcan school


recorded in a croatian highschool not too much ago

dancing in front of the proffesor, threatening him with a knife, throwing/breaking chairs and tables, playing table tennis, turning on the TV to watch a football match, and much more - viva la balcan?

You can't expect a monkey to be smarter than his brains would allow.
no girls ? ;<
thought that too! thats why they blame the teacher i think...
well if they are convinced they can make it without education like in all the american movies, then hf
losers ;x
I actually feel sorry for the teacher, as he just keeps trying. :<

Btw, it would be a typical Dutch school if they just shot the teacher, nP.
and thats expected to be part of the EU? rather odd tbh
no wonder u have strojans
and in a few years these guys will come to the EU and whine that they don't have a chance at their home.
why do u think thousands of them moved to slovenia, damn nubs
I have nothing against immigrants as long as they can contribute something positive :P
Why would you go to school? I mean :o if you waste your time there do something useful with your life!
like spamming xfire !
this might do the trick.
image: IMG_0009
is that weapon to kill jew yes?
90% of the times, it has been used for killing jews yes.
I think it's quite funny tbh :(
But then again, I have no morals.
imo it's fake
That's one possibility. Also this is the first video ever of a balcan school I saw on the whole goddamn internet. A lot of you morons conclude that every school in that area must be like this. Why did they put the video on the internet in the first place you think? And, is it really that surprising this kind of behaviour shows up in countries that have been raped by sick minds like Milosevic, and especially by the West? No CuttyP, they haven't got a chance at their home, because we prevent them from having it *coughpitalism*. If people won't start looking beyond the top of their noses (dutch expression, not sure it's correct english :p) this kind of silly videos will keep causing irritation among the western snobs. And this is only the eastern part of Europe, how about having a look inside African schools, where they don't show this behaviour at school. Oh wait, they haven't got any schools over there. Still a lot more to be said but it's bedtime...
those kids are quite retarded or something?
Must be nice to be a teacher for those creatures.
that s called a pokemon trainer over there!
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