my daily report,

My friend maikel has a egghead brother, because he has a thing on his head, in the shape of a egg.

Well now maikel pmmed me!

Session Start: Fri Dec 22 18:21:31 2006
Session Ident: lekiam
[6:21pm] Session Ident: lekiam ([email protected])
[6:21pm] lekiam: laurens
[6:21pm] cf`Loekino: ?
[6:21pm] cf`Loekino: !
[6:21pm] cf`Loekino: ???
[6:21pm] cf`Loekino: !!!!
[6:21pm] lekiam: Do you want to buy an ipod?

And here my story starts, at that time i had my pm sound "HEY GOZER, JE HEBT EEN PM" and i was like just back from my dinner (fries & frikandellekes special).
So i was just on time to say hi back!
i made a funny joke!

[3:53pm] lekiam: Are you there?
[3:53pm] lekiam: ok
[3:53pm] lekiam: hoi
[3:53pm] cf`Loekino: No
[3:53pm] cf`Loekino: me
[3:53pm] lekiam: say something plz
[3:53pm] cf`Loekino: is
[3:53pm] cf`Loekino: Dead

haha, im so funny ololol

[6:23pm] cf`Loekino: €?
[6:23pm] lekiam: 100
[6:23pm] lekiam: for nano 4g
[6:23pm] cf`Loekino: where :P?
[6:23pm] lekiam: :O)?
[6:24pm] lekiam: What do ya mean?
[6:24pm] cf`Loekino: from your brother or smth ?
[6:24pm] cf`Loekino: dad ?
[6:24pm] lekiam: Yes :P
[6:24pm] lekiam: 80 euro btw

HERE i was like?? HMMM a Turkish prize mhmhmhm
Because normally the ipod nano 4 gig is around the 200€
i thought it was scary. because you never know with those scary ppls

[6:29pm] cf`Loekino: 4 gb = 200
[6:29pm] lekiam: yus
[6:29pm] cf`Loekino: you sell them for 80 ? that is pretty nice
[6:29pm] lekiam: :D
[6:29pm] cf`Loekino: i think its kinda sexy

I didn't knew what happen'd with my mind, i felt so evil!

[6:34pm] cf`Loekino: How does you brother got those ipods ?
[6:34pm] lekiam: Dual 768MB NVIDIA® GeForce™ 8800 GTX - SLI Enabled - Requires 1000W Power Supply!
[6:34pm] lekiam: ROFL
[6:34pm] lekiam: From a vriend
[6:34pm] lekiam: Stolen :P
[6:34pm] cf`Loekino: ^^
[6:34pm] lekiam: "it felt of the car"

No log ban plz i got permission of the god himself

[6:49pm] cf`Loekino: Can i post this logs ?
[6:49pm] cf`Loekino: (zeg gewoon ja)
[6:49pm] lekiam: Yes
[6:49pm] lekiam: loekino is echt een seksgod, hij heefd het gedaan met zoveel meisjes
Session Close: Fri Dec 22 18:55:55 2006

So peoples, now you saw the dark side of the Internet,

[5:20pm] lekiam: hoi
[5:20pm] lekiam: word gek van banaan =D
(18:41:32) 2(cf`Loekino) ik wil wel een mooie kleur ipod
(18:41:35) 2(lekiam) =]
(18:41:36) 2(cf`Loekino) anders word het klappe wola
krijgt die bruine >:<
Does that alter your nationality ?
irc logs? ban pls
I wonder if there is some Dutch conspiracy aiming to take over xfire going on
nee hoor, helemaal niet
hahaha ze zien het nooit aankomen
Putzige Sprache sprecht ihr :)
Hardware-ip-uber-ban: IRC-logs.
hehe i liked it
especially the "frikandellekes" part
np, frikandellen ownen alles kapot
loekino is geen seksgod. maar ik kan er niets aan doen.
ik pwn

jij hebt echt zo'n spannend leven hé :o
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