Message To PB

Please fix PB so I can play sunday cup before christmas! :(
working for me.
for me as well :>
hi2u famous
hope that too!
Mh are you 200% sure that it is pb's fault? And how come you are that sure, what does happen when you try to play?
Its only happenes for linux users kthax <3 =]
I guess it only happens to linux haxx0rs, since (afaik) most of them are/were(?) not detected. But I dunno about meez problem, so I better don't say he hax :>

gl solving your prob meez

nooooo, meez doesn't hax
true, probably ur neighbour/friend/little brother
if its rly you im disapointed :(
He's not a Linux user, what's your point?
"whats my point?"

Is that a tone of voice your trying to use on me?
Yeah. I'm trying to point out the fact that you're an ignorant retard who either thinks he knows something, or utterly fails at being funny.
Viax mate, i dont know who the fuck you are but you seeem like a 12 year old wanker ok?
When i was on vent with meez i thought he used linux thats all!
Wtf dont you judge me pleasse you fucking ass licking wannbe!
Please fuck off and donnt talk to me agian you fucking cunt!!
Atleast learn some proper interpunction before typing a reply of this magnitude.

You're thinking I sound like 12 year old wanker? How come I got the same impression after reading your reply? The only difference is that I thought you were a 12 year old wanker who couldn't speak proper English eventhough it's your fucking motherlanguage.

When you were on vent with meez you thought he used Linux? What led you to that conclusion? Did you hear "Hi, I'm using Linux" everytime he said something? Or did you think meez's undetected Linux hax got busted? What led you to the conclusion only Linux users have pb problems? If you weren't such an ignorant retard you would've known Linux has a different version of pb which barely ever gets updated, and never gave anyone any problems. Too bad it doesn't update enough to keep up with the hacks on Linux.

Furthermore, you wonder why I judge you, still you call me an asslicking wannabe? Who's ass am I licking? It certainly isn't yours. Why am I a wannabe all of a sudden? Because I like flaming people who consider themselves pro? I can judge you all I want, based on whatever I want. It's not like I'll suddenly change my view of you based on your stunning and original reply.

"oh plase fukc of and donnt takl to me again you fucking cunt!!", how long did it take you to come up with that original retort? The only thing that sentence lacked as a "die irl plz" at the end. You think I'm a 12 year old wanker and still you're childish and immature enough to call me "a fucking cunt"? Please inform me whenever you're mature enough to engage in a rational conversation rather than randomly throwing childish insults at me.
Lalala i was waiting for all of this smart shit from a 12 year old wanker!
Well you lick meez asss when people say something to him eg:

Viax on 22/12/06, 23:46:30 PM | Reply

He didn't ask a question, retard.

Who said he was hacking or anything to do with it? Its called sarcism!
Every post i see theres your comment under meez or something about meez?
Who the fuck are told youcorrect all of my mistakes? Which it aint
Was you on vent with me? NO soo dont interfere you twat
Your a fucking 16 year old thinks hes smart with english gammer, how about you fucking worry about yours you fuck face
Listen i dont say stuff like die in irl beacuse thats fucking childish and immature. O WAIT YOU ARE!!!!! OLOLE
Dear God, it was worse than I expected. I don't lick meez's ass, I don't have to. He's a friend of mine and I don't like people talking shit about him.

I never said you thought he hacked or anything, it's just the people's general opinion about Linux users. He doesn't use Linux, and hasn't for ages. You had no indication that he did use Linux, still you came to the conclusion he was using it. Why? I don't have a fucking clue how your wretched mind works. All I know is that most people associate Linux with hax and I don't have a reason to believe you think otherwise.

QuoteWho said he was hacking or anything to do with it? Its called sarcism!

It's called sarcasm, retard.

QuoteWho the fuck are told youcorrect all of my mistakes? Which it aint

I don't even have to comment on that.

QuoteWas you on vent with me? NO soo dont interfere you twat

I've been on vent with you, but apart from that I don't have a fucking clue what you're on about.

I'm 16 year old, and I do think I'm intelligent, you're right about that. I don't know how old you are, but you certainly don't make it seem like you're older than me. Furthermore, physical age doesn't mean much. Some younger people act more mature than certain older people. Without knowing your age, I can still say I act more mature than you.

You don't say stuff like "die irl plz"? Wow, that's something I didn't expect from you. Congratulations, you just evolved to the mental age of 7.
miXer stop this razz slang.
it's just ridiculously
what razz slang?
Ok you win? ;O
Go PB! Keep on being broken! Woohoo!
pb doesnt like shit players! hi meez, waki, acid =DDD
If so, why don't you have those problems?

Too obvious, but you asked for it. ;[
play warsow mate =)
its your fault not pbs... it works for me fine so...
your a retard

please figure out the situation before you post complete bullshit
xfire = bullshit go to another forum and post it there if you want a good answere on your question NERD!!
He didn't ask a question, retard.
Why dont you code your own. Bitch.
same prob here... shit pb :-(
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