Movies of the past 3 months.


Recently I haven't had time to follow anything on the internet, but it looks like I have time now. I would like to ask you to post those movies which released in the past 3months and worth to see.


Good night.
New Planet Of The Apes is good. No idea about others, havent seen any.
really? you liked the new planet of the apes? :S saw it in a cinema and i must say i could've spent the 3€ on something better D:
You pay only 3€ for a movie there? You cheapskate bastards!
Watttttttttt only 3??? It's around 11 or 12 here abd 3D even more
Drive for remake of Taxi Driver.
i by the way cant understand how some ppl hype Drive as a "omg awesome movie!!!", it was nothing but a average xd
where is it hyped? seeing actually rather poor seeding status on the internets also on imdb it isnt that much covered
on random forums
planet of the apes, in time, the debt, warrior, killer elite, the devils double, and moreeee
The mechanic, kill the Irishman, Friends with benefits, The green lantern, source code, xmen, Transformers 3, Super 8

Not last 3 months but still from 2011.
good, dunno, good, shit, dunno, shit, shit, good
The green hornot, & Kill the irishman was the best one out of the list : Mafia movie from the 70s in America.
piratebay, top 100, profit?
50/50 or also called fiftee - fiftee.. very nice movie.

I also watched "Hesher" (which I also liked a lot) but I think its not from 2011 ?
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