user script for CF 4.0 Beta

I got inspired by this journal, so I made a small user script for Greasemonkey that changes the layout of the Crossfire 4.0 Beta:
  • new background
  • removed the rotator
  • removed twitter feed (useless since it's showing only one item which is typically a link to a news post)
  • moved the Other News, Events, Poll and Recent Activity to the top of the page
  • minor tweaking in colors

Screenshot (clickety-click for larger image):
image: preview-small

In case someone wants to try the script or tweak it further, you can grab it here:
EDIT Just updated the script and fixed some issues and tidied the code a little. If you are already using it, please update it from the same link.
Great, thanks!

Seems like I have some preformance problems, scrolling is going bumpy and slow.
found the preformance problem I zoomed in with ctrl+scroll now back to 100% and it's fine.

For the Google Chrome users you can use the script by default you don't need greasemonkey(metal) since It's build into chrome.

Idea:this twitter feed and co that you put on the top should be seperated from the main news
(16:48:38) (@antman) yep, looks good, will do that when I have time for it
Knew that u would do this sooner or later >:p
background sucks :P
The background was quickly made, looking forward to some pro photoshopper creating a decent background for it.
ok :P layout looks nice tho
looks awesome

id make a small seperator between Other News, Events, Poll and Recent Activity on the top of the page and the main news section, just for ease of watching
Looks good :]
nice, but i think that the top bar should be a bit bigger/fatter.
Not fond of the background to be honest. This bar containing "Other News, Events, etc"' should be detached from the main content. It would be more readable.
If the ads have been put there it's probably because they're following the web standards and as you know, no website can survive without finances.
The navbar looks too thin.

Apart from what I wrote above, I like the colors changes, it's more readable.
haven't removed any ads with the script, just my adblock blocking them on the screenshot and as I said in earlier reply, some pro photoshopper could make a decent background

EDIT: made the navbar a little bigger (don't want to make it huge)

add darker text and bigger menu
actually looks pretty good :) CF 4.0 is too plain for me :p
Is it possible to make one where the thread/news/journal titles are more compact? + xf2 theme? :D
image: c03lcmi44ozzypag2
the titles on the lists are now more compact
this plz. reddit / esr / xf2 theme for the non disabled people who want to visit xf4
sorry mate, im getting old I guess
The Twitter removal is the best part :D Noone will ever want to read that :D Why did you even add it in the first place?
As i told you before, i like it, but this new version have blue nicks @right side... the important is the news (tittle), not who created it..
true, updated the script and put the title on blue and the author is on light gray as it is default
much better
The background is no good. Crossfire is not just ET. :)
I know and as I've said already, if some pro photoshopper could make a nice background, I'd be more than glad to use it. This background was done quickly and just for showcase purpose.
nice work ;) awesome
I only use script for sniping
Where add the script for Mozilla :D
Hey man, what's up?
je galère sur ma nouvelle vidéo et toi ?
Quelle vidéo? Tu tournes des pornos?

ed: et pour répondre à ta question, tu as dans les Outils de firefox un gestionnaire des modules complémentaires normalement (tu moins c'est ce qui me revient en tête)
Non lol une vidéo ET.

Ok merci
Do you realise that when every crossfire user clicks the ads once a day we can host crossfire LANs for free?
By removing the ads you block the innovations that make Crossfire 4.0 possible!
Is this true? Why not make a HUUUUGE newspost about it! I might never go to LAN, but it's not hard for me to help out with a few clicks p/day!
Google ads normally don't allow "forcing" users to click on ads. So if an increase in clicks is noticed and google ads finds out we've been advising users to click on them just to get cash, our complete cashflow will be cut off.
It just takes some common sense to realize why we put ads on our brand new page, and it's not because we love them ;)
I didn't knew you could make that much money on ads! BRB, setting my own website ;)
i support this cause, krosan friend.

I however, am a cunt. and crossfire is not in my adblock exceptions.
Script doesn't remove ads, it's his adblock in the pictures.
haven't removed any ads with the script, just my adblock blocking them on the screenshot
Fair enough, although i am one of the users that use adblock to disable everything at everysite. Either way, i'm not well informed, but can't you just place the ads at the end of website so it doesn't bother me.. or perhaps "load them invisibly" ? like reduce the visibility to 1px....

I seriously hate them because they make the websites ugly.
If you don't actually click the ad, it doesn't matter how many pageviews you get for it. Been there, done that ;)
Lol,, i though the ammount they pay depends where the ad his / size of ads etc... In this case, remove all the ads and add a "donate button" where if you click it loads X ads... if every user do it once per day it would be awesome. And ye i saw what you wrote up about google.
There are strong rules about that, you can't really fool the system like that :P
And the reason why we've got the ads way up there is because if we like to show specific sponsor advertisement, we can ask a lot more monies :)
Well makes sense, but atleast speaking for myself, i will never click at any ad intentionally :| it's like if my eyes / brain filter them, i never read them.. in fact i have no idea what kind of ads show at cf :D
maybe he hasnt added xf4 to his exceptions yet?
He should! I wanna go to South Africa this year!
Im sure the majority would be glad if cf4 didn't get launched at all because of that.
Google ads are bs. There's different ad websites where you can get more money out of their system.
cant you keep the square/box at the top and move the "banner sized" one to the bottom?
with so little gfx design on the website the ads are totally dominant.

e: also for me its alwas rift advertisement but i cant seem to click it
It's just a png for now :)
lack of transparency, ugly layout
imo it's too weak !! nothing with gaming looks to simple imo ;p
well done :)

e:is it me or cant you see which journal got new comments? always the same light blue
fixed the unread issue, now the color for unread titles is the blue and color for those titles you have read changes to black, just reload the script from the same url to get the updates
found another thing

image: cant%20read
fixed now :)
nice, this one seems still bugged :P

btw i dont want to complain about your work :D .. looks good :)
thank you mr. bug hunter :)
that was due to the description being so short, but now I set min-height for the description div
in other words: fixed now

ps. actually good that someone tests it thoroughly so I can fix the issues I haven't noticed myself
and more :D:
image: %231 transparent profile
image: %232 white field below the groups in the profile
fixed :) these are all because I had to remove the white background from the #index div to create the gap between the other news section and main content section, now it seems I need to add the background to a few divs ;)
i dont get it what your are trying to say but its nice too see someone is doing something for CF ;D

ok i understand now ^^
doesn't matter, just check your inbox ;)
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