
Hi guys,
need some desperate help about my comp (6 months old only, Windows 7) : for a month, it's been freezing more and more, be it in game (it started in game) or doing anything on my comp. Freezes mostly when I'm shooting with the sniper or when spawntime is about to reset.
I've scanned my comp several times, for hours, I've checked the ram, I've "CHKDSK" in the command prompt, everything fine and yet, I can't even write more than two words without a EstoniaFreeze.
Any idea where it could come from?
ATI or Nvidia card?
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6370
Check in ATI control panel, some setting about "agp texture acceleration" or something, years ago my PC had an ATI 1950GT and my computer was randomly freezing/hanging all the time, so I was checking settings in ATI control panel and found something to do with agp, think it was texture acceleration but it was definitely something to do with "agp", and I disabled that setting as my card was a pci-e and not an agp and my PC then stopped crashing. Might be worth a look although it sounds improbable.
trouble with freezing?
image: heater
a heater
get a decent computer

Nah, seriously, ati mobility radeon = shit. Deal with it as I do with mine
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