Sneak Peak CF4!

Hey guys:D
I'm sad to say im gonna stop playing my minecraft world atm :C because a creeper raped my ass and i lost all my diamonds and gold while mining :C..

..and im gonna start a new world:D!

anybody got a good seed for a epic world with high mountains and waterfalls etc..:D

any mod suggestions?

have a nice evening:L

*gonna post pics

image: EAvv9 my house

image: FS4yo posing from behind on my house

image: FS4yo

image: TPdEC

image: EBtJ5

image: 16Ghy

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#Dev Minecraft Server was awesome.. but then Netherlands Eddo just looted all the fucking diamond in the entire fucking world....
This serv still existing ?
why so mad, there was plenty of it :(
time to start new server again to be honest ;-)
Nerd above me talking on teamspeak to comment at the same time ( not you koop )
Thanks m8 xoxo
gold is fucking useless :p just play on a random seed on hardcore :D
gold give me sexy helmet n clothing
just get a cool skin :p
ya but its even more sexy with the harnish n so:D
I once played with industrialcraft mod, was quite fun.
did you just start?
minecraft has been around for years and u still live in a hole with dirt walls :D
try youtube tyken123 he got a awesome seed atm
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