your wristwatch?

What's your favourtie wristwatch?

please post pictures if possible

image: 88ee4336d88725e9c401b2875c2ba256

simple but nice, i love festina, not the best brand but i have small and thin arms... does look good on me :)
image: nixon-ceramic-51-30

Nixon - The Ceramic 51-30.
Looks nice.
phone, watches get in the way and are quite useless, sorry.
Haha just what I was about to reply.

Watches and arm jewelery =( Bah...
I have a brand new watch though, my brother gave it to me for my birtday, wore it for 3 days or so, then took it off and never put it back on :p

I should sell it on marktplaats :$
a nice watch is a good accessoire
So it's all about status again? Sorry but thats just not my style :/
Sorry man but only kids do not wear watches..
Take note:

Sorry son, you are completely wrong. If it is maturity you want to achieve, try to do that in attitude, since the way you dress or what you wear has nothing to do with being a kid or a grown up. If I want to wear a shirt with dragons on it, I will, because they are awesome, not because I am a kid.

Well, that's your point. Mine is that I can't consider someone to be adult if he consistently checks his mobile phone. It's like "I'm gonna hold my mobile in my hand to show it to the strangers and act like i'm rich and a boss!".
By this you are saying that I constantly want to know what time it is? :p well I only look on it once every hour or so, dont worry.
That's because adults have appointments and you don't!
Currently doing internship at a scientific company, at which I have appointments all the time!
Also, I'm 22 ;)
I'd like to add that watches are in fashion. It fits very well when you're well dressed and it's one of the products that we can't do without :]
I do not like to dress well, except if there is some special occasion like a funeral. I do not feel better when I wear pretty clothes because I am comfortable with who I am no matter what I wear. So all in all, there are no benefits for me in wearing those type of clothes, to which you say a watch would fit. Also, I despise fashion, for everybody in it runs along like a headless chicken, even if you look ridiculous.
Amen to everything you've said.
Paul Poiret once said : "There always are ignorant and sectarian people who are convinced that they represent the lasting and permanent convention of what one has to be or look."
He could not be more right...
Indeed. I think they are just scared of "not fitting in", so they choose to run along with the mass.
I know that you hate me. So do I. Here is a picture of you and your friends..

image: baraki2

Good luck to find a job, Mr out of the way.
You're as narrowminded as he is. So everyone who follows fashion is a headless chicken? You say you're comfortable with yourself so you don't have the need to wear fashionable clothes. You think everyone who wears fashionable clothes isn't comfortable with theirselves? I like to look good and I wear fashionable clothes when I like them. That doesn't necessary mean I'm following every trend but what I like I buy and I wear.

On the watch note... I have a watch and I do think it looks good when wearing but at the same time I usually don't wear it because it can be quite an annoying feeling sometimes.
I was mostly referring to his arguments for having to wear a watch. It was not my intention to criticize everyone who wants to look good, because if that is what works for you, I'm fine with that. Just saying I do not need that stuff and I'm not into fashion, which is my main point :)

You must understand I'm not saying this because I don't want to run along with the mass or want to create 'my own original style' or w/e. Of course even I like some of the fashionable things and when my clothes get too old I need to get some new ones. But when I do, I try to get something cheap and without huge brandsigns on there, that's all.
Fine I still love you <3
Okay so am I "over-dressed" with a shirt (not a t-shirt, a shirt), a pull-over (without claim), a classic pair of jeans and clean shoes?
I don't think so.
Actually, this man probably describes it best for you:

image: 500full

So learn to live.
I agree with your view. If you need a watch, why not just get a cheap one, it shows time as fine as an expensive one.
Showing off wealth is just rude and bad manners imo. However the reality of today's world is such that showing off increases your chances of success in finding job, doing business and finding useful relations.
Which I find a true shame.
Funny fact, in our society you need money to live properly.
Funny fact, properly is a very overrated word.
you are utterly dumb
Dude, I wasn't talking with you, why do you insult me?
Your american flag fits you very well.
are wearing a suit right now? If not you are not mature enough to reply to me, sry.
No, I'm not. But I know some people who wear suits and who are idiots & earn less than a gravedigger. Clothes don't make the man.
but watches do?
Not at all. You can't compare suits & watches.
Most of the times you have to wear a suit by contrast of the non-obligation of wearing a watch.
please make up your mind, first you say that only kids dont wear a watch and now you say wearing a watch has nothing to do with being a man
I went for a pocket watch at age of 16. arm watches really can get in the way.
and I always lost them as kid.

nowadays, you can see everywhere what time it is or I simply ask someone. once you stop wearing a watch, you start to develop a feeling for time which is actually quite awesome.
I usually guess the time right by +/- 5 min.
My fav? I'd still like to buy

image: Ludwig_Glasboden_alpha

What I wear daily - <1960's Seiko mechanical
image: 6482211435_92203848bf_z

Also got a Tissot seastar auto that needs repairing similar to this
image: 19674200
Real name: Miika
Miika Tenkula = bestest

I wonder how many people instantly recognized that name from Sentenced <3
Only the good few x)
image: miika2ju0
I like the nomos
dunno how to get the image from that site
im searching for quality replica of watches :~>

anyone know a good site? :XD
No, don't buy replicas ._.
there are good replicas
original fake :XD
You're a wally
You really trying to get someone outside of the UK to understand that?

image: 554992d1321047836-watch-i-seek-diesel-dz1474-dz1474-5


image: _6214050
2nd is nice.
image: 247903588-5611175-700_700

except black leather thingie holding it on your arm

+ tissots (cba to search)

aswell had armanis but shit happened
image: phpThumb_generated_thumbnail1

and some cheap watch for when im working since i break 3-4 of them a year.
nice watch looks nice in black or white
lol got the same.. mine is just orange and not red :)
image: image1xxl-1

I'd prefer the watchpart to be a bit smaller though
finally something I'd wear
Wanneer mag ik mijn horloge weer terug je hebt hem allang genoeg gehouden.
I haz that :D
image: 1790275


image: 1790482

background of mine is dark blue tho.
image: casio-mtp-1290d-1a1v-standard-stylist-w-date-ss-bracelet-watch-black-0902-13-DAVIS@117

fucking nice watch =]
don't have any because it's uselessssss, just phone
thats how pros do it :-)!
image: 1z729tj

At the moment have this armani watch nothing fancy.

Quite like maybe something like this
image: 13zde21

But nothing can compare to this ingersoll diamond watch

image: 23m6exy

nuff said
Armani is ugly :p
hardcore gamers are hardcore
image: Nelsonic-PacManButtons

got this one:
image: p010_1_03

something similair to this one:
image: 238636?$pd300$

and something like this:
image: 6346642?$detail$
I use my kenneth cole watch always (pic at avatar) and i also have a rolex ;)

image: 324505d1285363079-$sold-fs-lnib-black-dial-tissot-le-locle-mens-watch-t41-1-483-53-screen-shot-2010-09-24-2.16.37-pm

but I will replace the metal bracelet with the leather one.
I love the nomos as well btw :) I prefer the Nomos Ludwig with Date (automatic ofc !) ;P
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