R.I.P Kim Jong Il

one helluva leader he was, dont worry they making his son to become king atm

image: kimjongiljuttu1912MP_ul

( that kid looks double the sick KiM joNG was )
This journal is now about Kim-Jong-un

image: Kim-Jong-un
I will miss yoy Kimmyboy
"Who" cares. See what I did there?
World Health Organization is interested?
I see you were referring to WHO but I actually meant Hu.
ronly in life, ronly in death.
Nothing will change.
I wouldn't be so sure, it might even have extreme effects, hopefully the good version

for example: leading the country into the modern time, opening it to the west, increasing relations to other countrys


fucking the shit out of south korea, starting ww3
actually south korea would beat the shit out of the medieval age army of north korea
I guess he was very il.
wont matter much tough
finally, he was mad all life
too bad that Dear Leader has passed away, sad news in the morning
kanker spleet oog
R.I.P Václav Havel
How are you holding up man :F
This is a shit year for Korea. But we will love our leader and father forever.
De cacaoboon is dé smaakbepalende stof voor chocolade. De boon is de vrucht van de cacaoboom. Hernán Cortés bracht de eerste cacaobonen mee naar Spanje vanuit Mexico.
image: WGHMd
Forever alone!
after Kim-Jong-Un the era will end cause the son looks like a gay and i would bet all my money on the fact he is the_HOMO and I BET HE WILL NEVER GET PUSSY SO THERE WONT BE ANYMORE KIM-HOMONGS!
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