
Just came back from work got in my house after about 5 mins the neighbor came and told me that someone ran over our dog,went out and she was dead already,I bought her as a puppy 5 months ago for my little sister since our last dog also died,basically to fill his spot for her.
Damn,and the worst part is that she died in the road in front of my house,so I had to pick her up in a bag so my little sister wont see it,
The driver kept on driving and left her like that on the road,so mad right now.
happens when u let ur dog run around freely
Nice letting a baby dog run around unsupervised.
How about next time you TAKE CARE of your dog? I actually hope you won't ever get a new dog seeings as you are unfit to take care of one.
The only one to blame for the dogs terrible fate is YOU! He didn't probably die instantly, he was laying there in agony while no one was helping him, and he was probably dwelling in his delirious mind: Where is my owner? Why did I deserver this?
QuoteI bought her as a puppy 5 months ago for my little sister
He's hardly the only one to blame. If the cardriver was paying proper attention it probably wouldn't have happened either.
if a dog runs onto the read the is hardly andthing you can do about it.
ofc u try to break but no1 would risk crashing a car for some stupid dog.
Speak english.
dog on the road = run it over
car is expensive, dog isnt
u understand now? knp have some killepitsch
me no comprendre
u prolly r a dog urself
i wanna be your dog
iggy pop references are appreciated
Assuming you only use your bicylce to get anywhere you prolly arent familiar with CARS. If you are driving on a road that has cars parking on the sites and suddenly a small runs between those parking cars you will never be able to react in time if you see him at all.
That's a lot of assumptions in one sentence. Pardon me for not indulging into them.
He actually has a point bud.
No Alle, just no.
how does that make you feel, knowing that you left the dog unsupervised, and indirectly killed him.

It's a cruel world out there, and you let him enter A WORLD OF PAIN.

dog deserved it, i heard he once pooped inside the house
hahaha dogs suck anyway
Same happens to cats
cats are wise enough to dodge a car
sometimes they aren't
shame on the crazy drivers
get a indoor cat, never leaves the house
nah man, my cats poo outside, they run, they spend energy by hunting
they live at the countryside!
If u live in countryside then theres no point getting indoor cat since theres probably much room. But if u live in city i would atleast take indoor cat over a cat that prefers to be out
No, just stink. Badly. Rats
I know I know, was just posting random nonsense comment!
héhé :~)
YOU killed him, asshole
you let your dog die nasty jew
get an antfarm or something yes fits u better )=87d
contact ur local china restaurant
who let the dogs out?
made me smile :D poor dog though
lucky it wasnt a cat
oh was that your dog? I apologize then :(
people on crossfire always know it better, you better start listening!
How did your dog get at the road? Why don't you put the dog inside when your at work or something?
LOL kelev meshuga :~>

ma tzipita ? shehanahag yahatzor v-ikah at akelev lapah?! :~>
get a cat it has 9 lives
:( how did it get out the house anyway?
feel sorry for you, that sucks big time :<
who let the dog out?!
get a cat
problem solved
cats are better anyway
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