cod4 = pc crash

Formatted pc yesterday, but everytime when I play cod4 for a while (ranging between 5-30 min) my pc just crashes.. I am quite sure it has something to do with CoD4 because with any other game it just runs smooth.
Kzweer je moet ff gaan jumpen en dan doet ie het weer wtf !!!11 geen grappen
is ur pc good enough for that game?
i would check the temperature of motherboard and graphic card
I am playing WoW on high quality and swtor on medium, without any crashes. Can also play LoL for 3 hours straight without ANYTHING happening.
on a serious note, I remember when we won a lan and all got g35 headsets and every time we played cod4, JyrkZ's PC crashed after 1 map or so when he had g35 connected and not with anything else. someone mentioned smth about a mic bug, maybe look more into that :p
I'll give that a shot! So just unplugging it before starting and plugging it in again when i am in-game?
I don't know the solution, I remember JyrkZ just stopped playing cod4 :D
Just gonna reinstall my pc tomorrow again, and will use 32 bit windows 7 instead of the 64 bit I am using right now.
true and then suddently it was gona for few maps and then it came back ;s
welke swtor server speel je??
scepter of ragnaros
hoe heet je en welke factie zit je?
Domiy, jedi sage!
ok cool ben je al ver? ik speel met euhm... denk 8 rl maten op chuundar (english,pvp) heb een 50 commando en ben nu ook met een sage bezig :p
ben pas lvl 14, en atm niet veel tijd om te spelen (ET, CoD4, LoL much)
ok ja ik heb al veel gespeeld in de vakantie had ook 7 dagen early access, speel je alleen? anders moet je op chuundar komen :D
speel met 7 oude wow guild members :P
ah ok cool :)
it happens to me aswell sometimes, a mate told me that the reason is windows xp...
Using windows 7 ultimate :P
a cat told me you are homo and are never online
studying hard mantm8 :$
No idea, just plugging in my mic fixes everything. Seriously, try it.
probably the microphone bug

unplug the microphone, plug it in again after starting the game

it usually got smth to do with the in-game voice chat

(no this is not a troll)
It doesnt help disabling voice chat?
It could be your PSU .. usually that problem occurs if you psu has low wattage
650 watt ;)
You sure all your parts doesnt take uP more than 650watts? also check the temperature of your parts
I am quite sure since the problem has not occured before, and as said, I can run WoW on high and SWTOR on medium without it crashing.
Cod4 has higher requirements than WoW but there is nothing wrong with checking the temperature n shit? or try googling
No answer gotten from google, temperature last time i checked was around 40-50.
check drivers up to date and ru trying MP? and is it cracked or actuall cd key? reinstall and then upgrade to 1.6 1.7
his parts would never use 650W tbh...
Reinstalled CoD4 today, patched from 1.0 - 1.7 + actuall key. My vid card drivers are not up-to date because then ET FPS will suck hard.
what's your setup?

I am working on a complete list of parts needed for building a custom PC myself. I first thought a 850 watt power supply would be enough, but after checking everything again and talking to a guy that is more familiar with that stuff I came to the concolusion that I gonna need a 1200 watt power supply if it works on 80 per cent or more of it's resources
Most of my hardware is quite old (gonna order new parts the 15th)

CPU: Core 2 duo, E 4600 2.4 ghz
RAM: 4gb RAM
Vid card: XFX 4890 HD XxX
Mobo: P965 neo-f
power supply:Chieftec CFT-650-14cd
Crashes in what way? Just freezes/hangs? And you've got a RealTek integrated soundcard?

If so, could be PB conflicting with RealTek sound drivers and causing your system to hang, I had it before with any game that uses PB (ET, CoD 4, BFBC2).

Fixed it by dusting off my Creative Soundblaster MX, working like a charm now.
-run as admin
-try compatibility mode
-also something to do with sound settings, you can't put the settings too high in windows or something
edit: yeah, the mic thingie
-your pc is giving signals you shouldn't play cod4...
when disconnecting my mic = cant start cod4 ;)
buy the game?

like mant said there's some known issues with cod4 and certain soundcards (mainly onboard ones, realtek). I cant even start the game so dunno you might have to look into that!
got a realtek, so that might be the prob ;)
solution i found for my prob (which is a bit different from yours and i haven't tried it yet) is uninstalling sound card driver and then reinstalling it from your mobo disk or just generally fucking about with reinstalling it. Am just a bit too lazy to test it out :D
Without driver installed = crash, with driver installed = crash ;) mobo disk is like win XP / 98 etc only
:< saddd
Conclusion of this is that cod4 is made by monkeys!
dont insult my mates
got same problem with css, problem was driver from vidcard
installed a beta version and it worked perfectly
maybe thats an option!?
Just a bad player
imo change attitude, u want play COD => game crashes, u dont give a fuck about it => works smoothly :D
give me cod4 will give brink for it
Dose it happen on servers with pb? If so, just update you graphics card
does your screen freezes after a while?
because i got that with cod4..

screen freezes but i can still talk on teamspeak etc but ctrl+alt+delete doesnt work so i need to reboot
My screen freezes right away + the typical crash sounds.
if you dont get a reply on here that helps, might be worth having a look on tek9.
Already posted it on tek-9 aswell, not on the forums though since I cant post there :P
O_o why not
I got no clue, could not find a "create forum post button" :P

tek9 fucked up man !
its a sign that you need to focuse more on ET & NC, and less on cod:)
Psu or memory I'd guess :(
Then I'd have to find out which one it is :XD But kinda strange it doesnt crash on LoL, swtor, wow, Et or anything else :P
I've had the same problems occur with the weirdest combinations. Like crysis would work fine on high. And that game did eat a lot of CPU/GPU, but on MoHaa my system would crash.

I can't remember, but I had either overclocked or forgot to increase memory voltage to recommended by the manufacturer :P
Got no overclocked parts, neither lack of voltage ;) It worked fine before format.

Gonna order new parts in 5 days ;)
What error message comes up? None at all? Have you tried plugging in your mic like I suggested?
No error message comes up at all, tried to unplug my mic but then CoD4 wont start at all.
help domii pls.. stib and kruger to low..
No problem really, your computer is smart enough to detect a shit game and does you a favour and turns itself off
open command prompt, type: sfc /scannow

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