chaplja request

I don´t want to request to work hard on tzac, but...
What about this...

You will code application, into TZAC. Admins from CF/CB/ESL will have access to ban people (or start a public vote 75% yes = ban)..

I mean, just crate smth for cheatbusters. If some1 will look at the screenshots, and he will see WH or etc., he will sends screenshot to cheatbuster (admin who will have access to ban people) and cheatbuster can ban ppl (or start vote in admins/public vote)

It´s not possible that known cheater from September is still not banned. Sorry, I don´t trust to your silent detections...

Sorry for my bad english...
Quoteor start a public vote 75% yes = ban

terrible idea
terrible idea?
Would get all those retards banned from CF!
I was playing against this ohurcool guy and he talks a lot of shit and he is random who came out of no where ban.
It´s just an idea, internal vote in admin team, cheatbusters...
public vote?

hahahaha I'd make thousands of accounts just to get Belgium AL1 banned!
expected comment :D
Admins from CB/ESL/CF already have acces to TZAC, but TZAC isn't banning atm... :)

You figure out the problem :)
I dunno that, i mean, you will click to BAN and user will be banned :P
the man comes up with an idea and all you do is flame.

typical crossfire
Took a while for me to get online and see it, the shit is clear
(or start a public vote 75% yes = ban)

If you still post stupid shit like this, you dont deserve to be taken seriously
well, he doesnt really need 150 people to tell him that wouldnt work, rather develop his idea!
I wouldn't trust the group of admins which would be allowed to ban people.
Who would control them?
Killerboy banned and unbanned a lot of people due to no (really) obvious reason and never commited to his faults, who would ensure that the system will be a fair, clean and controlable system?
The program is not as good as you all think. Known cheaters are playing as much as they want. TZAC does not ban any private hack :/
talk to chap, not Cf :o
Public vote is a terrible idea as hated players hacking or not will just get randomly banned.

Other than that if TZAC was to go down, why not move to ESLWIRE?
I want move too, but it was never tested in ET and ClanBase EC will die?

It will be ESL>CB and game will die? What will be support from ESL admins than?
My profile. No problem.
You didn't even visit my profile so you could no get the joke. Yet I amused you. Damn I'm good!
i did when i was offline, no hits for you!

whatwhat? problems with CB now?! :d the last season went fine, just a skilldrop, hopefully will pick up next season.
He means if we switch to ESL wire.
ESL wire will only support ESL, not CB
probably wouldn't happen and ESL are the last people to rely on (not flaming et-section or admins, was always pleased with ESL cups). they are a money driven organisation and if e.g. whoever still owns rights to ET requested for ESL to stop competitive + anticheat support, they'd do it in a heartbeat even without being given money to do so (in which case et would be completely fucked :P). nobody is making money from ET and that's why it will never truly kick off and that's why games like CS are still being played even though it's like 12 years old now? money = success @ eSports (inb4 "olol eSports srs gaming" but yeah, ESL = ELECTRONIC SPORTS LEAGUE).

chaplja is money driven as well but it's in a different form ;d ET is not his main focus, CoD(4?) or something is, butI assume the ET-upkeep isn't any trouble for him as long as he has a stable income (like every non-live-with-parents adult requires).
If I remember right FoaMeA already told that if ESLWIRE is going to be used it would be ESL only which means all CB organized cups won't have any anticheat.
75% for a pass is ridiculous.
There are no capable persons who can be trusted in doing their jobs as ban admin, without bending the rules for certain people for favors. The only persons who actually did it properly was bulldog and lunachick.
he did mostly proper job, but iirc certain belgians/dutchies got their bans reduced/removed because they shared/helped/infiltrated after getting busted?
He did what?????
that is crazy
He bend the rules to people he knew.
if TZAC goes down, chaplja might as well sell it to crossfire or smth with cf 4.0 incoming might as well add this to it ? CFAC FTW
Please, it was hard enough switching from saying SLAC to TZAC.

better than no anticheat?
just wondering.. how do you spell it on TS/vent/etc?
TZAC? we pronounce it as "tea-zack"
Quote by airen(or start a public vote 75% yes = ban)

You'd be the first one out for coming up with this brainfart.
Come on man, it´s just a mind and you and others are acting like it´s real!
democracy is the worst form of [...] especially on the internets

I agree with this idea, the problem is he wins nothing by doing this.
He worked hard in order to earn money with his program. I don't think he will give access without any compensation... (my opinion)
known cheaters who are they?
YOU, obvious /quit after real updates kicked in.. NOW PROOF ME WRONG
sh =( gonna prove you wrong in 6 months maybe
TZAC 2.0 will have automatic banning by default.. silent detection is a good idea, but not for all cheats.. it produces a horrible amount of work
Quoteor start a public vote 75% yes = ban

bb seareal
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