Estownia where u goin

it's so fucking cold outside jEEZUS (reservjesuz).

whats the weather in your ownage country?

image: Phace++Misanthrop++2++QUAKE+170
dunno i dont go outside
+1 only, snow + rain @ mornin
something like 10, cloudy.
-1c or something, was snowing since i woke up ~2am untill 1pm or smth
You're European, use the metric system :o
What are you talking about?
see what i did there? i made your boring journal funny
you realise i wasn't serious, do you?
if i wrote smth wrong i would've edited or deleted it.
And where did i stated i was 'trolling'?
e-hero detected
That must be a really old pic :D look at Flo's hair
+/- 0, snowing, dark, blah.
2 hours b4 my post I feelt like in Alaska... Windy, snow and i can see to 3m..

Now? It looks like that:

e: 2 hours b4
It's a bit cold but it used to be colder last year. I'm in the uni all day long so I dont really care :-). Glad that I dont have to work outside
8° C here in saarbrücken, sun is shining.

fuck yeah
4.6 C windy and sunny
Fucking cold and windy
33 C here @ bahamas
it's like 0 degrees atm, the fuck you whiniN aboot?
what u talkin about willis
the fuck, its +32C in Turku :O

smoke weed everyday
16 Max
7 Min
not cold enough for brandon!
colder where i live than where brandon lives
god damn
how are you? so you just stand up ?
im fine, im at school right now, class in 1hour
just doing a school project for tomorrow so tonight i go out a bit

und du?
i just came back from work and will chill out the day playing some fifa12 but tomorrow i will go to a big Christmas market with kresti and then we will drink some stuff :S
cold as fuck over here
hot as fuck
i caught a cold
Almost minus degrees and a bit of snow. :(
Outside ?
11° C
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