E Drama

I never expected to write a journal like this. I am a guy who wants to keep ET alive. I hate people who try to do whatever they can to fuck up matches or teams. Now i became a victim of this e-drama myself...or is someone else the victim? Decide yourself!

  • reenz, dezz, carlos, h1ko and me joined some weeks ago ego.et - the team of robaciek
  • We trained a lot and signed up at ESL Winterleague 2011/12
  • Today we had an offical against inactive.et and lost (deserved!)
  • We as a team decided that Robacieks constant flame in teamspeak, his skill overall and his behaviour during the praccs and wars didnt fit to the team
  • everyone from the lineup decided to remove robaciek from ego.et
  • Problem! Robaciek has adminrights on ESL and we were afraid that he will go mad and kick us all
  • I decided to talk with an esl admin and told him this situation and he gave me the rights of the team, because it was 5 vs 1
  • Then we told Robaciek that he is out and he freaked out.
  • He said that he will kick us all from ESL and i said that it isnt possible anymore, because he has no rights
  • He went mad and pmmed some admins to get his rights back. He convinced them and got finally his rights back
  • He kicked us all from the lineup and tries to built up his new team

So who is right? We wanted to keep this team alive and decided to say good bye to one player. We were afraid that he kicks us, so we took over the team, because it was in the interest of the whole team.

I talked with an admin before and he said that it isnt possible to replace a team. So i had to act like this to keep the team alive.
Normally at this point players make a new team if they want to play together and leader / owner of the team is left alone. How can you make this so hard and kiddie-like, talking about both of you.
I talked with an admin before and he said that it isnt possible to replace a team. So i had to act like this to keep the team alive.
Yea, it isn't. If the team fails, ofc the cup fails too at that time.
freaked out cuz stole rights instead of talk. didn't have to do much convincing @ ESL admins

now excuse me, I have to find 5 players
dobrze Robert
tez bym tak zrobil :XD
technically u may be right.
but why not just man up and accept that ur team doesnt want u and build another team?
it is 4vs1 afterall.
a nice guy would have just moved on
:D can one be a bigger nerd
he is right, start making you own team
...or even better...dont act like some freakin 12year old and kick somebody out of a team behind somebodys back
Talk to the admins, Im sure they will understand the situation

oh wait, ET admins.
razzah talked to me and i gave him the rights but it seems roba asked another ESL|Admin which gave roba the rights back :`)
Versteh mich nicht falsch, Ich meinte mit meinem Comment natürlich die unfähigen Admins ;D
just to get things straight, YOU joined robaciek's team? it was his team and you kicked him from it? ROFL :D

of course thats a bit wrong haha. dont get me wrong , i think robaciek is a complete cockstick of a boy and shouldnt even be allowed near a pc, nevermind being an admin of anything, but still.... that was wrong :D
I didnt kick him. I put him backup. I just didnt give him the chance to kick us all.
nope you didn't put me backup
Well i have no real proof tbh. But did I told you that im giving you the rights back as soon as we are out of the cup. I also told you in teamspeak in front of the other teammembers, that you can stay in backup if you want, but we will search a new rifle.

Am i lying or what? Ask the others
1st you said you want new, blabla, hey you can be backup if you want

should have did straight backup like we did with Deann
I said that you arnt captain anymore and i said that we will search for a new riflereplacement. i never kicked you out. i didnt kick you out of esl and i didnt kick you out of irc and i didnt kick you out of crossfireaccount. you kicked us out.
kicked me from my captain spot, that's quite enough
hes a cl, he can do this, come one..
I had never the intention to end it like this. The whole team decided to do so and we acted in the interest of the team. I know its your bf and i know that you will be on his side. Np you can if you want. I promised him to give the rights back as soon as we are out of the cup. we just wanted to continue playing this as a team and with a decent rifle. Thats it.
u never had intentions like this but u made it, sure ill stay by his side but in my opinion acting this way without any word is just stupid and childish, Roberts pretensions are justified, congrats and hf
i understand why you did it, and im pretty sure it was for very valid reasons, as the guys a dick, but you cant kick someone from the team he set up :P you'd just leave with your 4 mates :P
As i said i didnt kick him out :)
The funny thing is, is that RazZah was actually being a real Captain unlike Robert.
i pooped my pants cuz sad story
<3 Xo vriend, ga je nog meedoen aan BeNe-Cup? :D
denk het niet, alleen als NH een normaal team heeft zonder die kinderlijke idioten, maar dat betwijfel ik :))
:D dus ik mag niet spelen? :(
hahah :D <3 je weet best wat ik bedoel ;)
The horror
communicate is a rly good thing, try it before not after
it wasnt your account. the account/team signs in to a league and if your leader decides to remove you you can not simply remove him from his team. dont get involved with people like robaciek if you dont want this to happen or why does one need a leader anyway (non-playing)
true but not fair for the 5 other player.
Sure you are right that it is his team, but only on "paper". I was the leader all over of the time. I made tax, i made ingameleader i made nearly everything. The entire team decided to act like this...

moralisch haben wir doch recht!
moralisch hättet ihr recht, wenn ihr vor dem handeln mit ihm geredet hätten. versteh mich nicht falsch, roba ist nicht mal gut genug für OC div10
Ohmy, I think I'm going to cry
overall skill? he plays better than most of you rofl
I poop'd a little. I think you insulted them badly, I'm low :x
judging from the games i've seen your team play they must be fucking horrible, apart from carlos
<3 but Im probably the worst player on this team
you make a team, good or bad!
go on ettv and have a look, playing bad all the time, think I had 3 good maps in all offis we had so far
1. stats have nothing to say. Obj players have always low dmg for example.
2. it wasnt just about your skill. Your rifleskills could have been better okay. But this wasnt the mainreason for our acting. It was because whenever we made tax, you jumped around in the map and played with flamethrower or whatever. Everyone was speccing except for you. Then ingame you were only flaming and whining all over the time. YOu made everyone nervous and the last action on missile for example, you were the last one and shouted in ts: OMG OMG WHY ME ? I HATE TO BE LAST OMGOMGOMG and then you died while screaming. i mean srsly grow up.
1.I rather meant go watch the games than watch stats, which are bugged
2.I jumped with flame when I knew all my spots, you only made it for warlord who had to replace dezz. and flame and whine cuz I was low therefore mad. and shouted cuz that's like 3rd time it happened, I was last to be alive in EXACTLY same action.
what's wrong with having fun in game?

you can't expect a rifle to do everything, he can either hold his position and play for the objective or go for damage to hold them back, a mixture of both more often than not ends in failure for that team
robaciek so crazy
Better ask the splendid-police!
oh you :D <3
He should be kicked out of the WL as he doesn't have 6 players
yes I do, check my team's account :D
Link me motherfucker
seriously i need to start taking care of you! you always end up with retards when im not looking after you
why didn't u kick him out? so he couldn't get his rights back. change team pw and everything would be fine.
I don't care if it's "his team". After the season he should get his rights back and u rebuild a new one..

but 2 late now!
yes exactly my thoughts, hehe
because i wanted to give him his own team back after the cup. As i said i hate this shit and i dont want to harm anyone. I acted in the interest of the entire team.

I didnt kick him from esl
I didnt kick him from irc channel
I didnt kick him from Crossfirechannel
who removed me from team then?
noone removed you from anywhere. We only removed your adminrights so you couldnt kick us!
this explains why I had to ask CF admins to add me back to team on CF
srsly i didnt kick you. i just removed adminrights
aka removed me from captain spot
read my comment again..
ahaha this is so sad.
Robaciek ty nie robisz z siebie idioty, ty nim po prostu jestes :XD
You're right but he is a retard so he wins.
Dont fight with retards.
its freaking sad to act like this :'(

This behaviour fucked up the team for 5 out of 6 players in this team.
well 4, warlord was just a backup called in at last minute because dezz had to leave early
no one likes u hahaha, selfkill pls!!
no forfeit no e-drama
ow Robert... u should've picked me
got 5 spots avi atm :XD
try to communicate next time ;]
ESL 4th league
haahahaha jebany debil :XD
te sprajcik, japa tam
wypierdalaj jebany brudasie :D
i love ET drama
cant blame anyone else than you 5 guys for joining a team lead by a mentally challenged
Place yourself in his place..
+ It's your own fault, everyone knows how Roba acts & whines?

I think Roba is in his rights to be mad & go crazy.
YOU guys joined HIS team & now you are kicking him DURING the league?
well as plenty of ppl already said, why would you even join a team, leaded by something like roba? you had to be very desperate making this move.
now you are freed from robashit, if u want u can keep the team/players up as it is now, just searching for a new rifle and start ur own project - wich hopfeully wont die as fast as this.
make ur own team
image: ipz40n

this reminds me of jack and zanc,jack was always whining during match,his favourite whining was:"seriouslly" whenever oppo killed him,shaaq got mad with him on ts3 during a match,jack started to act like a little bitch and went emo,zanc being his best friend in real and e life decided to be loyal to jack,and a nice team builded hard fall apart because some dick could keep his dick in his pants
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