Your plans for this year?

New year has started and for many the reset of Western calendar means starting new projects and maybe turning a new page in life. If not taking new years resolutions into account, what major/long-term plans you have for this year?

- My biggest planning is to find out what I will do in few months when my school ends. I can do almost anything I want and in the same time it sounds wonderful but also stressful. I know Im going to continue studying but until that everything is a mystery.

- Starting diet tomorrow :( Need to lose around 10-15kg's. I havent planned anything yet but I guess it will take 2-4 months.

- Getting stronger & attending some powerlifting competitions

- And as addition to developing my body, I want to do the same to my spiritual side!

- See more my older friends

- Not playing ET but still browsing Xfire LOL

I guess thats enough for one year. Over and out!


QuoteLiving in 2012

I seriously I hope didnt need to do this.

EDIT: Nice video for Finns sponsored by Finland Vesaz:
cancer man , cancer qqq
wie het zegt
die of cancer
mine : win EC, write book
Currently planning my next holiday. Get the Xmas bonus this Friday so I'm thinking west coast Usa in early Feb. Probably fly to Reno then drive across to San Fran & head south. Though I'm open to wherever.

2012 is also the year I turn my temporary promotion into a permanent one.
And live my life based on a song lyric :-)

So saddle your horse and shoulder your load,
burst at the seams, be what you dream, and take to the road.
Exact same message is in the poem Ulysses:

'Tis not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.
Though much is taken, much abides; and though
We are not now that strength which in the old days
Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are,
One equal-temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
Beautiful - a mantra to live by.
fuck more than 10 chicks
more mountain biking, less drinking
-No longer intern in army since 20 December.

-Will go gym 4x / week

- & if there is a Lan announced I'd like to play it.

- also need new gf lolz

- & I hope the army wont make me stay too long in Brussels.
Zitte gij in Brussel? xd
yer, bij vilvoorde.
Goh, da 's wa ver, anders hadden we pintje gedronken :BB
Ik drink ni.
Ne cola voor u dan ma
-read 52 books in 2012
Become NC captain :-)
keep being smart, handsome, cool and successful
Post cf journal when your girlfriend dumps you. GREAT SUCCESS!!!
read my journal again then re-post this comment plz
Well, most important is to pass exams, finishing high school this year :) That's in may, and in june I've got professional exams (or however to call it), which is also somehow important. I hope to find a job during summer period, and go to the university, hopefully start to study mechatronic's.
- Hold my GF for another year ;x

- Get decent grades @ school

- Atleast 2 times/week gym to carry the gold in sw_goldrush_te

- If there is a LAN, i would like to play/watch ;)
driving license !!!
I am expert on developing spiritual side.
My guru, Speedy Bozar, passed most of his telekinesis methods to me and I am able to move small paperclips and small pens only by using solely the power of the mind ( This requires intense 48hour-long mental concentration, fasting and certain violent tantric hatha yoga methods I wish not to share here)
Drop a PM and share those methods mate
- Starting diet tomorrow :( Need to lose around 10-15kg's. I havent planned anything yet but I guess it will take 2-4 months.

Awesome bulkmode, herman.

I myself are going to stay shredded year round and be aesthetic ass fuck.

Also going to stop smoking.
so u still have motivation after 3months working out @ gym, good job m8 keep it going :)
He knows everything already, hes been to 4chan's /fit/
Simplyshredded <3
You mad bro?
- driving license
- gf
- gym 3x/4x week
Quote by Chorwatkeep being smart, handsome, cool and successful

gym 7x a week
done that, day 8th: was ko :D
world domination
Finland KRP Hanging in army the last year of my life (cancer)
Finland KRP Lose some weight
Finland KRP Buy new car
gain some weight and drink beer. same as last year!
buy new car
continue loosing weight ;D
better $$$ job

all of this to be ready @ summer :o)

and holidays ( summer + winter )
I haven't really though about it. I hope this year will be as good as the last one (university results). Hopefully i will be graduating this year, which means i am ready to start working, but i feel like i am still too young to work... 23 years...I took alot of money from my parents, it should be the right decision ,although i feel like studying 2/3 more years and get my Master engineer degree.

So what i _would_ like to happen, but probably won't:

- Graduate with a good classification (i am close to what i want, but it will be hard)
- Get a job at PT (Portugal Telecom) or Sonae (another telephony etc company)
- Get different life style, more confident for example
- Get a gf
- Go to gym and start working my body since i have a good shape but i need to work it out.
- Get some money and enjoy the life, less stress if possible.

But it only makes sense if i am healthy and my family, if i am happy and my family too. Same applies for my friends.

lets see,

-loose some weight is always a good thing since I could do with about 20 kg less but hey I have been thinking that for the last couple of years and going to school in the center of a city full of fast food shops doesn't really help

-finishing school obviously and find a nice place to do my last 6 months of internship

-suppose this year would be a good one to finally get my driving license

Other than those points there is nothing that comes to mind altough there is a nice list for next year once I'm finally done with this school that robs me of all my free time (:
The last week in army will start tomorrow! Next friday is going to be the best day @2012
Keep getting good grades in math and dont fuck up chemistry or physics.
Not a fucking surprise that all your plans and thoughts are about school, you goat fucking school addicted imbecil with small dick.
I'd like to get rid off AL1.
Post your picture Slarti.
I'm curious to see how big you are.
I dont have any pics but I like to add vids in my Youtube-account:
kk will watch
dont die?
pass the fucking math analysis exam
- Shitloads of gaming
Well.. I'll try to reach the third year at uni and live one of the most exciting moment for a student: the Erasmus, in Heidelberg for me. But this year is a crappy one and the upcoming exams smell shit.

Anyway, if I don't manage to pass this year, I would enjoy the free time I would have. I would finally be baptized (student baptism) and get my image: penne-cm! (well, the new ones are white but this one is old and probably smells piss & puk <3). That's the cap some belgian students wear when they "guindaillent" (drink, sing and fuck).
not dying
going to buy new motorcycle, fighter or some project idk yet.
-> actually study before going 2 exams
-> less alcohol
-> less weed
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