
so, i have mouse: a4t x750F
in few days im gonna have: steelpad qck+
i wanna ask if my mouse have a "negative acceleration" or sth like that?
do i need to install some "reg files" or sth i saw few times on xfire, some dll files?
will that help?
isnt it forbidden?

thx in advance

best regards

EDIT because of that fucking katholic celebration, post office will prolly deliver my pad on wednesday^^^^^^^^^ :-(((((((((((((
Hi sir i recommend you to call our helpdesk wich is /q carebear.
Have a nice day.
Hi Mr Friendly
Merry X-Mas to you :)
lol why did you buy such a second rate mouse

use it with the lowest dpi possible and you should be ok, the qpad is great but the mouse is gunna be your problem
second rate? some a4tech mouse had pretty good results in the esr's mousescore.
the main feature is a "triple click" button :/
tbh this button shoots only 2 bullets in et xD

but rly didnt buy this mouse because of that.

i bought it because i have no money for those fuckign expensive mice Logitech Shitotech and others. a4t is 3 (even 4) times cheaper than them, and in some inet magazines, they gave it nice notes. mouse is rly nice for touching and moving, shooting. what more, it is million times better than my provious, optical mouse. it has much more pluses (e.g. cable connecting mouse and pc is rly great + much more) and im 99 percent sure the problem is my mousepad.

but you still didint answer on any of my questions i think :-)
i wanna ask if my mouse have a "negative acceleration" or sth like that? -> no if you use low dpi (and a higher resolution helps too)
do i need to install some "reg files" or sth i saw few times on xfire, some dll files? -> you can use this in winXP to remove PoSiTiVe accel
will that help? -> yes itll remove pos accel - itll help you to play without accel if thats what you want
isnt it forbidden? -> no its not! and if it was there is no way they can detect it anyway
qpads are a great gaming surface assuming you are not using a LaSeR like the copperhead which doesnt seem to like having more than 1 colour to work with - although i havent tried it with a true laser mouse and the CT which are the new breed of qpads i believe

there are some .exe files to remove neg accel but i dont use any personally or know which one is good although i think alot of people like the mf_ thing i hated the feel of the mouse with it when the first version was released and never used it since
mx518+Steelpad S&S = zeh Killer
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