French got frogged?
17 Jan 2012, 23:07
Hi ladies and gentlemen,
I prefered playing some cool mixgaymes with and missed the match of the evening... no big deal to be honest.
Is there someone to sum up what happened tonight?
Even if dutchies look pretty strong its a heavy defeat LOL. I hope Captain An7ho will take good decisions and change the lineup straight away. Let's hope Captain An7ho will make them practice hart like Colonel LeFrancis would have done to bring his team to the victory. Moreover, such a shame not to see emorej for example, inactivity isnt an excuse.
If you understand french language like my e-friend nicon who can speak over 9000 languages you may want to have a laugh by reading whine & flame comments :
Mort de lol!
Anyways if you don't really give a shit about what happened tonight on ETTV, I can provide you some content given by our almighty rafek. Indeed, here at, entertaining people is our priority. Tonight, SimonKinsler wrote a good news about french gayme. Benjii shoutcasted for nerds. nicon is new dalai lama @ESL administration. Wny won lantrek pocals and is very rich man now, he's loved by entire Tampere gayming community. Let's get straight to the facts.
Disclaimer : This video is made by Pr. Rafek for educational purposes. He's gynecologist in real life.
LeFrancis - 8th journal writer of the year - 1st CF entertainer.
I prefered playing some cool mixgaymes with and missed the match of the evening... no big deal to be honest.
Is there someone to sum up what happened tonight?
Even if dutchies look pretty strong its a heavy defeat LOL. I hope Captain An7ho will take good decisions and change the lineup straight away. Let's hope Captain An7ho will make them practice hart like Colonel LeFrancis would have done to bring his team to the victory. Moreover, such a shame not to see emorej for example, inactivity isnt an excuse.
If you understand french language like my e-friend nicon who can speak over 9000 languages you may want to have a laugh by reading whine & flame comments :
Mort de lol!
Anyways if you don't really give a shit about what happened tonight on ETTV, I can provide you some content given by our almighty rafek. Indeed, here at, entertaining people is our priority. Tonight, SimonKinsler wrote a good news about french gayme. Benjii shoutcasted for nerds. nicon is new dalai lama @ESL administration. Wny won lantrek pocals and is very rich man now, he's loved by entire Tampere gayming community. Let's get straight to the facts.
Disclaimer : This video is made by Pr. Rafek for educational purposes. He's gynecologist in real life.
LeFrancis - 8th journal writer of the year - 1st CF entertainer.
First match under the french colours and already insulting the opponents. Well.. I think the captain should consider an other man for his spot. Really.
Je sais pas si tu es au courant mais les mots insultants ne sont pas nécessairement connard pd ou encore sac à merde..
Ce "va chier", je trouve qu'il fait tache dans le déroulement du match, simplement.
Relis bien tes propres commentaires avant de faire ta sainte nitouche et a monter sur tes grands chevaux quand tu vois un mini taunt qui est passé inaperçu aux yeux de tous tellement il est banal.
Il est peut être passé inaperçu parce qu'il était écrit en Français et que, malgré que la communauté francophone d'ET pense le contraire, le Français n'est pas la langue primaire sur le jeu.
Tu noteras également que c'est la seule insulte ayant été émise de tout le match. Pas même un simple fuck n'a été prononcé, si tu veux bien m'accorder l'usage de cette expression.
xPERiAAAAA.NL [Warmup]: btw is this team fr or team chile
sQuid flam kartez, xPERIA compare la team France à la team Chilie, mais non c'est pas insultant. T'as juste pas l'air de savoir déceler les sarcasmes.
tu mérites vraiment une médaille :D
enfin tes parents plutôt
Apparemment tu sembles aimer mes messages, ce qui est positif, mais d'un autre côté je sens une pointe de sarcasme dans tes propos. Tu pourrais expliquer un peu ton ressenti?
Trouves-tu que je l'ouvre un peu trop alors que les temps sont plutôt au je-me-tais-pour-avoir-des-potes?
et j'ai pas suivis le coup du "j'ouvre ma gueule blablabla"?
"Let me be your friend, I'll lick your ass and tell the others they are stupids!".
sur ce, je vais dormir
2. I'm low+
3. I don't know him
I just wanted to display his vulgarity, which apparently doens't affect the others members of the community..
Let's insult each other, because this match was a serious business against people who don't understand french, with a lot of money involved!
2. stop promoting yourself
originality needed in overal
3. video title & first view amused me eventho I didnt open it
I could've aswell said:
shit as usual