[EDIT] CF 4.0 design modifications

After a long talk with krosan I gave him some ideas to make the website more userfriendly. You can check the modifications below :

- Larger top navigation bar
- "Middle bar" put as an horizontal bar for the website to be less messy
- Darker background to make it less agressiv to the eyes
- Main content is larger on my version

image: cf4z

Waiting for your feedback :)

EDIT 1 : Text size in the horizontal bar (above the main content) looks weird because I just cut some pieces of the middle bar and put it there. Then I resized it. Don't take margins and texts size into account.

EDIT 2 :

image: cf4j

- Darker background
- Darker text (read more, right menu, main content)
- Contribute content button is smaller
- "Tweets / Other News / Events / Polls / Recent activity" is now above the main content to make the right menu more visible

EDIT 3 :

image: cf42

- Background added behind the main content, the "Tweet" bar, and the right menu to make the components a bit less floaty
font color bit darker, please
what middle bar?
apart from the author names being so light, it looks fucken great
There are no profile hits in cf 4.0 ?? :(
posting shit just to get some hits is now useless => less addicted & retarded users
Good effort, the horizontal column needs tweaking to look better but it sure could work. Custom backgrounds are must too.
much better now!

still i dont like the journalpart. it looks somehow hidden ..
Looks very nice! But the text still has to be blacker!
The fuck is this shit
Definitely better.
Better, perhaps you can do something with my suggestions design wise.

- site looks better with adblock. Banner next to logo is just shit, logo is really important and should have a higher priority than a banner, place the banner next to the menu or on the left vertical.
- Further don't like layout would rather have menu on the left, and don't like the menubar on top either, its better than before now.
- And perhaps this is a good suggestion, you can already move the menu around.Make it possible to choose how much menu items you would like too see for each section. For an example look here http://tweakers.net/ Als this site has a pretty similair kind of menu perhaps you can get some ideas of their design, its much more combined not single pieces of design.
- Perhaps a good idea to integrate search and the logo and the menubar into a whole piece of design
Well, i agree with the changes. The top bar rly needs to be bigger, but i am not sure if i like that "middle" stuff.. for example Other news doesn't make any sense there.
Surely better
But it looks like skittle candy
change the publicity with the journal box and everything will be fine..
Surely you don't think we put the ads on the beta for fun do you?
Looks better.
Not bed, Also the author names of news/journal/thread items have to be more clear. They're nearly invisible now.
definitely agree with the bigger content and top bar
still shit
That's constructive...
sorry but its unwatchable, i still remeber the first time i went on this website i got impressed by its layout and all. It was and still is one of bestest i have seen for a webgaming site. Now it became so poor and facebook like that is unwatchable. There should be the option " use old layout" in the CP

e: your one improved a bit it but for my tastes its still better this one :)
The changes are good, but i don't know, i still love this site its easy to use and i am just addicted to it :)
Fumble: I prefer crossfire 3, because you can see "crossfire.nu" in the top of the screen.

enough said.
He did not say that :D
i think the navigation should be lower. like, under the "middle bar".

e:or atleast under the main banner

e2: and i sure think the contribute-button is way too big and way too in-your-face. also i cant see anything but two adds and half of the first news with first look to the page. i need to scroll down million years until i can find something interesting, which is just crap - it looks ugly and is annoying

in cf3 i can see news, cups, articles, interviews, my crossfire, other news and poll, plus maincontent and columns with a first view, and it doesnt look ugly, aggressive or annoying.

e3: it also needs something (like a grey or black or whatever line) to divide the news from each other, now it looks like its all one big news.

e4: im starting to feel it with edit3 one, but i was wondering if the white bacground of content could be just a very little bit darker. like light-light grey, just a little touch so its not that burning white. one would be able to see contrasts better with own eyes like that.

agons version with middle bar seems quite potential too tho
it would also solve the poll-problem which someone mentioned
not "facebook" enough I guess ;)
hm actually liked it.. liked cf4 as it is now, but yours is even better :P
make it look like cf 3.2 -> problem solved
better, why not put a clear division between the news items?
can you read your read more images on newsitems?

i cant...even not on your picture...

and well i dislike the twitter/activity part @ main top...but thats just my opinion
Pretty decent!
awesome man, you and ur skillz shud be used for $$$
A darker background would also look better,atleast to my eyes :D

image: 15380641
Yeah that's what I did, the current color is killing my eyes too.
I was actually trying for few hours to implement my ideas into a greasemonkey script (they are somehow like yours tbh... except that middle bar), but failed hard, i have no experience coding such stuff xD managed to change backgroud, but couldn't move everything else into the place i want : o)
Actually I modified everything on photoshop but I couldn't be arsed recreating all the components to add a clean text. It looks blur sometimes but you will get the main idea :)
Yes i know :) i can notice the photoshop / quality loss
how would your poll behave when there are 3-6 options to choose from?
1) Add "Read more" or "..." under the 2 first possibilities
2) Problem solved
not very satisfactory tbh
Polls can still be added to the right menu though, as in CF 3.2.
prefer edit 2 over 3, but good work
much better
use old cf logo pleas
Your third version is perfectly fine! Hope the devs take your suggestions into account.

PS: Could you implement the "new" logo (that can be seen next to the url in the adress bar) instead of that red "beta" thingy?
I'll do it tonight if I can get the logo somewhere.
I received a private message from Jani and I guess these modifications should be taken into account.
Edit3 looks good!
really like edit 3, although id make the content background just a touch darker(broken white or a very light grey) makes the contrast abit less strong making it more pleasant to watch!

Though i could live with edit 3, somehow it gives me a 'id use that' feeling :D
smthing like that :

image: cftroll
get all community links added to crossfire :P
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