League of Retarded Matchmaking

Since there haven't been any LoL journals today or yesterday or anything, I figured I'd break my awesome chain of pony journals and make one.

In fact, I just want input on this bullshit:
image: A5nEk

I mean COME ON. I'd understand if I had a 50/50 win/loss ratio because of just finding very equal opponents, but in 3/5 of the cases in that picture it's been because of retarded "troll" (I really despise using that word in this context since it's not really trolling, but it seems to be the generally accepted usage in the LoL community) picks. I mean, I've had >2 kill-death ratio in like every one of those games? Bar the Renekton one which stretched out to 50 minutes and involved repeatedly getting aced by the enemy with only their tank and support remaining who couldn't obviously push for shit.

Take that latest Lee Sin game for instance. I was first pick, figured I'd take a jungler as first pick because I'm uncomfortable taking laners without knowing what I'm up against. So I go Lee Sin, cause he's the one jungler I'm like really good at. Well, anyway happens so that the second pickers (ie. the second and third guys on my team) both wanted to mid, although only one of them said it out aloud.

The one who called his wishes out picked LeBlanc and quickly locked her. After about 10 seconds the other guy decides to pick Xerath without uttering a single word and lock, then saying "Too bad I'm mid".

Now being the sly motherfuckers our enemies were, they went all fucking tanky on our team of one bruiser, two burst casters and Ashe: they had jungle Irelia, Gangplank, Taric, Sivir and Viktor.

Now despite the scales being heavily tipped to the enemy (Ashe in top vs. GP, Xerath feeding Victor in mid, LeBlanc and Soraka being denied out in bot) I managed to score six kills and two assists through excellent ganks (and the enemies being pretty bad).

HEHE TOO BAD, come midgame and their team just fucking ran us over with me and Ashe being our only damage versus their team Negatron Cloak. I got three of my deaths in the brief periods between the end of the laning phase and our inevitable surrender when they destroyed two of our inhibitors before 30min.

Long story short: Fuck 1300 ELO.
Sounds like you got outgamed by Team Tank.
Outpicked, at least. It's so fucking ridicilous. Some dorkwad went all out on me when I picked Teemo against Tryndamere top.

On the other hand, in the Tryndamere game, the enemy first picked Kassadin and our Karthus wanted to go up against him in mid for some fucking reason. Having numerous past experiences from ELO hell with AP carries "knowing how to play against Kassadin" I politely told him to fuck off and go solo top, letting me mid vs. Kassadin as Trynda. He actually stood at mid tower with me until the creeps spawned, thank goodness some of his polak premade friends told him to go top because midding vs. Kassa would be a suicide.
I had 3 kills on that Kassadin before 15 minutes.

I guess what I'm saying is that the retards around this ELO have no fucking clue of what countering even is. They're probably the sort of dudes who can only play one hero, and really believe everything that counters the said hero is severely OP. That's probably the reason Kassadin and Morgana are usually permabanned at this ELO - the same goes for Shaco and Lee Sin, although they aren't as often banned.
thats why i stopped playing this shit. even at 1700 there are same retards like at 1000. but tbh at 1700 players picked what team needed but they couldnt play their heroes and fed.

edit: just play premades
fyi, leaving the kills for the carries to pick up wins games. ;)
Point taken. Although it greatly depends on the situation. For instance, the Renekton game (where I have a pretty low assist/kill ratio) I was playing in an anticarry sort of way, which is IMO the way Renekton should be played. Basically I dashed through their entire team and sticked to their AD carry (or AP burst caster if they hadn't used their combo yet), either killing them or chasing them out of the fight, while our squishier carries should have been focusing on the targets they can while still staying safe. They didn't, though, were out of position and got slaughtered, and we lost the game.

Early on when ganking and stuff as a strong midgame character (like Lee Sin) I tend to take the kills to myself. I don't in general trust anyone in solo queue as to not get disappointed, and usually the good hardcarry players only manage to prove themselves later on. In the case that they are bad players, the money I got from the kills will just benefit as I can better carry in the team fights.
A high score with lee sin doesn't mean he could have left the kills for the carry. Early game his ganks are good because of his gapcloser. If he can kick em back and give the carry the kill, by all means why not. But usually lee sin ganks succeed with a good skillshot followed by a slow. And besides a lee sin can really carry a decent team if he gets abit of gear through midgame.

Also, trying to 'leave' kills to a carry can turn sour alot of times, they are better off dead imo.
i still dont understand this game/image ;/

only see that you lose, win, lose, win, lose..
That's the point.
You gain ranked ladder rating by winning games, like Clanbase ladder rating. However, since you are randomly matched up with teammates, the player skill level around the starting rating of 1200 varies extremely much from game to game. Since it's a team game, an individual player's performance is often overshadowed by teamwork/-composition. I'm sure this happens in ET too.

To make it short, since your teammates are randomly selected and usually vary between different rounds, it can sometimes lead to a seemingly never ending streak of 50-50 win-loss ratio, which in turn means that your rating will neither improve nor decline. Of course some argue that this means that one *belongs* to that level of play - however, I believe that if one's individual performance is greatly above the team's average (see pic in opening post), then it's really just a streak of bad luck.

Obviously over extremely long time periods (I'm talking about hundreds, if not thousands of games) the only constant variable is you, which means that if you truly are good enough to have better rating, you will eventually achieve it. However, many players don't really have the patience for such slow progress.

In other words, imagine playing ET officials with a team consisting of random IRC mercs.
But is there something like balanced heroes or what you chose there?
or is there one good combination that overwhelms everything?
The heroes are fairly balanced, although of course there's variation. What matters most is the team composition: a team consisting entirely of strong pubstomp heroes still probably won't do very good. There's no one combination that wins everything, and mostly every character in the game has some sort of a nemesis hero that will beat them (assuming equal player skills). Different types of champions are popular and "good" in low-level play than in high-level play. Generally low-level play has individualistic champions that don't rely much on the team.

(Wall of text incoming, if you've never played this type of games it might not be of much value to you)

Some champions are extremely popular and strong in lower-level play and versus unorganized teams. Generally they're champions that "snowball" easily (= good early game results in dominant mid- and late game). Examples are champions like Tryndamere, Gangplank, Kennen and Sion. Usually these are the sort of characters that can effectively carry a rather disorganized team versus another similar team, either by having lots of crowd control like stuns (Kennen from these has a very strong area effect stun ability), being very strong gankers (Sion pushes his lane fast and thus has a lot of free time to spend helping the other members of the team), or just being manly as fuck (Tryndamere is a high-damage melee DPS character who can go invulnerable for 5 seconds, Gangplank is a melee DPS character who can fill numerous roles, generally being built into a moderate-damage high-durability role).

The other sort of popular heroes are the ones that strongly counter the current metagame, or heroes that capitalize the enemies' mistakes. Champions like Kassadin and Shaco could be considered these. Kassadin being a very hard counter to mage characters in 1v1 (he has a silence ability which causes the opponent to be unable to cast spells for a few seconds, a free blink and high burst damage), however Kassadin is easily countered by heroes that don't much rely on their spells to deal consistent damage. Shaco on the other hand is a ganker character, who recently became even stronger than before because of changes to the neutral creeps. He very severely punishes careless play in the early game, having a combined blink+stealth ability that allows him to take idle pushers completely by surprise.

Many of these characters are often banned in solo queue, especially in lower ELO, because people don't know how to play against them. Admittably some of them may be a bit too strong right now (especially Shaco), but none of them are un-counterable.
thx for the answer
mad over 2milliondollers badgame?
seems like ure a faggot playing tryndamere
He's just cool because people have no idea what to do when he comes hacking at their face. He's pretty easy to counter though by kiting because of the melee range. If the enemy is wise enough to get a Frozen Mallet or two you're pretty much fucked unless you can get them completely by surprise or someone else manages to keep them in place long enough.

Of course this is just based on my individual experiences. Anyway, there's nothing funnier than to pick Teemo when the enemy team has a Tryndamere (and especially if they have another melee character too), then just rush Frozen Mallet and kite them to death. Always works.
Or just pick Yourick to top to counter almoust everyone. Always fun to see enemy's 20-25cs @10min.
ye but 90% of the noobs u get in your team just keep feeding him
1. Be first pick
2. Pick jungle Maokai
3. Gank with 90-100% full succes rate (kill)
4. ???
5. Profit

image: promw
2a. Pray to God for normal team
fucking +1
Yeah well that still won't work if every lane either pushes like an idiot, loses hard enough for the laner to be able to kill you both (unlikely with Mao's ridicilously high base durability and relatively high damage early on), or both. And that's the case too often in my ELO bracket.

It's really annoying how the new jungle made it viable to run annoying characters like Shen and Maokai there. Malphite has always been able to jungle but is even stronger nowadays. This sort of sucks because traditional junglers are comparably weaker now.
maokai is rly good when u have a 'team', if u got retarded lanes u won't force a kill, with lee you do, soloqueue jungle = lee
Heh, I think I just proove you wrong during my last game :D Basic retarded team, our nasus always flashing out when teamfight starts, and then graves follows him, leaves me as maokai + zilean + brand there 5on3. But np for maokai, ulti + spam weq with bluebuff and 1on3 is kinda easy even lol. Though I had 8/0/10 at that point, but anyway.

+ towerdiving is easy as fuck with maokai.
Never trust any "tierlist". :D

+ lol'd at vlad tier2, stopped there.
ur 1300 elo... or not? :D
1200+ atm, getting away from this shithole called elohell by playing jungle maokai always when possible. Or just LB at mid and get fed by midgame so enemies surrender. I'v noticed that I have strongest input to game as a jungler. Used to play AP, support and sometimes solotop, thing was that usually jungler was totally useless --> 4on5 + yes I'v got those 15 losing streak cause 0/8 0/5 1/9 pro teammates @12min + dc + "fu noob team i afk"... So now just jungle hard, kill all, win the shit.
what runes and masteries?

mpen red, flat armor yellow, mr/lvl blue, flat ap quints
u will keep this until 1800 elo np
i find it funny that better players are in normal games than @ rankeds :{D
missä sä oot luurannu tä????!?!?
jakamassa rakkautta. rakastan myös sinua.
just just tauno HAISTA VITTU ok sori rakastan sua
---------> Warwick
im 1200 elo and was 1100, its where the things are rly hard :D
you need somebody to image: crz9v you

I feel your pain though. This is how I feel when I solo que in HoN

image: TzMmL

ps: http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/
subreddit with 50000 people all there only for lol
I think hon doesnt even ahve 5000 :D
ELO HELL ^^^^^^
I only play support now so I can babysit bads:(
You play support cause you cant fail whole team like you do with other roles :P
At least how it works for me
Failing support = failing ad carry.
Yea, but not much space to fail, place some wards. do some heals, and chill.
This is why I don't play it anymore :))
faggot game
what u talking about?
LoL is skilled game man!
I know that feel bro :<

e: playing euw?
Yeah, nick Brndd
Play Soraka <<< 12 wins straight and still going.
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