crossfires poker success

how much did you win? how much did you loose? what stakes do you play at?

currently recieved $50 from dem pokerstrategy, rolling NL10 on 2 tables (how pro am I), won like 5bucks but currently noob on short stack strategy

crossfire legends:

Finland kotkis winning hunder thousands of euroz
Finland Vanhaomena playing DEM HIGHSTAKES POKER winning 200-300k eur loosing all
Finland miNd` winning shit but loosing all (all or nothing)
Finland Iron progamer no idea what he won loss.
Ireland flushje
Finland Thomm -> he progamer

what about you?

image: flaming-bullets-pocket-aces-poker-art-teo-alfonso
I play ET and QL
210€ few weeks ago from live-drunk-games. Haven't played online in ages, except some buddie-group 10-20€ sng's.

Won few euros 2006-2007, got bored and it took too much of my time.
sowwy that i've forgot you in the finnish legend list bro
Get me off there :D
i remember our late night talks about poker like in 2k8 :D
And don't forget Vanhaomena cashing from live-tournaments too, at least EMOP Riga I think.
yep he's in the list, he's my favourite finlandia progamer

honestly, when he said like a year ago he lost liek 200k eur i was like

... i'd hang myself
check out ziigmund youll like him :)
yeah i've seen his videos, finnish guy throwing millions(well maybe thousands) online to some other pro
he's a big troll but a very good player
check out Isildur vs Brian Hastings =)
flushje used to play too, at least on some level I think.
pokerstrategy giving 50 dollars if you do the test right.

any other sites (next to 888poker and pokerstrategy) that give you free moneyz?
u better move sooner than later from SSS; it sucks. play some real poker :)
i don't wanna loose my 50$ taking the risks :( (pussy)

better off waiting for better hand than playing every shit hand?
but its borign as fuck.. moved from there as soon as i could.
..and lost everything ?:D or man up and wen't high
i moved to midstakes sngs, played a bit and cashed out everythign as i didnt have much time anymore. going to start end of january again i think
so basically how much did you won
id have to check, few thousand (it was 2years ago)
can't you believe a kraut from cologne winning WSOP (8mil)

22 years old

hes on pokerstrategy too :p
he played really well! was well deserved
I play like once every half a year. then I transfer 20 euros or something, play a week or two until I have 200 and then lose all at once.
Belgium mAx was pretty serious about poker atleast at some point, but not sure how it went for him

myself I played online poker regulary for a couple years (mostly PLO50), won a little, but nothing worth mention. these days the games are a lot harder to beat and it would require quite an effort to start making moneyz from poker

now I'm just enjoying live poker with friends from time to time :p
just playing home games@pokerstars...
10535€ winnings
A friend of wins total 314.000 prof pokerstar player
25$ atm :)
NLHU 200-600, no pro.
u should add France Cya, he is not famous and no more active in the community. But he is really good in poker.. (his website about his life in poker, in french only)
i've played a lot on
won quite some tournaments, max amount i had was around €450 i guess
but at that time i was working so it wasn't a lot of money then for me, so i played with higher stakes to win more, but lost it all eventualy :(
Now that i'm a student again i could only wish i had €450 on that account :p
true, I stopped aswell when I started studying eventho getting nice profits
around 2.5K euros profit overall on different accounts! always played lowstakes
once i blew a dick and earned 20 € for that
won around 500$

Here's two graphs i found, idk where the rest is.
I used to grind 2nl 24 tables, moved up quite a few times, the 25 and 50nl were 8 tabling

image: dzdzd

Uploaded with
image: 2550nl

Uploaded with

Oh, it was from the 50$ from pokerstrat aswell :D
hmm, what quiz should I do? I assume the No-Limit one
72 euros profit (10 euro buy-in) at SAGE against professionals like Ronner, Night and RELOAd.
Played in las vegas for an entire week - broke even. Was winning until I lose all in when I hit my set. The other guy had a higher set :(.

Now I don't play much, as I work with poker 5 days a week -_-.
what kind of job do you have? just basic customer service or?

was thinking about applying to some jobs at malta aswell at one point
Nah, I started Customer support, then became VIP manager. And now I manage a poker network.
yeah... Malta is fun. You should try to get a job here :). There are some finnish people here and they are quite nice. Some hot finnish girls too, wowoweewa :D
how did you end up in malta? :S some internet searching for work?
I played poker on a big Swedish poker site... Then My father took me to Malta on vacation, and the site happened to be located there. I applied for a job and told them I would graduate in June. They called me on the day of graduation and told me I got a job in Malta. It was pretty sweet...
awesome life is awesome
Yea, I don't doubt the fun part at all :D I still have 2 years of my school left and I want to finish it off now so can't really leave for Malta atm.

Would be cool to get a summer job from there, but do poker firms generally take any summer workers? All the job advertisements I've went through were for full time positions.
No, they don't take summer workers... Some take interns but getting an internship is quite hard actually.

You could lie and say you want to work for a long time within the industry and quit when you want... It's not that hard :)
what network? :D

wanna hire me!!
Hope you don't mind if I don't post it here, I'd rather keep it unknown for business sake. And no, we are not hiring... Sorry :D
certain affiliates have told me they could kill some certain VIP managers. is that why you can't reveal it? :D
lol, Im not a vip manager any more... But no, I was very liked by both the players and the affiliates. Because I gave really good deals I guess? ;)
won around 500 euro
soon 100k total up I guess
Something like +50$ :P
won 60euros at poker :D
won 20 euro in poker, after what won 50 in live roullete.
playing daily ....:)( no im not addicted...maybe just a bit) ....

starting before 4years ...

playing sng nl holdem -- low multitabling- buy ins 1,50 -- 12,00 dollar( 10-12 tables same time)

and the daily standard tournaments 2.20 3.30 4.40 5,50 and sundays the big sunday and few other tournaments .

im not talk about how much i won ,but win ofc daily -care l about your brm (bankrollmanagement) and you can have long time fun and win maybe few dollars -good luck
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