economy status

Hey guys, im just wondering about your country economy status.

Whole world seems to have a crisis, im asking here because media are so fucking deceitful and they write only this what ppl want to read.

So is it only in Poland, or you noticed that by-and-by your country is getting worse for citizens.

I personally think that soon we will have on earth some massive conflict because ppl are slowly getting mad as hell, at least here in Poland - today i read that some polish geologists found a big petroleum deposits on 1/3 of polish territory but almost all concessions are already sold out to foreign companies so basically Russians/Americans and Germans will extratc this oil, then export it to their countries, and then Poland will have to import this oil :D That makes so fucking non-sense.

Also increasing oil/nuclear conflicts between arabs and americans are very dangerous + China citizes became more aware. It seems like we will have very intresting twenty years :D
This makes non-sense
ye the kiddo can't handle reality ;c
you propably don't know the reality
yes because i rob children like you, hahahah XD
you robbed only my valuable time with your ignorance and stupid as hell replies which shows that you are on same intelligence level like most of polish e-gods through internet - it starts to be already boring

yes, now you're propably thinking about next uber intelligent reply, but dont bother to

i typed like you, didn't mean ya in the first place. once you realize that its about you and your family, you will either score or fall over like the majority (complaining about shit social status @ their countries or whatsoever, but on the other hand unable to take any actions).

valuable time doesn't sound like making pointless journals which don't change anything. i'd rather post smth interesting/useful or just tease a bit with my e-mates but mkay. just do your thing and good luck with life!
This journal isnt about complaining my country (current government with Tusk sucks tho). I wanted to get some informations from citizens from other countries to compare it to my point of view on a whole world, ofc I can rely on the media but they are too untrusted for me. I think its important to know what is going on in the world we livin. And i fully agree with that ppl should try to make their lifes better than complainin how bad it is but ppl are mad when they hear i.e that 1million PLN was earmarked for bonuses in our Ministry of Health.
and again, am not saying that you made it because wanted to complain about our beloved country. just like i said, it doesn't change anything + there are independent media, more reliable than random xfire discussion.

och and btw, am not mad about that example. i'd do the same if i were them ;D
well you answered yourself why situation in poland is so fucked up, politics lost the meaning of being a politic. True politic should care for the good of the country, not for the good for himself. We've 400egoists in our current government who have already stolen alot of my, yours, everybodys money.
yeah and only serious and interesting replies so far :'D
you rather mess around than focus on important issues because there is nothing you can do that is of any importance. While you may enjoy this logic, don't try to impose it on others.
och cmon, like i was trying to :U just regular chitchat with different povs, no offense to anyone. btw am curious how this little 'debate' or even him becoming an economist could make any difference. discussing abour which country is weaker atm or w/e is kind of lame for me but again, wouldn't like to hurt your feelings :(
I think you just misunderstood the journal, just seems like a honest curiosity towards global situation.
lol i get it, just the point that xfire is not the best place to post something like this. i read whole topic, didn't find anything new to me (maybe besides improved price for pepsi ;D) and i think many people would agree. but still (for the last time) - i don't mind. gn8
Ofc it is great place to discuss from my pov because i can debate with exactly same people like me. The only one difference is that they're from different countries. It gives me possibility to compare their views with mine.
We got uranium, the gasoline of the future here in Finland, jej! Come and get it while it's hot.
eh, finally i know where the sample in this song was taken from!
it's been sampled a lot, heard it in nearly every music genre :d besides the fact, it's a great movie!
+1 great movie
finland is doing rather okayish
I've actually seen improvement :D, but that's prolly cause of the olympics. Also Freddos are now 20p!
belgium finally has a government after 500+ days.
One of our biggest bancs just went broke and the state has bought it, now having 44 BILLION+ depts.

work laws are changing, they are obligating ppl to work (wich in times of crisis will have a postitive influence imo).

Beer en french fries prices have doubled over the years

But my grandma is still giving me the same amount of money for christmass ass 10 years ago so i think we are still good :)
sneaky little granny, still the same amount of money huh ? what about inflation brah!?
costs for society and especially for the economy would have been much higher if we hadnt saved dexia
The government only put themselves as guarantee, those 44 bn (actually it's 56bn) is not debt of the federal gov, those are dubious products still in dexia holding. If the economy/financial sector improves most of that if not all can/will be recovered.
"the government put themselves at guarantee"

i'm not sure but last time i checked our "government" has more depts then 10 dexia's together

+the part about the holdings COULD be true (but we are looking at a 10 years even longer term to let them break even).

- it also COULD NOT happen, since our government will not support Dexia much longer, let me rephrase CAN'T support dexia any longer. wich will lead to even more decreasing, more depts but certainly no recovery. => In this case France will prolly buy us out.

Note: these are all personal opinions, ofcourse your scenario can indeed be, and lets all hope, the truth
Quotei'm not sure but last time i checked our "government" has more depts then 10 dexia's together
Yea ok the government has a debt of 380 bn but what has that to do with the fact I mention those 44bn are not government debt but 'guarantees'? :)

By the way, the debt rate is 98%, in 1993 it was 130%! It's certainly not low but not dramatic either especially if you know that in almost every other western country the debt rate rose much faster in recent years then here.

Quote- it also COULD NOT happen, since our government will not support Dexia much longer, let me rephrase CAN'T support dexia any longer. wich will lead to even more decreasing, more depts but certainly no recovery. => In this case France will prolly buy us out.
France can't bail us out. They have a deficit of 5.8% and just lost their AAA rating by S&P!! => because of high deficit, high public debt & lack of competitivty compared to other AAA countries. Anyway, all dubious products form Dexia Holding are covered by both FR & BE governments. Aslong as no major fuckups happen like 'renteswaps' where they lose more money then they put in, the BE government can't step in for more then 56 bn euro. Most of those products however are still worth quite a lot. It all depends how the euro crisis pans out but I'm sure the maximum we will have to pay of those 56bn euro will be 25% of it. And I'm 80% sure we won't have to pay more then a few billion euro which will be inflated away over the years!!
day to day 'luxuries' are noticeably getting more expensive, a bottle of pepsi max for instance is £2.06 at my local tescos - tescos being a major store so buying bulk to reduce price for customers ^^ says it all, I guess overall compared to like 5 years ago, seems to be a 25-35% increase in cost of such things.

Property prices on the other hand are dropping and it has become hard to get full value if you are selling. Recently I bought a house £45k below market value because people are skint / worried about over extending themselves.
WTF? I don't know what TESCO you shop at :D
its 2 for £3 mind you, they probably marked it up to enforce the multi shop - but at my local before I moved it was £1 each so that is quite a big fucking change. could be just the location I am in now ¬_¬
If we are talking 750 ml bottles, it costs £1 in Tesco and 2 for a pound in Poundland :D
2 litre ones lad
Christ! I haven't really notices much difference apart from fags but they're always going up so quit smoking so im richer than ever!
properties are cheaper in poland too, if we will compare it to 2009, 2010. But properties prices depends from currency rates, i 2007 swiss franc was very cheap compared to PLN and ppl were taking the credits to buy a flat. Nowdays it is very uneconomic because most of important rates went higher.
1 euro 1.5l pepsi here
I'm living in GERMANY, we will sit here with our high+ economy and lough at other countries going down!
germans laugh? somethings wrong :s
loughing out lought!
go back to trolling your mom fatty mc fat fat
We are indeed the most powerful country in Europe right now
I'm living in GERMANY, we will sit here with our high+ economy and lough at other countries going down!
The situation here is quite shitty because we are about to vote for the presidential election (in less than 100 days iirc) so all candidates aim to please the people by making shit declarations, by proposing unrealistic measures, by throwing meat at each other like kids would do and in the meantime, the right wing party is gaining potential votes with even absurder propositions. We lost our AAA, it seemed to be a big deal but now we lost it, it's not that important :D
God bless Hungary Sarkozy the valiant knight coming to rescue you all!
too many strangers here

shoutout to my France fanboys Provok & RASHOMON
If comparing countries, Finland is doing okay, but things are getting worse all the time :L
Some people are saying the economy has already fallen and the leaders are only using emergency packets to upkeep the illusion that we shouldn't worry, while these vampires are leeching the last drops of blood remaining hoping that eventually when we wake up to the reality of things, we are already too weak to fight it and will simply submit to whatever they decide to impose on us.
Yes, deterioration in the quality of life is a continous process, since i remember situation is still getting worse and worse, ofc some coutries are better, some are worser but still every europe country tends to be needy.

Im wondering who and what should do to reverse this process.
Could actually fit for many countries imo!
I actually only wrote the 1st line about Finland and the rest about global economy, but yeah, obviously this translates well to individual countries also.
Ultimately finland/norway/sweden are the best countries to live in: Enough water, enough wood, enough deer and other wild animals and best opportunities to have alternative energy plants
oh and yeah, dollar and euro are hiiiiiighly inflated
while true, we have sold our water to McDonald's and Nestle, our decision making given to EU and we are the Western World's bumper for Russia. Any imbalance in global politics and we are screwed big time.

On a more positive note, Scandinavian countries do have the potential to illuminate a bright future for the rest of the world because economically we are still doing well and if proper action be taken (shift of perspective), we could invest in self-sufficiency, pay off our debts, start intelligently designing future societal programs and uplift the living standards leaving more time to heal the conflicts within.

Something like this however requires unity and this is very hard to achieve when you got global players everywhere trying to undermine efforts towards unity and self-sufficiency. They want to keep us dependent on the system so that their monetary system remains powerful enough to shape the future.
I am not completely aware of finland's situation, do you have a high national debt and is it increasing on a large scale?
Yes, our politicians are making sure we are getting into so much debt that the Global Elite can devour us when the time is right, but like mentioned we are still doing fine compared to many other countries, but for how long..
Okay but still, moving towards a depression compare yourself to massive import countries like France, Spain, UK or the Netherlands. Scandinavia feels to me like the place to live. Build a big house next to a creek, get a lot of guns, grow your own corn get some exchange your papermoney to gold -> profit
well, something like that... :P
italy=fucked up
berlusconi focused on fucking bitches rather than ruling the country :D
I think Africans are richer than me at the moment.
We live in a networked economy, what effects one country will always be felt elsewhere. Debt is not actually a bad thing, if its isolated or managed, it provides the facility for growth. However in the case of the EU debt is so widespread its worthless.

This second leg of the economic downturn is owed to two things, firstly, inaction by major European governments to tackle problems unearthed by the original banking crisis of 3 years ago. Secondly, evolution of the consumer, many of the companies that have gone under or are in danger of going under are totally understandble in this market. In the UK a company called Woolworths went under, it was a 100 year old brand in the UK, but it simply failed to serve a purpose in the market, there are many examples of this in the retail sector.
Quotebut almost all concessions are already sold out to foreign companies so basically Russians/Americans and Germans will extratc this oil
1. Those companies pay billions for those concessions. 2. Poland does not have any big oil concerns who can exploit the oil 3. Those companies invest billions in Poland in order to extract the oil 4. they provide employment + higher tax income
I only see it in the news.
we are all fucked
interest and interest on interest are the evil. nuff said.
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