do you do regular sports?

are you active in any kind of sports? aerobics, gym, football, basketball, tennis etc?
do you have any goals, achievements?

me: i used to be a 'powerlifter', made some impressive weights to my age. currently been out of powerlifting for a year due to combat army. serving in the field for a year, with 2 years left, so i'm mostly aerobic active with long runs and sprints. hoping to get back to iron one day again...
hockey since i was 6.
gym sometimes when i dont have hockey game or train.

i achieved something in my youth. not that important tho.
Played basketball, was being prepped for high level play, but power training made me lose too much weight. My team wasn't too fun either, so I just quit.
Football casually (although formerly competitively) and rugby competitively. Won a few cup/league titles through the years. No goals as such.
What team, might be I come watch a game and boo you!
Quotemade some impressive weights to my age


Im going to attend my first competition this year or very early next year when the new season starts.

Lowbar-squat 1x190kg
Highbar-squat easy 6x140kg
Narrow grip bench press 1x110kg
Deadlift 3x190kg / 1x200kg(...)

Quote by urtier
Plus I don't have a car and hate public transport, so I end up walking to uni and shops. Adds up to at least 4-6 km a day.

Also this. I hate paying for transport. :D
im not into talking numbers as i don't like it but your weights are impressive
couldn't resist, where's pc and press?

I have never done power cleans since I had no-one to teach them to me and I felt they were a waste of time to learn by myself. Olympic lifts do fascinate me though.

For press, I know for a fact it hindered my bench-progression badly. I only do shoulder presses whenever Im training for muscle mass / strength base AND not doing heavy max lifts.
PC can help improve your deadlift and press can sometimes be important for BP. i had no one to teach me how to do each excercise and i had to sit down and watch videos and read the book by my own to understand how to do them correctly
you shouldn't pass on PC, and for press it sounds weird. do you follow a specifiec training method? (texas, madcow, pendley etc)
I follow Westside-routine whenever Im training for maximal strength, which is about 8 months of the year.

I have heard that power cleans help deadlift so you must be correct. I still dont feel Id gain anything for doing them. My weak point is the first 10cm off the floor. :D

And yeah, strong shoulders are needed for a good bench max. Fellow lifters in my gym have criticized me for having really weak shoulders. (this shows as the whole shoulder starts to shake when reaching nearly maximal weights and above - in bench press)
going to gym 3-5 times a week, playing basketball and soccer in summer, but not on a regular basis
walking 29 stairs down to fridge, get a cold beer, move 29 stairs up again, enjoy it while pc nerding. returnpeat as often as needed.
same, but without the stairs ;D
i masturbate. does that count?
playing soccer on sundays.

Planning on doing some footing 5days/week
- Some jogging 3-5x a week (5-10 km), attending a relay marathon in 10/2012 (4 runners, 10,5 km each)
- Football 1-2x a week
- Gym 3-4x a week when my shoulder gets better

Plus I don't have a car and hate public transport, so I end up walking to uni and shops. Adds up to at least 4-6 km a day.

No goals, just lose some more weight (90 kg till april) and get in shape.
i remember you're doing diet for a year already. the first kilos are very easy to lost (depends on your weight, you were around ~140? you can get to 100 in a few months easly) but the real deal is to lose the stubborn fat. from my point of view you seem to be doing things wrong imo
I lost 76 kgs in total, almost 3 years now. Probably doing everything wrong! ;-)

However, I'm currently stuck at 100kg since summer pretty much but I know the reasons so I don't see a problem in that.

image: graph

As you can see, the months I lost most weight were always the first half of the year. That's because there are basically no holidays! In the summer holidays I took things slow, beer, bbq, party -> Gained 5-10kg everytime again. The next 2 months were used to lose them again, then the christmas crap comes along, so another month to lose that. Now I'm right infront of the holiday free months, easy peasy.

E: But please, if you got more knowledge or insides, let me know! I'm always interested in other ways or improvements!

You cut off the excess skin yourself?
Haha, wish I could!

I'm still far from an ideal shape and my goal, but I guess I will end up with quite some excess skin at some body parts (belly mostly). So I probably have to see a surgeon about it in some years. Will see how it develops with sport and training :-P
the first months/year where you lost most of the weight was due to you been bigger and having minerals in your body. with the size you were, i bet you had atleast 10kg of water lost out. it's common for any diet to lose water. you were also bigger, so it's twice faster and easier to lose weight. as i've said, you will be stuck to 100kg and around for a long time with what you're currently doing. i'm not impressed with the progress you have done (WTF 3 years and only 76, and you're 100kg? this is just so wrong it amazes me). i'd really be interested to see your results in a few months if your current size is 100 (even though that's still a lot and should be easy, somewhat, to lose weight)
So what's your advise for me then? I'd be happy to learn from you!

Not enough sports? Wrong nutrition?
wrong nutruition in relation to sports. you don't even have to do sports to lose weight... google lyle mcdonald and read about his technics (U2) or even anabolic diets. learn how to consume protein and fat as your main nutruition and remove carbs completely(with carbs loadings on regular basis) and anaerobic (more efficient than aerobic).
I tried Keto and I didn't like it.

I'm 100% aware how to lose weight, I'm 100% aware of all the diets out there and their routines and the bullshit that comes with them. In the end it's calories in vs calories out and hitting your macros for optimal recovery and growth. Some have great success with Keto, others with IF, others are even eating junk all day long plus their protein shakes and still have success. Strange, isn't it?

I could have lost the rest of my weight already, yes. Eating just vegetables and a pound of chicken per day.

Easily? No, because I still like to enjoy life and enjoy food and drinks even if that means it will take me longer.
you can eat cakes only and lose weight...calories vs calories is not science and is not 100% correct... do what you want, but i can already see that you lack a few judgments that can make your life easier. eating only chicken and vegetables is not the way to lose weight (actually fat-rich food is the way to go)
i don't know about you, but eating a lot of meat as a part of a diet is a great way to live
You probably never had problems with weight, and I'm talking serious weight, not your random "uhh I gotta lose 5 kg, I'm sooo fat" weight. How do you know what's THE way to lose weight then? Because you read about it in some forum, because you found something that gave some persons results? Honestly, you're most likely in no position to talk about EASY weight loss, especially not without knowing my current nutrition and other daily routines.

Also there are studies that show that fit overweight ppl are healthier than skinny non fit ppl. And considering my sport routines, I would definately put myself in the first group.

Why should I change anything? I'm in pretty good shape considering my weight, I'm energetic as hell and totally enjoy life right now. And on top of that, I'm still losing weight, even with eating carbs.
You got the wrong picture about me, but nevermind. From my impression inthought your main goal was to be fit( not extreme), and for that there are far better ways to achieve that than your way. How ever, if youre comfortable with your way of life and look( which i totaly understand) than its just fine. Thats the best achievemnt you can get.

By the way, studies means shit. Your paragraph about overwight and healthy shows me you are very innocent( nothing related to the topic)

Good luck urtier
Haha, pala is funny.

76 kg in 3 years, 25 kg per annum, is pretty good. I lost 25 kg the last year as well, and ofcourse I could've lost more if I wanted too but the changes in lifestyle would've been too drastic to be living comfortably.
and you're stupid.
Based on your replies that's a bit rich coming from you.
According to his profile quotes everyone is stupid. And he even states that studies mean shit, so research is pretty much useless!

25kg per year ends up in 500g per week and considering my "off" days can easily add up to 3 months in total, I think that's ok :p

Gratz on your weight loss btw!
Thanks. Trying to lose those last 5-10 kg before summer :-)
One day a crossfire fag told me "lol u such poor u not even has car".
I'm not alone, thanks bro! :)
Gym 4 times a week.
Beer lifiting twice a weekend.
in about a month or 2 im gonna attend either a boxing or a kickboxing school. learned that i just am too lazy to go to the gym myself and it'd probly be better with some sort of coach helping me train + i get to learn some combatskills, always wanted to learn that.
yep i play sc2 regularly
i was runnin 11km per day for 5 months but after christmas i dont have enough motivation to go out

also i was playin football, didnt really achive anything bcoz i was playin a streetfootball with friends
so did you kill some palestinians in combat?
I am a body-builder.
I walk at least 4km a day, that's all.

I'm seriously considering doing more sport this year, because I drink too much, eat too much craps and, as I'm getting older day after day, my body's getting mad after me everytime I go up the stairs..
13 years of football, and now I do progaming and sometimes some squash! but want to play football again:(
playing football 3 times a week + running.. sometimes there's a match in the weekend :)
Bed sports count?
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