Christmas at

I must say things are getting a bit out of hand over here
mind is drunk as hell and we are singing christmas carols in ventrilo with blind,i ensam and slarto

join the party,
fuck christmas, fuck society
image: mirin-ya-u-mirin
fucking shit fintard , go to hell , fucking snipers
drunk as hell behind computer

don't give a fuck
bears and Santa
who is mind ?
Mind , who ?
tbh, i don't mind !
you can't fucking underst and philosopher's soul and emotions
the trials of mystic are above the normal conciousness of people
i am a beer drinker and enjoy it
image: nihilism

my biggest wish is to become one of, seriously!! mind is my hero, and ofc im drunk and alone! is christmas :DD

OLD MEMBER of kRP DONKA HAS JOINED THE RANKS: THIS MAN IS TRUE _HERO_ and stands for all what krp is really about.
Considering the fact that he divorcced his long time girlfriend not so long ago, just before christmas, the holiest of holidays thus therefore stating not giving fuck about anything and this is supported by the fact no 2: he is drunk at christmas: the biggest fuck you straight to the face of rat race society and western materialistic values

We are drunk and we are nihilists

In few hours, mind will negate all the philosophies of world by rejecting the fundamental premises of thought and everything that is created by human "intellect" therefore negating all the value and moral systems created by society. We have reached the top bottom and the view from the nihil is beautiful
Help me to reach this new, higher level of awareness

Donka has actually surpassed the human moral condition and this pure Nietzschean soul is now asking directions where to order an actual whore from the finnish whore site sihteeriopisto

This man truly sees through illusion created by society and can see in the face of every filthy whore the divine archetype of virgin mary. Total transcendence has been finally achieved and the desires are running rampant. The vitality of life has been restored and virtue [ Latin: virtus ] is restored as the conquering and directing force of life.
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