
Who think mobile should be removed from the current 6on6 config?

I do :P

I have no idea who added it back in, but it was removed for a reason I suppose?

What you think about it? Maybe we could play nationscup without it ^^
u mad?
mobile best weapon
I only play 3on3
oh gifted doing hardcore journals about dead game removing mobile from the config

serious discussion brah
+1! DenmarkKasper was probably one of the best at it :D
United Kingdom Sum@

i rest my case
Indeeeeeeed :D he knew how to use that crap
I agree, was removed for a reason. Already too many fh in this game :p
Too many fh? With the current maps being played it's far more useful on attacks in some of the maps so I'd say that it's just helping to prevent fullholds. I guess missile makes a difference with being the only map where mg is really good on defence and can have a big impact on teams getting fullheld. Only played missile like 5-7 times in total so can't make a deeper analysis about it.
expected you to reply :D
radar, missile? It might help a tiny weeny little bit on some parts of gr and supply on attack, but since it's stationary it's WAY more overpowered on defense.

I never minded the mortar compared to the mg. The mg just doesnt go well with competitive ET.
Radar defence? I haven't seen anyone use it there regulary for couple years (when some teams used to guard main entrance with MG located inside the hut). If you know how to place mg effectively there, I wonder why none of the teams have been using it.

In my opinion it's only really effective on missile (talking about defending) with the current map pool. You might argue about it being effective on bremen, but since the changes made to the map I don't think that it's that powerful anymore.

When it comes to competitive gaming there are very few spots where you can actually stay stationary with MG for more than one spawn. Playing MG is all about reading the game and changing your position constantly to make it harder for the opponent to kill you. I'd say that MG is most effective on attacks used for a short period of time to take down a couple guys in full spawn and create chaos within the defence.
i've seen quite often lately mg lying on east radar, when allies attack for west.
Really? Never seen such a defence. MG positioned on the right side of east radar to shoot the guys jumping behind east from CP or what? In any case you can only shoot to one direction there and you're vulnerable from multiple directions. Would require a very aggressive east based defence and I can't see how it would actually work (while just defending west radar) against decent teams, but I might be wrong as I've never seen anyone try that.
Nope, mg positioned more like on the left side and it's not shooting to CP but in the opposite direction - to people staying at west radar. It's annoying only when you stay with all 6 on west with deep defense. But when the situation is under control and you spawn with 2 aggressive medics on default spawn and rush east radar, MG can be killed very easily.
I think it's about this case, they might have something else in their mind tho :p
Oh, ok. I was wondering if you meant the attack, eventhough I was clearly talking only about the defence on radar. That place has been used quite a lot, but I don't think that it's a very good one. I could think of atleast three better positions to place the MG for that stage of attack in radar.

What I was asking for was if someone knew how to use MG efficiently on the defence, because I haven't seen it been used on defence for a couple years now.
ow ye i forgot bremen, thanks :)

It's only potential is to force axis to camp more untill the rifle takes him out and thus making the game more boring. Or to make it harder for allies to attack, again making the game more boring for both teams and spectators. Only the guy who enjoys playing the mg benefits from its use in competitive play.

It really doesn't make you skilled or a genuis to switch between two standard positions with the mobile.
For example in the last stage of radar it's the total opposite. MG in the attack is really effective when the defending team has a passive defence with 6 guys camping at west. So it actually forces the defenders to do something else instead of just camping there.

I agree with you that a static MG in the defence staying on the same place all the time is very boring for the spectators. However I don't see that you could really use MG that way in other maps than missile (last stage, above that box at the broken wall). MG used in attacks on the other hand bring variation to attacks and forces defenders to adjust their way of playing, making it more interesting to watch for the spectators.

How do the others in the team not benefit from MG if it's working efficiently? It brings an additional tactical element to the game, which is very important to me atleast as I like to think of new ways to play the game. Also I don't see that MG is overpowered in the current competitive play except for missile, again. Missile could use some changes in the last part like old bremen did (or you could just remove the map).
Because it's boring to play with an mg on your team? ;D
I can see how it can be used on gr attack last stage or radar west to keep em under the thumb, but thats forcing them to camp imo. I guess it might be an asset on radar attack because there usually isnt a rifle on axis. But you could do the same with a sniper, just less annoying and overpowered. You can disagree, but I find that the bad about mg heavily outweighs the good. I found 6on6 before we moved to 5on5 the most fun because removing things like the mg were the result of a very long process of finetuning this game.
you could position it in axis hut for west defence.
I already mentioned that in my comment. It was a pretty popular place to use in the past, but haven't seen it been used for multiple years now (even when MG has been allowed). I don't think that it's very effective as almost every team base their attacks solely on the other side of the map, coming from behind east. Most of the teams only have one guy playing solo at main just to distract the enemy and some teams have a fop and medic there, but they're basically just shooting there at the west and you can't take them down with mg while they stay there.
oh skipped that u already mentioned it. need to read more accurate next time :(
all in all u got a point that the sense of mg is doubtable. tho u may could ask Finland nixuu about other/more positions for mg, hes prolly one of the few guys who tries to play it as often as possible to distract enemy.
Also on Erdenberg MG is pretty sick..
Yeah, but I was talking about the maps currently being played and I don't think that erdenburg is in any of the competitions? Only played a couple games on it so don't know about any of the MG possibilities.
I think it was played last OC season
hahah :D wonder where you got this idea from!
It trips my trigger & tickles my fancy!

Mobile MG, be gone!

Tend to this or see yourself rise no further within this community.
... stealing quotes are we?
what you on about?:)
Mobile is awesome, mortar even better though. Stop restricting class -,-
remove it and never put it back again

anyone who wanted it or plays with it is a fucking retard
actually it really destroys the fun... and it isnt really balanced...

if you allow mg you should allow mortar 10 landmines and double airstrikes aswell.
adrenalin + dbl jump! :D
dbl jump is too much... but playing a high medic was fun also in the early days of et :P
mg superfun! Finish individuals shall be prohibited from using any of the soldier classes though. :(
mg is fine
e: i don't get why there's a debate about the mg while MISSILE is still being played
i like it
should be removed
" I have no idea who added it back in, but it was removed for a reason I suppose? "

Just like the fact that it is in game for a reason also?
Lots of other stuff is removed as well :P
No problem really, if you got a decent rifle it would be like playing 5on6 = mg useless
tell that to Jere:ZZZ
You should quit Et instead , restrictions restrictions ....restrict medics needles to 2 , rnades to 2 same to fops restrict all classes idiot.
im still wondering why they put the mg back in, when was removed on the las 6s cfg before 5s cfg
remove it yes.
do it so JALLAAAA cant play mg in team nl
idd it is a bit shit tbh :D

Twidi is too awesome with rifle to remove it, plus I'm also having fun with it now and then :D ( Won mg-battle vs Twidikaiser himself )
remove MG, go back to 5on5 also ?

mg was removed during 6on6 times :)
yep, but it was shit... MG is part of the game, even mortar should be allowed... And if the opponent has a good rifle, MG is useless :S
I cannot imagine playing without mg anymore :(
never had any problems with it + seen it on use more on attacks than defences
I do not agree with you
remove MG, add Mortar
remove MG!
we removed it for a reason back then with the cooperation of CB, ESL and CF.
Nowadays it seems any CF member can come along and call a configset he created (with chapljas certify tool) the new global config and somehow people follows its lead
that's coz there was no admin aware of config related shit from either CB/ESL/CF now to step up and do it so pds or someone did:P
there were (you dont need any major knowledge), and especially when impatient community members, who are in no position to publish a new config set, do so, admins should not follow that illplanned lead. But thats how it is ;)
so now we need a position in this free game? where do i apply to be cool?
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