Math doesn't suck, you do.

HF reading :P


Theoretical math is cool as shit. You know what's not cool? You being an idiot. Math theory involves solving problems like finding patterns in prime numbers, topology and thinking about the different kinds of infinity. And yes, there are different kinds of infinities. Pick up a fucking book some time.


Don't like it? Tough. People also don't like to work, and if everyone took your shitty attitude towards math and applied it towards work, we'd all be living in shit huts in Africa. As for me, I like computers, the Internet, and riding in elevators. Don't think elevators are awesome? Take the stairs next time, asshole. That's what people who hate math get: stairs.
Well well well.

Another cool guy at the internet.

Your journal name is miss leading and makes me to call Cyber police.NOT

The article is full of stupidness,the author wants to make lower IQ people to love maths,no,it won't work.

Untill we have Einstein kind persons in world,then everything is okay.
QuoteThe article is full of stupidness,the author wants to make lower IQ people to love maths,no,it won't work.

You misunderstood it. He's trying to insult them and make them feel bad.
I guess both of you hate maths huh
I most certainly don't, and for the record I find his website hilarious. He's obviously a dickface, but the shit he writes is gold.
loved that elevator part. fucking hilarious
math is fine, without any variables, yet i still prefer stairs over elevators
Never thought about that me taking the stairs is a result of me hating maths.

Next time someone asks why I'm taking the stairs, I'll just reply: I hate maths!
I find theoric math interesting now, but when I was in high school I always hated those trivial exercises which basically came down to learning a few symbols and recreating what you just read, which is about as dull as it gets by my book.

So this guy his idea of the math that everyone should master is exactly the part of math I don't like and I find less challenging, no it's not hard it's just fucking boring for anyone with an IQ above 80. I only found out theoretical math was interesting by myself when I was studying philosophy. So I can't possibly blame people for something which is the fault of the educational system.

He's an idiot for ripping on people for who got deterred by applied mathematics and just couldn't be arsed to see if there was anything else worth their time there. I would suggest he learns how to write without sounding like a frustrated twat and using a swear word every sentence.

Also : A superiority complex towards people who aren't gifted with a good mind is the true mark of an asshole. A waste of sperm and a disgrace to humanity if he goes through life like that. Wisdom is equally important, if you agree with his words, you have none.

EDIT: Why do I always type massive wall of texts? Blabbermouth much...
Even if it is long I like your statements.
I find theoric math interesting now, but when I was in high school I always hated those trivial exercises which basically came down to learning a few symbols and recreating what you just read, which is about as dull as it gets by my book.

So this guy his idea of the math that everyone should master is exactly the part of math I don't like and I find less challenging, no it's not hard it's just fucking boring for anyone with an IQ above 80. I only found out theoretical math was interesting by myself when I was studying philosophy. So I can't possibly blame people for something which is the fault of the educational system.

He's an idiot for ripping on people for who got deterred by applied mathematics and just couldn't be arsed to see if there was anything else worth their time there. I would suggest he learns how to write without sounding like a frustrated twat and using a swear word every sentence.

Also : A superiority complex towards people who aren't gifted with a good mind is the true mark of an asshole. A waste of sperm and a disgrace to humanity if he goes through life like that. Wisdom is equally important, if you agree with his words, you have none.
Why do u always type massive walls of text? Blabbermouth much...
lol yes :) i need to gain some weight tho
haha, you just suck at math
useless journal
fat nerd mad
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