Draft drama \o/

It's fixed now, admins worked it out like they should have before

image: everything_went_better_than_expected

Quote23:11 -!- miNd` changed the topic of #SECRETNINJACHANNELT to: NO CUP FOR US, BYE -> can be taken over if wanted

maybe this one dont get deleted now after a previous journal that was serious and well written, good luck with cup
thanks admins, nice fair play...

razz gonna kick the shit out of us next LAN...
Do you ever think about the work going into organizing these kind of things?
lol serious replies

on other hand: don't start shit if you can't do it/admin it
listen u fucking retard one day u need to stop licking mind's arse we all no your the biggest faggot here.
what happened?
basically admins were ok that a team can pick a player outside the draft-players, which is not fair playz
you're (mind) only saying this because you dont have a rifle that you dont need in your backup

- Head Master Admin of some awesome cup somewhere.
it's probably a lot more important that clown can not into aim.
I didnt feel like ending the discussion before it even got started here on cf side :(
wtf is the thing played already? didnt see shit on gtv, WTF man WTF
why call it a draftcup when you can pick a player which is not in the list when someone drops out and this person doesnt like to play with his backup?

dont get it
avi for draft
avi with Ati_ to create a new team in less time :P

[22:25] <+decem> guys, listen, I think the most important part of this discussion is the fact that clown cant into aim

[22:19] <+Kevin]> you're going to hate me for this, but i'm siding with mind

image: Fucking%20why%20meme
go take a bath u smelly fud
why did you make that picture black and not let it white? are you a racist? if so, I'd like to be friends.
Just so you know, this was supposed to be a FUN cup, why care so much about who plays or not?
why bother with creating rules in the first place then
What kind of response is that?
I just don't get why you would blow up this issue, I'm not taking any sides, some players just take this way too serious
fair enough but im still on the side of fair play

you had draft-players pool -> you pick from there or gtfo
You're most likely correct but this just isnt the way to achieve your (minds) goal
Razz made things serious by demanding a new player because he thought that a certain someone wasn't good enough, the other captains just reponded in kind.
I know what happend, just don't get why people make such a big issue of it. (both razz and mind)

Its supposed to be an entertaining cup for this small community and people just fuck it up because they want to win it (again, this goes for both sides)
cause its unfair to every other captain and the backup who razz picked up, isnt this obvious?

+ what kevin said
My comment goes for both sides, why does razz care so much? just use kevji...
that is what im trying to achieve
Personally I don't agree with the way you're trying to achieve that (overreacting)
because i have 2 rifles in my team ^^ basically every team should lose there 3rd seed players if i has to or all get picked again
Its not anyones (except yours) fault u have two rifles in your team now is it?
maybe he was the last to be choose
No, i had and night had second last
not my fault there was more rifles than teams so plz stfu
you're dumb...
I think its unfair for those other 8 players (backups) whos only chance to play is when someone drops out, and in this case kevji is the victim because one of his team actually drops out and he wont get the chance to play anyway. Players who signed up for this should be prefered over "outsiders"
Cause ET community is pathetic medskill dick length competing serious business society flaming and trying to win every dead game cup after all highskill clans left the scene
avi with avi mental with ati
when i ever see u i gona knock ur head of
of his mind? bhwehehe
go fuck yourslef
razz and fumble very close friend
ROFL is this seriously over fumble?
btw this things are keeping et alive :P
im still curious whats you keeping alive since you have hunt mammoths in your midage ;]
Just let him pick a player & play. seriously its all about fun.
It loses all its meaning then (draft tournament)
whats more important, 1 player missing from the draft pool or 8 teams playing an amazing one day cup on thursday with scarzy instead of xperia?
There is the backup (kevji?) available to play for this kind of situations
kevji & mant are both rifles, so its understandable he wants to use another medic.
Yet he picked them himself, whos fault is that now.
I understand your point, its his own fault. But you shouldnt make such a big deal out of it.
So bend the rules cuz he was retarded enough to pick 2 rifles?
He decided to pick them, his bad
Bad draft pick maybe ?
so razz thinks kevji is too shit and cries about it now? tell him to fuck off, get a new captain and play with those remaining 5
too shit with smg :b but tbh i dont really care about playing.
poor kevji getting mixed up in shit :D
don't get it why they invited more than 8 rifles, pointless imo.
listen now you faggot keep your shit to yourself you low- noob
boys and their toys
erAse.et signed in, we got 6 players outside of cup's roster, should be 6x more fun. Pm dTEC7.
still avi
who are you?
Funny thing is that I still don't know who you are ;D
Well, I'm FinlandAltsi. And you are AnonymousAti_

Now we know each other.

what else do you want to know about me?
Dunno, where did you play? Your the only one that I did not recognize on that list thing, that's why I was asking, not trying to offend you or anything ;d
KRP since 2008. nothing serious before that.

miNd asked me, Do I want to play. So artstar added me to the list :)
This is not what happened at all, Bacially Xperia cant play now due to family issues and we lost our 3rd seed pick, which meens i get a new player around the same skill level, which will ve scarzy, Basically Mind couldnt take this and parted :p not like his team where going to get anywhere anyway :D
Isn't there a backup to prevent problems like that?
Yes, but apparently razz feels that hes special and can get who he wants instead of taking the backup HE PICKED UP HIMSELF
Imo he should use his backup, no matter what :/
so if KEVJI said he doesnt want to play, what does razz do?
he probably said that he doesnt wanna play because he got ignored

dont think hes a cocksucker so why still "playing / beeing" with guys that ignore you?

its understandable if he said no after all of these shits.
well, to be exact, he was picked in 4th round (as 5th player), not 3rd.
ok filus thanx for clearing that up :) We'll anyway things have been resolved now
whats the conclusion then? I am kinda curious, because I had an idea of making a pool from all backups and every captain could pick anyone from them at any time to ensure they get what they actually need (you can substitute rifle with rifle, medic with medic etc). As I said, ppl who signed up for this should be prefered over ppl who hasnt been part of this opening cup from start.
+1, the pool thing would be way more practical and you could even get 2 backups if you really needed to
is it me or are you the only one with brains in this whole thing?
what was the backup for? I dont get it.
it owuld be by far better to take kevji as rifle and mant as smg than scarzy as smg^^

well just my thoughts... ofc its a stupid and kiddy reaction by this faggot^^
Scarzy is a beast tho
what's wrong with just playing with your backup? don't know if it was just bullshit, but I heard that Clown is going to use his backup and Jere might have to use his aswell

I'd understand adding a new player if you had two players who couldn't play, but what is the use of backups if you can just replace anyone who can't play from the main lineup? you're not being really fair to Kevji here
like i wrote above, i dont realy care about playing that cup. Don't like to play smg anyway so its fine for me if they take some1 else.
na you would paly if razz wouldn't unleash the shithawk on you, but i guess you won't be play after this anyway :P
well then dont signup, u have to do what ur captain says

if he thinks ur a better smg then u would have to do that, ofc in this situation its soemthing else but normally u should do that if he has to take u for that if u sign up^^
he obviously didnt sign up for beeing ignored
Ohhh the drama :/
So. All in all, ET lives another day?... :/
Quote potter on 03/01/12, 21:33:28 PM | Report | Reply

why call it a draftcup when you can pick a player which is not in the list when someone drops out and this person doesnt like to play with his backup?

dont get it

amen potter amen

the "draft" loses its meaning if you can just add players that weren´t even on the list just because you´re friends with the admins.
blindi got rossed, probably on razz demand?

or how about the admins put the cup time on a normal time or either on sunday so i can play which means no need for razz to take someone else ! even if I didnt have to attend a funeral, 6 pm, really? don't you people work aswell?

id love to be apart of that centipede
only if I wasnt the leading piece!
the cup was originally dated for Sunday 8th but we had to change it because of esl.
damn, well I'd have loved to play that's all. simply can't make it!
no worries!
who works till 6 though?
i never said work till 6, it's just that not everyone has the luxury to be at work / home in 15 minutes or something, both me and my brother have travel times of 70-80 minutes. not to mention dinner when u get home ;) 6 is just too early x) plus I think they shud've just put it on sunday but ok!
A lot of people do :C
thanks for clearing that up
you asked, didnt you? =)
I thanked you did I not?!
I just couldnt avoid the taste of sarcasm
It is somewhat past the point of a draft cup if some1 gets to pick a random player.
Why not let mant play smg? He's a decent smg and if you don't agree, you can always consider it a fun challenge?

fun, right?
you have the right attitude, razz doesnt.
you guys are the most pathetic bunch of nerds ive ever seen on the internet, and im not even lying
im guessing you've never played an mmorpg before :D
luckily not

Especially this Mind guy. No words.
haha what a bunch of nerds :D
now ive seen it all
Oh Sample, I just fell of my chair! :D
happy to entertain! ;d
Wrong, you still haven't seen your feet due to nerd fatness you've been gaining all these years.
Time to kill, ready for some smg&pf owning pmme
stray will be captain of the new team now cba with all this shit :P
you got mail

so sad..
grats miNd :)
razz so pathetic
honestly stay out of things when u dont even have a fucking clue what is going.
he actually does, still dont see why you would be so unfair towards kevji after picking him as your backup
image: How-to-Get-What-You-Want

if it doesnt work you can always "cba"
Actually, I know everything.
not even started and already a joke
this is just a test run for a cup and maybe something that can be done in the future on a more improved and larger scale. Don't go too far on it all just yet ;)
I personally am quite gutted I do not get to play the draft cup. Shame on you, miNd. I shall take it as a compliment though, as you obviously feared me.
I can understand ofcourse that you're disappointed to not be able to play but don't you think this decision was the best they could take?
No, perfo should gain management, kevji should be encouraged to play, and then a replacement should be granted.

Stray vs Razz is completely unfair.

had nothing against u!
Never seen such childish behaviour from a groups of "highskilled" players. A cup introduced to promote activity, competition, fun, turns into a competition of who has the biggest ego. Some ppl should be ashamed of themselves and it is obvious why many give up trying to contribute to this selfish community.

Exactly the reason why i didnt want to play in this version of the cup, but look forward to the matches it brings.
why you putting quotation marks on highskilled??
good question.
What is a groups?
not that there have been certain boycotts in the past, which were at least as childish as this got, but it's all childish none the less ;)
I see you are picking up! Good work my young padawan learner
so what basiclly happend: someone got to much spare time and creates a tournement like this. instead of an awesome 1 day cup he gaves us more E-drama/more opportunity to troll?

fair enough

edit: i wonder, why does everyone hates on razz all the time. he takes shit to serious. ok w/e leave him being captain, be the better one and enjoy ur game. why hating afterwards on cf. cf=a soap now a days.
Awesome to come to crossfire at 04 just to see razz mad again, priceless.

Get a life you kidface cunt :D
image: razzz

watchout webem8, this 55kg full of muscle is gonna rip you apart if u insult him

also boom g star baby, bet her mom bought hes clothes
Maybe next thing he buys shouldn't be G-STAR but G-MASS :D!
Ahh, it has been too long since the last shitstorm-journal.
yep, things seem to have gotten very tense, they're unleashing quite a rare shitstorm it seems
Draft drama \o/ (221 comments)
Posted by miNd on Tuesday 3rd January 2012, 22:20

journal of the year so far
Amazing, we want more
atleast with stuff like this you can see et aint dead :p
no, it just shows that crossfire is meant to be for flaming, if u truely need help or want to discuss something you rarely get any help :)
yea, you've got a point there as well :)
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