Bodybuilding for pros #9

Here's some little package for 1 month.



Best physiques of all time in my opinion.

Which bilders u like the most ? o_0
None, fag.
jody marsh
shut the fuck up dogface
alexL , and yeah.
You don't use the capital as you should.
wat? its been alexL since begging you newfag
Go back to school

no steroids ? thats what bodybuilders use too!
sorry but even i think that this is ridiculous
Ronnie Coleman
omg thats so ugly :D
srsly thats to much...
none of those look good...
Frank Zane
and well Serge Nubret
Kevin Levrone is way too much.

Todays bodybuilders are just too much!

Mike Mentzner isnt too much for a bodybuilder but i dont want to look like him.
image: 800mentzer
2 years with proper body + workout and sleep, i could achieve Thatcher intill The summer
Kai Greene
Does someone know how many years(months), it would take to go from a normal body(not skinny not fat) to

image: 7120a_ORIG-zyzz

i'm talking about correct food correct training
zyzz did it in 2 years afaik
ye but i'm not sure if he used steroids in that time or after the 2 years :p
Yo faggot, playing ET doesn't work out your biceps.
its a grate after training, after u do ur arms workout, u rest, but u dont really rest ur muscles, so et is really got after fitness :> but gl @ shit aim
so why isn't mind jacked?
cuz he never works out?
3-4 with good metabolism, genetix and roids
why would it take 3-4 ? he did it in two and people are saying he didn't use steroids when he was on that level
he died on roids or via roids
please get your facts clear
uuh no, he died cause he had something on his heart for his whole life, the thing that killed him was drugs+partying+THE HEART
he probably also did efedrine to get lean :D fucked up for your heart aswell
drugs i guess :p
the roids attacked his heart muscle
i dunno this guy but if he took cocaine or speed, he was able to handle more sports and he wasn't hungry that would explain few stuff.
guess he was on cocaine
From what i understood he trained for like the first year without roids and actually got into good condition already, but it seems the final push to this condition came from using roids. So i'd say 3 years with good genetics would be reachable for some, with good nutrition and training program ofc.
2-3 years with a 100% dedication to the gym and eating the correct stuff ;d
so worth it
he used saa for sure. anyway its hard to say how ur body gonna react, whats ur genetic, u gain pure muscle or fat ?, ur diet has to be incredible precise, training has to be perfect, it takes years to get to known ur body etc.. Without steroids its gonna be hard to achieve that physique in short time. there are so many things that are involved in building muscles. most important : be patient !
so i guess based on his diet, i'm kinda on the wrong way? :P
since i'm not using steroids (yet) ;p, i'm kinda scared off it so :D
dont use steroids, atleast now, u can thing about that after 5-6 years properly training. what do u mean ure on the wrong way?
well i read his 'bible' and using his diet and stuff, but if he was using steroids.. :P
well u can copy his diet but he was on steroids so for the begginer like u its gonna be to much food. just find some proper diet for the begginers ;d or eat "health", at the beggining ur muscles are growing up even without diet.
well i started yesterday ( the diet ), i've been going to the gym for some months now and yes i see progress but i was eating like pizza everyday so. i'm currently fine with the amount of food, i'm eating like 3.4kcal a day
u've just started so dont worry about diet so much. focus on rice/pasta, chicken breasts/fish
drink a lot water. buy some suplements like whey ,bcaa, vitamins.
ye using all these things :), well i'm gna follow it anyway so i get some discipline :p
kheb die bible ook gelezen. Hoelang ben je al bezig dan? Je kan nooit verwachte om er ooit zo uit te zien, genetics spele een grote rol. Alles wat voor hem werkt zegt nog niet dat het bij jou werkt, dat is met zn dieet precies hetzelfde. Kzou wat meer research doen voordat je volledig op zijn stijl aanpast, hij is ook niet zo begonne :d
4tal maand denk'k, wel ik ben totaal niet dik dus veel kwaad zal het niet kunnen :p, ik ben normaal al 'sportief' gebouwd dus volgens mij moet ik er wel dicht bij kunnen geraken als ik er goed aan werk
kwou dat ik er tijd voor had om zo'n voedingsschema als hem te kunnen volgen :P Wat zijn je gains nu in de eerste 4 maande dan? Ik neem aan dat je dan ook 5x in de week trained?
wel ik heb maar 2 dagen les in de week dus op dit moment gaat t perfect :p, is ook één van de redenen dat ik ermee begonnen ben, dat is het probleem, ik heb t nooit bijgehouden tot nu toe :P, dus ik heb geen idee! ben wel al algemeen breder geworden(zichtbaar)
Zou ik het toch vanaf nu gaan bijhoude, kan je tenminste zien of het dieet echt goed werkt en of je iets aan moet passen. Kzit nu ook ongeveer 4 maanden in mijn 5day split training met aangepast dieet, mn kracht is haast verdubbeld (hiervoor wel een jaar 3x per week beetje alles gedaan) Momenteel aan t bulke o_O
ja idd, daarom ga ik het ook bijhouden, ben ook begonnen sinds gisteren, zo een 1000 kcal meer als men bmr zoals in dat boek staat :p, vraag me af wat dat gaat geven! al dat eten is wel insane maar gaat lekker binnen
hoeveel neem je op een dag dan? Ik moet tege de 3200 zitte, wat ik meestal niet eens haal ;d Wat is je lengte + gewicht trouwens?
1m79 & 70kg :p, wat 3200 maar? :p, ik zit tegen de 3400 :p
sorry, 4200 bedoelde ik ;d
ik dacht al haha, ja dat is wel een pak meer, jij bent dan ook een stuk breder en groter :p
paar zakken chips dan zit je makkelijker eraan
mweh, doe toch maar iets gezonders :p
ik wou eigenlijk vandaag een extra rustdag inlaste, maar nu ik dit allemaal weer zie heb ik weer motivatie om te gaan, fak :D
haha, ik vind bodybuilding eigenlijk echt lelijk, tot ik die pic van zyzz zag :p
mja, dat competitive bodybuilding is lelijk en over de top voor een normaal iemand. Jammer genoeg is die dood :(
true that, hij is wel een zware inspiratie( al zat die aan de spuite/bolle )
Steroiden en anabole gaat mij te ver, kwil wel graag gezond blijve D: Je denkt er toch niet over na om dat zelf te gaan doen toch ? ;d
haha, niet als ik zo blijf groeien :p, moest ik weten dat ik niets ga hebben of krijgen en t perfect mogelijk is, zou ik het wel wagen :p
Het zal steeds langzamer gaan naarmate je groter word, dan is de vraag of je geduld genoeg hebt. 2 jaar nonstop trainen is niet niks :)
ja idd, maar we zien wel hoe ver we geraken, als ik het niet meer kan komt er wel een emo post ;)
zyzz is ook niet zo tof imo. loopt alleen maar te clippen met zn spiertjes, op elk festival shirtloos stoer rondlopen met zn batty vriendjes.

los van dat vind ik steroide gebruik nep
Ik ga precies hetzelfde doen bij a state of trance 550, u mad ? :DD
ben benieuwd naar jouw progress ( no homo)
that guy is using make-up.. you wanna be a douche like him? :S
i'm taking about his body, not his make-up, still hot tough
I just turned around to see if a penis is behind me, cause this comment was too gay ://
gotta quote that, thanks for best birthday gift ever
i offered someone a free hug at lan, but then u got to get me drunk
as if you'd ever come to an ET Lan again :S and I dont think about visitng one either, so I think that free hug when being drunken wont happen :(
Do you give shit hugs?
Volgende FOM trakteer ik je wel
loool :D hb slut
zyzz such a legend i be mirin
obvious winstrol
some people can train as much as they want and they will never have a body like that ;(

gl tho!
If you eat very well, 1 year :)
The way he did it... fast. But then don't imagine yourself gaming in some time. Unless they have PC's in heaven/hell
das ter ook wel dik over é vent :p

btw, ik herriner me ooit dak een 6v6 mix op rtcw e gespeeld me jou. Wnr was je zo laatst "actief" bezig op rtcw? kwil ke die demo zoekn, hoe goed je waart op rtcw
bwa, da vind ik wel juist niet erover :p, zou zo wel willen zijn, geen idee, heb t maar paar keer gespeeld vroeger
je komt tog ut kortrijk é? kendje diene waldo die vermist is ? :p
nog nooit van gehoord :p
thats pretty huge tbh, just go and start working out, start with a week of preperations or smthn, first week, one quick fitness like a few mins of workout and and an easy one, then if u feel good, do the same next day, take some rest(or not?) and then start working ur ass off till u got the motivation to (my last success was 21days 3x times workout a day everyday) and ofc gl :>

e: try downloading the p90x program, should get u in a grate shape to start, in just 90days, but.. thats hardcore bro :D
yeah gna try stuff, read about the p90x program, seems insane
also a fucking lunatic running the show, i myself few times laughed my ass of during workout cuz of his comms :D

remember to write down ur workouts :>
how does the program work? i'm dl'ing the dvd's now.. is it like a dvd every week or what :p
i got p90x dvd, it has few workout vids, its all describe cant remember the workouts, thers like 10vids and each vid is a unique workout vid, example;one vid is for biceps chest triceps and back, the second one is back triceps lover back etc...

i dont know if he has any new ones and if he did put out any new ones, i had this
P90X Xtreme Workout Series COMPLETE PACK DVDrip Xvid-SCP
steroids are for wannabe's, get real strength.
I find their bodies disgusting.
i hope you dont think that looks good
image: 1915891e

lettuce be singularity here, you forgot dat dere celltech
i was gonna go to the gym 5meters from my house, but instead im gonna fuck a hot blonde girl tonight. right now im eating biscuits and drinking tea and whiskey like hefner, hoff, and eastwoods love child. actually maybe i'll just go to the gym after all and fuck iron instead.
i really hate u for posting shit like that :P
u cant be serious, do sport and get real muscles.
Lol, 1 month?

How much did u pay :D
Kinda looks more like I fell for marketing for pro's.

image: c9d26bb9bf75385c4659edc9093160bb
Tropic best
become like me
image: bluemountainstate-AlanRitchson-270
I love his acting :p bms <3
ahah i love when he cry ! =:D
there are just a few ppl i like

thats Frank Zane, Eugen Sandow and Victor Richards ... crazy genes
ur always talkin bout bodybuilding and stuff, and its not like I don't believe you cuz ur comments are always true I guess. But when do we get to see ur progress?
From what i see he's only posting pics of what supplements he bought and what's best is that most of that crap wont work anyways.
they are all so fucking ugly
Ask Ed :)
post some pic of u ... u always posting only fucking products zZzzZzzZ
arnie is the king

dave gulledge:
image: .1122151145749.DSCN0120

if i were to bodybuild i'd go for something like gulledge's figure
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