Get Enemy Territory on Steam!

I'm constantly trying to find more ways to get more players to play Enemy Territory. It seems that there is a huge Enemy Territory following out there beyond Crossfire and I want to get people playing and joining in on Crossfire.

I want Enemy Territory on Steam. With Steam support we would see a huge influx of players, some competitive, but mostly public.

I made this thread over on the Steam forums:

I've been personally emailing Steam every day like Andy Dufresne but so far to no avail.

I need your help Crossfire!
image: s_head

So some of you have asked what you might be able to do. I'm filling out a form now which asks me for 'Key Features' of this game. So far I've written:

- team orientated combat
- one of the first games to implement engineer/medic/soldier/support roles, following on from its prequel, Return to Castle Wolfenstein
- objective based maps, requiring all classes working together to achieve the common goal

- what else can I write?

Also, show some support on the thread! E-mail Steam. E-mail Valve. Fill the same form out yourself. It doesn't matter if you don't get everything right, it shows support.
hope you can do it :(
Good idea.
vac is even worse than pb
Better than nopb.
but nopb is better than pb
not for cheat detection!
if you want to cheat, you can do that with or without pb :S
Vac is the worst fucking anti-cheat program ever tbh.
Good idea, if nobody can actually play the game then how will they be able to cheat? Good old Gameguard.
I count 100 times you've stolen my joke.
QuoteI'm kind of hoping that's a sign Activision no longer has the publishing rights and we'll see it added under Bethesda and it'll appear in some sales for once.

As if I'll pay for it. Would be a good idea if they'd do it the same way as with Team Fortress 2.
fill in the forms :D
Other news!

Nice effort! However make sure they don't start charging..
Since TF2 is free, a charge on ET would be -.-
then make cf ladder and trash cb great success
wise words muhvim8
Ok, let's invade SD forum and Steam forum!

Challenge accepted? :D
Gonna get myself known there :OO)
k i will talk to the LLI crew and we will bring our crazy spam down there
How can we help? Without the Knowledge and some facts, it is pretty hard to argue imo.
Showing some positive interest in getting w:et on steam on their forums.
But we have to represent ourself in a positive Way. Everyone can SPAM their Forums tbh but is it our Goal to annoy them? Or do we want to Show them a Lot of advantages if they Pick w:et.
The Best idea would Be to collect pros and contras and use them in their Forum. The pros to represent ourself in a good and positive Way (facts, how many Daily Users, Charts, and much much more) and contras to prevent them using them against us. We have to prepare before we Start our project imo (sry typing from iPhone)
Marketing Student has spoken.
its not bullshit atleast
really nice initiative from you! lets hope that et gets its chance onto steam and all parties agree to its add there.
maybe opening a new poll here about this topic might help to fortify the will of the whole (mostly competitive) community.
what can we do exactly? making comments on that topic supporting it or what did you have in mind?
edited journal. f5
What about "lots of mods (etpro, jaymod/noquarter), ability to customize the game to your liking with configs" and stuff like that?

Don't know if that's a key feature but.. :p
try to promote a lot about the competition mod, mention maybe something about the ET-pack that has already been set up? maybe mention guys like tosspot & others who might (probably won't be) known to someone of the staff there who was following another game that he was part of (cs or something if lucky). erm.... do games on Steam HAVE to use VAC? the Steam anticheat I mean? maybe you could mention something about TZAC, that we have a working anticheat that works better than Punkbuster ever did.

mm... talk about the community websites, as many as you know of, / - they'll want to know how well this game can be promoted and how many people will be interested, but please for the love of God don't forget to mention that 2.60b is the one they need to focus on if they are planning on putting it on Steam! the last thing we need is a couple thousand people going to 2.55 for a week and quitting not knowing about the competitive side :3
Couldn't disagree more with your last point. TF2 is ridiculously successful and how big you do you think the competitive scene is?

If there is interest from Steam it will be for the bigger numbers (public players). They will have little to no interest in 2.6b.

The progression from 2.55 public players to 2.6b is something that Crossfire hopes to work on by making Enemy Territory guides very accessible to your average google user and promoting Crossfire and the competitive side of the game along with it.
well I mean, I never found my way to 2.60b from 2.55, I found it from 2.60 Noquarter. if you have a plan and have worked out a way to 'advertise' etpro to those interested enough in starting, then good luck and I hope it is successful. there are already quite a lot of 2.55 / 2.60 jaymod/nq players, definitely more than etpro ever had, I hope it goes well and hopefully you get something positive from all the ideas being thrown around :)
The theory would be that anyone who searched Enemy Territory would find Crossfire and would see 'etpro' and the competitive side first hand. Advertising etpro isn't really something we can do.
still wondering why Crossfire won't focus on ET, rename to 'An Enemy Territory-Community'..
It's too hard to find this website via Google..
Google ranking is actively being worked on and this shouldn't be a problem with CF 4
im proud of you!
i'll reply
actually a good idea
Still waiting for my account to be activated, but will post once I'm able to.
if this would work out there will be such a big skill gap :P
only for let's say 6 months or smth.
I'm pretty sure 'skilled' people will play a few games in the meantime and have some fun

"I loved this game. I played this for 5 years hardcore (2003-2008). One of my most played games of all time. Would love to see it on steam, but unfortunately version 2.6 dates from an era long time ago

ETPro outdated, only Jmod or any other pubmod that gets updated."

He's a true professional ET player, knows all about it!
the most people playing the game are playing from 2.55 or 2.60 public mods so those are the ones who will help the most I assume

I like what you guys are doin!
Could work, could atleast be tried indeed.

Will see what NBS and I can do.
The only way you ll convince them to do it is if they make a fuck load of cash!

Sorry to say this BUT it is never going to happen!
something about strafejumping obviously
diff formats 3on3/6on6
Oh not that, it will scare every cs / bf / cod / whatever -player away. "LOL bunny-newbs etc".
This has been tried before.

It won't happen. Mainly due to the fact, Steam will make no money from it what-so-ever and SplashDamage/Activision won't allow it.
Money doesn't have to come directly from purchases. If there is interest in a game (which with Enemy Territory there still is as it's currently the 7th most downloaded free game on the internet) then that's traffic and that's more people using Steam. If 1 in 10 people who go on Steam to download Enemy Territory then browse the store and wind up purchasing another game, then there's their money.

As for Splash Damage, I don't know yet. I've been in touch with them and I've asked for United Kingdom TosspoT's help on this one. We'll have to see.
But Steam will not see that as business logic and that will not guarantee them income. Their 1st thought will be "How can we make money from this specifically" of which, unless they modify the game and make the changes TF2, will be nothing.

As for SD/Activision, if Steam came to them and said, "We want your game on our platform" they are going to say, "well how much are you offering". Of which the answer will be $0 as it's free to download and was released as a free download, which brings me back to my first point.

There was an attempt in 2009 if I recall, and the main stumbling block was SD.
You're right that it doesn't guarantee income, even with modding. And I know that SD is the real hurdle to over-come, but that won't stop me trying. With the right contacts it should have a much better chance, but as I said in a reply below, it does help to show that the game does infact have some good support.
I personally can't see it happening, but willing to eat my Macbook if it becomes a reality!

Best of luck!
QuoteIf Steam can somehow untangle the complete mess the modders have made of it, great.

Every time I've tried to play it in the past few years I've not been able to get onto a server because of over 9,000 incompatible mods.

this is the #1 reason why new players uninstall the game
Agreed, which is why we will finally be launching the GET ENEMY TERRITORY page on CF 4.

Anyone who searches for anything Enemy Territory related on google (over 1,000 people per day) will be directed straight to the page and from there we will be able to break down mod and patch information in a very simple way. We will also hopefully be able to influence which modes people play and combating this issue in general.
I tried already, and this petition was created a while ago now.
If people knew about this link instead of a random download it would all be fine I guess.
There are some LAN-Events aswell every year and a big community
nice lan event this year
Spamming them everyday with mails flavored with delicious nerd-tears will surely help.
Big difference between nerd-tears and constructive, well-thought out suggestions. Appealing to their business sense is key, but so is showing that the game does infact have support on the ground level.
say it makes your penis grow rapidly and makes you good at maths, ET on steam 24h this way
maybe mention competitive side of the game, that it is played in competition and has been for X amount of time.
I hate steam , this program is so laggy and ugly, but still this is good idea
After reading all your comments about CF 4 and the GET ET- part I remembered all the new players in the past who opened a topic on this page and were ridiculously flamed from this retarded community. If I were one of these guys my interest for this game would disappear at once after getting such a miserable feedback. So first of all everybody should be kinda helpful in answering questions new players have instead of shooing them..
Something we're working towards with CF 4 is accessibility - not only for Enemy Territory but for Crossfire as well. Rest assured, with our efforts to help Enemy Territory grow we will be keeping a close eye on those who make it their goal to shun newcomers away.
Let's hope it works out.. just need some more strict admins then :p
Maybe add some infos about ET still getting atleast 1 LAN per year, eventho its a free game and we don't get alot of sponsors. And add that eventho the game is pretty old, its still fairly active :D
Need more CF 4.0 & ET integration, perhaps a main ETPro server browser (most popular servers for players) and perhaps sort by skill. We also need to get the JayMod players to ETPro, I have tried in the past but only got flame. Now I see the community needing what I did in the past.

A nice feature for this site would also be an active chat system, rather than just journals. Would bring players here if say, for example butchji was on the chat, so many Jaymod players DO KNOW the skilled players, they'd come to the site and register just to say they've been speaking to Butchji. Another great thing would be a chat server which is on the mainpage (Mumble, TS, Vent etc...), bringing the community together would be a good thing.

We can always get everyone to download the game from a website and push it to the top of the website by just starting the download every couple of days, to keep it on top!
there will be never a cf-chat, because there is mirc

and taking away the journalpart of CF is like taking away the guns at ET. you cant take away the heart of cf ;(
The 5-6 lans we got / year
Good idea tbh
Go baggiez go! And bring back ET!
you could write that its a game that actually requires skill unlike all the new games
Nice idea man, hope this works + have the effects wanted :)
I wouldn't focus on the game itself. I'd present whole scene as well. You might include an info about this page - number of users registered, average online uses number etc. Describe some tournaments, other info about coverage (=GTV).

Just think that you present ET and the background to a person that has no clue how to, what about etc.
Write that the format is 5o5 = win.
and we have flashbombs, also can kill chickens on each map
Doing it right now, I hope this will help :)

Eventho I never really liked you, I respect the way that you try to keep this game alive ;)
Currently this game has too many loose ends making it not viable for Steam, such as several mods and even versions, 2.55 and 2.60b (I never got why people still play 2.55?), configs etc, as already mention above by others.

An updated client/mod and a stable anti-cheat would be needed at the very minimum to stand a chance, which well, we all know it's impossible.

But GL nevertheless.
2.55 is the default install, new players don't know about CF and the Ultimate pack with patches included...One of the biggest problems in this divided game.
i support ur idea but id say its too little too late
It would be great if ET was on steam with ETxreal plus a promod (not etpro too old) so the game looks uptodate and not go WTF this old as game on steam. Old players don't matter they had their time, what matters are new players to get them addicted.
i dont have steam account! fuck
it's free to make one =P
i know dont have the necessity to make it :D
What for? The game is good as it is.
nice effort

all the best
for god sake let this game die in peace
post a picture about schnee bb playing ET, instawin
More chance of United KingdomShuki getting laid.
You mean ET is already on steam?

1-0 shuki :)
As far as Steam is concerned you already can add ET to your steam library and they aren't going to host the install files for a game that would make them absolutely zero profit.
Nice try.
Not known enough game compared to call of duty, wouldnt play.
Promoting a new game when the only viable anticheat is likely to disappear in a couple of months is quite hypocritical. How many potential new comers who eventually made it to the etpro scene will instantly quit because of cheaters coming back? :/
Why no one get it....
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