My b-day present

I can choose my own b-day present... can't really think anything better then a new keyboard...

image: lycosa_spot


image: logitechg15_2
I can think of a lot of better things!
suggest me :)
i use the same standard keyboard for 7,5 years, keyboards are overrated
I also do, but cant really think of anything better :/
How about a watch?
Aqua di Gio or something similar?
Gotta look and smell good for the ladies! Keyboard doesn't do the trick :D
Got 2 bottle of good parfume...
just bought new 2 pair of new shoes
have 3 pairs of watch, depends on my outfit...
How about a nice pair of headphones?
Sony MDR-7506!
Using iPhone ears, cuz of the remote on it...
got a Roccat Kave as headset on my PC :'(

So actually the only thing I need is a new keyboard, for the rest dont really need anything :D
Judging by the rest of your replies in the comments, I'd say go for it then!
rich kids..... :D

unless it's yours 15th birthday
I got the Lycosa mirror edition myself but I'd recommend you to get a mechanical keyboard instead.
1337 visitor!
keyboards are overrated
you should get smth else
Fantastic b-day gift lol how old are you 14?
Suggest me something else then :/
I am out of inspiration
Already have one :D
same here man..
this will make you a pro-nerd
it's funny what makes people happy
Happy is a big word, don't really need much more... only thing I can think of is a new keyboard since mine is like 8 years old... :/
I'd take the Razer one cause the Logitech one has cut-off CTRL
well there is smth better for ur bday of but when u buy a keyboard then lycosa ofc
6Gv2 or a filco one. Piss off with that plastic crap.

Wa vraagt gij da ook aan deze koekenbakkers hier?
Ik kom dezen avond wel ffe op ts, is ffe samen zien dan :)
en jij bent?
meer known dan gij, random
wa zit gij hier constant te commenten dikke mongool smoel toe
l2reply n00b Frederik
Knul je replied dit op mij
QuoteIk kom dezen avond wel ffe op ts, is ffe samen zien dan :)

en dan kom je baat praten.

Quote by Semie0012 Die redox ook wat een kanker stompie
I would go for the same like I do and this is: nothing!
lol how old are you, asking a keyboard. but oke have fun with it..
I dont need anything else, got everything to be a happy person :)
Only thing "usefull" I could find is replace my 7 y/o keyboard... :/
if you wna spent money on a good keyboard at least get a mechanical one, then you will actually notice a difference instead of those overprized logitech ones
Names of some mechanical keyboard ?
cheaper ones: steelseries 6gvs or razer blackwidow
better ones: zowie celiritas, filco, leopold, WASD, das keyboard

if you go for a mechanical watch for the switches
blacks: very alround
blue: very tactile, very clicky
browns: somewhere between black and blue
I would ask for money tbh. And if you really want keyboard, get 6g v2 or Razer Black Widow, mechanical ftw.
Whats the difference between normal keyboard & mechanical ?
taking it short, they are extremely durable, allow fastest typing speed and the feel of pressing key is same for all keys during whole lifespan.
normal is like having sex with a horse while a mechincal one is like ur doing allison brie
seriously, a keyboard for your birthday? I got a Logitech G510 but only because someone I know was desperate, needed money and offered a week old G510 to me with 25€ only. One of the most useless purchases I have ever made tho.
G15 masterrace
Gij kunt echt niks beters verzinnen?
pretty pathetic birthday present


my keyboard is 20 euros max, nice bday present m8
gaming keyboards are the most useless thing on this planet.

get money for clothes or something instead
The black paint/surface of the keys on the Lycosa comes off after a month or so of regular use. This leaves you with a bunch of bright blue keys with no letters on them - which isn't terrible if you can touch-type but it's an eye sore.

I'd take a photo but I cbf. Basically the 'left-hand side' of my keyboard, the keys used most in gaming [WASD, QER, ZXC, et al], is just a glow of blue lights through clear key casings.

The media key panel is temperamental and the I find the keyboard is prone to ghosting.

tl;dr don't buy a Lycosa
razer.. i have the same.. rly great keyboard :)
Will go for the razer prolly :)
I'm happy with my 5 euros keyboard

Clothes sounds good for Christmas present!!
I had lycosa aswell but it break after 1 month use. Some buttons just stopped working in game but those buttons worked normally on windows after the game.
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