
looks like the pub map!
Scared to go on reddit now in case someone downvotes me ":D"

Don't think I could jump over that water though :/ hmm!
are you fucking kidding me?
of course i have. And btw, i don't need to play ET to travel.
weird to see these pictures somehow if you played the et map already!
Well, it would be pretty stupid to make a map called Venice if it didn't resemble the real Venice.
this+other maps were posted just 2 months ago or so :S
to bad they cutted away the tank on this photo
and they forgot to put the boxes and the second bridge
But the boat is here :>
The reddit comments are interesting that thread, particularly crillep's:

"Maybe they should come over here so we can downvote dumb stuff and upvote the good stuff" "once again sorted by upload date instead of relevance."

Reddit'rs love their comment system so much they can't see it for its flaws, sorting by relevance equals stagnation if you're actually pushing a content schedule. There's a reason that every news website is sorted by date. In the words of Mick Jagger, Who's reads yesterdays papers?

His other points are actually accurate and something we hope to fix with CF4.
ye he made good points, its quite a closed community with hard acces for the outsiders.and about downvoting the dumb stuff, when are you finally gna ban the global tards like searreall, roba (which i saw got restricted finally <3) banga etc, that would help alot on that point already.

but gj banning kamz and restricting roba are good steps :)
There's no doubt that CF is too closed right now, CF4 will start the process of opening up the doors to new people even if that comes potentially at the expense of the things people value the most of CF.
QuoteReddit'rs love their comment system so much they can't see it for its flaws

Reddit's comment system has a massive issue in that people will sometimes make a completely valid constructive comment but are downvoted because it goes against the "accepted" reddit opinion. In the early days this didn't happen, people understood in part thanks to the rediquette that opinions disagreeing with yours can still be upvoted.

The ESReality [+] system I feel is a much better way of doing things. People don't feel a need to cheat the system, and well written insightful content often gets pushed to the top because of the weighted system (ie; the "better" you are at contributing, the more weight your [+] carries). Sure it isn't perfect but I think it would be great to implement. You can see in crossfire sometimes just how many comments are needless replies such as "+1", "agreed", etc... a simple +/like button would work better (but don't track who +'d what in the actual content, only a value of some kind)

But downvotes certainly don't belong here, they would only be abused. Ignore system is good enough to deal with those who are truly cancerous, although they still scare off unregistered/new users.

(sorry i had to edit your comment, but floors was really hurting my eyes :p)
ESReality is and always has been an excellent site with functionality that was well before its time, most of that code is now 8 years old. However between ESReality and Reddit you have two conflicting styles of growth management.

Reddit is 'gameless' though it has such a huge SC2 following it should now survive without it even if as you and I both allude to, it is a cult of its own inception and self governing ruleset which is far from mainstream friendly. The front page of reddit is so intimidating for a new person to get involved in, more so than CF3.

ESReality is anything but 'gameless' and despite excellent functionality that is only now showing its age it was killed by under moderation of the CPM hardcore and is beyond saving.

There is a path between ESR & Reddit that I'd like CF4 to tread, whether we are successful or not - who knows.

Regarding +'ing specifically we will have Google +1'ing on content for CF4 and will later release a specific comment +'ing system that is different to both ESR's & Reddit's.
So this was a pub server?
You are one of the biggest nolife-douches in the scene. Amusing to see you are here so hopelessly trying to fill the void in your life.

Crossfire itself is a bad, bad site. Whenever there is some sign of moderation, admins like to take a leisure to powertripping and abuse their powers. Stay clear. Its a great site for trolling and talking bullshit but thats it.
Im sorry, just saw this funny pic. had to post it :'(
I wonder who that was
I think scarzy posted this before
ive been to venice already twice, thou mad now?
wtf is that reddit? new 4chan?

pics posted before.
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