the pyramids and much more..

so im working with a project, that... well makes you think and wonder alot..
it can actually give you a fucking headache and you will easily give up if you do not work with it correctly ..

My intership boss gave me a youtube link actually, and told me to watch it and start wonder, here it is ..

He told me to think about this subject, who actually built the pyramids?
And how come every building in the world lowers itself by 1mm each year,
but the pyramids that have existed for over 4000 years havent even been "lowered" by 1 mm ,

how come people of that age were this smart..

Was people and was the world before more intelligent than today?
And did something occur that changed the world, made us what we are today?

Why were all the architects of that age murdered by their Pharaoh?
was it to not make the civilisation progress into a much smarter one?

Is there really a organisation that rules this world? ...
or is this just pure bs

There is alot of illuminati in this ...
And .. well its annoying cause these are the questions i got from him, and well
its kinda hard to solve this alone hahaha
ive been thinking about this for so long, but i just get a headache and stop.

Well cba thinking about this today or right now, gotta wake up early tomorrow and talk to the boss who gave me this , ... its well .. :D hard

gnight folks!
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interesting subject indeed. the egyptians just were exceptional builders, funny how people tend to involve aliens in these matters every time something exceeds their grasp.

might just watch the entire documentary :)
Yea and there is a Jew plot as well. fuck that
there is, so what? lots of plots and shit going on. computer games for us cuz we so cool not giving a fuck.
I remember you r a negationist so I will refrain from arguing here :)
wow, fancy word :P nice label. good argument buddy.
got me thinking, whats anti-negationist?
google for bosnian pyramids
and the pyramids in china and while at at why not all the underwater structures and whatnot around the world, but yet one of the most amazing is still Puma Punku. it's hard to get your head around it all.
I remember watching a History Channel documentary which also discussed Puma Punku. Way more bizarre than the mystery of the pyramides. How they managed to cut the granite stones (2nd hardest material on Earth after diamond) and the fact that their entire civilization suddenly got wiped out, erasing all tracks of their existance. Plus, those English narrators in documentaries got a way of making things seem even more spooky. Still, there must be logical explanation for all this.
I'm not saying anything about the documentaries here but the truth may not sound very logical at first considering the chance that our whole belief system is going to put a fight against something we have denied or falsely accepted.
not sure what you're trying to point out here, are you suggesting some sort of paranormality? or just that those civilizations were in a way for more advanced
basically just talking about the steps about truth. ridiculed, opposed, self-evident. what may sound irrational may very well be very logical in the end once enough of the pieces have matched. I guess I'm trying to say we might be still far away from the truth and what seems logical may well be illogical and vice versa.
Quite philosophical, this would imply that those early civilizations had a different, far more practical notion of logic. I'd find it hard to believe that they already got the bigger picture 5000 years ago, what looks impossible to us would seem evident to them. And that modern logic which has kept on developing from Aristotle to the present day still hasn't reached the same level?
It's hard to say. To me it seems like the people in power are holding lots of essential information from mankind. Knowledge is power, preventing others from having it is more power. History written by winners, beliefs shaped to fit ruling class.
Who knows, maybe they had the ability to shape reality with their minds, maybe they were taught by aliens or aliens themselves built these, maybe they knew secrets to anti-gravity, maybe they were simply asking the rocks to move, maybe shitloads of slaves and unimaginable machines were used, maybe they had far more advanced civilization than we could imagine or just maybe god created pyramids to fuck with us.

There are lots of interesting questions regarding these times. One theory goes, Pyramids were power plants (among other things) and within they had electromagnetic field which allowed for wireless electricity inside (and nearby the pyramid?). At least the Egyptians had light bulbs!

anyway, it's difficult to actually have serious conversations about these topics :P
Sounds a lot like illuminati (just had to say it). I don't think there's some sort of supranational group who controlls everything but you're definately right about corruption in the higher layers of governments. The Patriot Act, the Watergate-scandal, Cheney, Hoover, ACTA more recently ... plenty of proof there.

I'm a bit sceptical towards your theory about the government holding back that essential information. I don't think it's possible to mantain a cover-up of such proportions. Proof would have had to been leaked already by now, all we have now are theories.(Roswell and what not). Nothing substantial or conclusive. And what's the use of only keeping back that information instead of using it to gain even more wealth/power
simple: to keep every living being under control?
or have strict control over the "consensus". meaning it doesnt matter if, say 1% talks about "essential" things while 99% are paying attention to distraction so to speak.

This includes topic of discussion, perspective of discussion and depth of discussion.

They must find it pleasing that most of the time when they are the topic of discussion (In the Mass Media aka Keeper of Consensus), it's relatively shallow arguing about whether they exist or not
yeah, that's my point. we don't have proof of evolution or Jesus's miracles either, yet we talk of them.
agree on jesus, but evoloution, well thats something you can at least partially proof with genetic (now don't start questioning the principle behind it or who made up the rules that apply please :P)
the Dawkins fans truly believe that evolution is already proofed 8-)

Im not an evolutionary Biologist, but even as Christian I have to agree about the fact, that the modell of evolutionary theory provides the best explanation of empirical observations and findings.
in the end it's all speculation and theories, just like anything else. if it's 99.9% "proven" it may end up being something completely different after all. Even if evolution itself is true, it doesn't miraculously explain mankind's history, which is still a mystery (to some, I guess). Anyway, this comment was just to prove my point, something doesnt have to be widely accepted fact in order to have discussions about it.
Thank you for everything you´ve been writing,
you gave alot of explanations that actually made sence :p
Thank god that cf has a some people that actually thinks rather than post stupid stuff :D
:P everyone is interested in something, I just happen to really love knowledge :D

“Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand.”
- Chinese Proverb

"Nothing is more important than awareness and even that isn't so important"
- My version of the japanese proverb about garden.
You are generally trained or whatever its called :D
its a good thing to "have" :)

keep on going :D!
whats that? :D
allmänt utbildad :P
they were just fckn pros in building stuff
Your boss is illuminati member and wants you to join their side, tard. :)

Most of the theories about how could they build them are over complicated I think.. the answer must be simple...

QuoteAnd how come every building in the world lowers itself by 1mm each year,
but the pyramids that have existed for over 4000 years havent even been "lowered" by 1 mm ,

Prof's say they didn't have the technology and the whole thing is impossible. I have two comment for this:

1, They didn't need "the technology', just a good idea to move those stones and I think there were enough people, well cultured people who could make those calculations ... maybe someone who learns architecture could add an usefull comment here... the part about NORTH in the video could be Random Lotto.

2, If we see the word 'technology' we think about regular tools we know, or some sci-fi sh_t we saw in TV. What if (lol) we are thinking completely wrong and we are not even able to imagine what kind of technology they had 4.000-10.000 years ago? Same stuff like searching for life in the Universe... they search for something similar to the things they know, when it would not be surprising if there won't be anything else like "us" , but something total different.

Sorry for Engrish.
This journal is very interesting and I think some of the "misteries" are trully big questions and there must be a reason why genius couldn't explain them

e: Though this planet has tons of problems to solve and I think before we start working on these questions we should make our present better, reach peace and live well. :)

image: medve_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_
1. Know Thyself
2. ????
3. Profit.
mine opinion on this is related to Star Gate
But the pyramids have lowered since they were built.. Probably more than 1mm a year because of the erosion being accelerated by the sand carried by the wind. I mean, 1mm a year for 4000 years is four metres, and while I can't be arsed to dig up any solid data at 3AM on Monday, I recall a document on the TV saying that they've lost a few metres of height since they were constructed.
ill look into that,
that would give me something that i can say against my boss!'

interesting stuff, and I somehow think the answer is pretty simple. U dont have to forget the fact, that there could have been working Thousands of people every day within of many years. And surely they have been using some useful tricks by cutting stones and dragging Blocks. Its all a matter of time and the amount of workers and a simple clever technology.
Quotewho actually built the pyramids?
Slaves and workers did (no matter in what country imo^^)

QuoteAnd how come every building in the world lowers itself by 1mm each year,
but the pyramids that have existed for over 4000 years havent even been "lowered" by 1 mm ,
I'd (if so) think that's because either a) todays buildings are optimised on building area and the pyramids pretty much distribute the weight to all sides and a big area and/or maybe it happens not to buildings in that geological area (as in - the world is more of an oval than a globe and maybe flattens out more to the north and south rather than the sides, by the continious release of pressure?! just guessworking)

Quotehow come people of that age were this smart..
well, smart without a doubt, at least to some extend. not as smart as the... well no not the avarge person, but maybe at least the avarge highschool graduate. and why? well they were free-thinking and questioning persons looking for awnsers (which they more often than not found), which you can hardly say of the avarge person these days.

QuoteWas people and was the world before more intelligent than today?
Overall knowledge of humanity is imo definitely far more advanced. (well and since people hardly REALLY believe in wonders or gods and what not - if you put that into being stupid rather than into naive or hopeful - the avarge person is already smarter than people used to be back then. people already are, because everyone is entitled to go to school in our modern world, so they get more edjucation than most people back then). they had found alot of basics we depend on these days, though had not as much time and resources to refine them as much as we did/do in our time.
QuoteAnd did something occur that changed the world, made us what we are today?
First, what happened that they 'seem' to be that smart back then, considering how much time passed since then; war is what happens. that erased most of the knowledge. at the beginning of the middle age for example people hardly knew about water mills, while they were pretty common in the time of the roman empire. but when it collapsed it all got torn down and erased. what happened, that made us what we are today? from my point of view on 'what we are today' (that really is up to define by everyone on its own) "successful" diplomacy between the more advanced countries is what made us. it preserved us from erasing all knowledge over and over again and make history repeat itself all the time. a second thing is what resulted out of this: education (at least widely spread and as truthful acknowledged knowledge - to satisfy decem). which gives everyone willing to do so, the opportunity to have his own opinion and believes. his own view on things and the freedrom to advance and explore, to develop new idea and things noone considered before.

QuoteWhy were all the architects of that age murdered by their Pharaoh?
was it to not make the civilisation progress into a much smarter one?
The pharaohs weren't exactly the type to suppress knowledge and technology. if there were smart ones, they wouldn't kill them because they were smart. they'd do it, because it could be dangerous to them (well their bodies that is), since they knew the structure of the building and it's ways in and out.

QuoteIs there really a organisation that rules this world? ...
or is this just pure bs
Ask decem about this. at least on this point (on the alien stuff not so much) im en par with him. It's about our finance system we all revolve around.
The one controlling the system is controlling the masses. and there is most likely not many people willing and able to do that. though it's likely that there are some. stupidity of todays politicians might also be a big factor on that, but maybe they're not as stupid but just willing enough.
mystery schools, the childhood of modern secret societies began (at least) all the way back in Ancient Egypt. Most of (esoteric) knowledge, rituals, symbolism etc come from this era. Anything that happened back then is highly controversial and most of the stuff is simply speculation, for example the fact that pyramids were tombstones is very much not a fact, but possibly someone's honest attempt to stifle curiosity towards the pyramids. Same goes for how they were built, we don't know. Most things in your comment are based on mainstream accepted theories and beliefs, which itself isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I think you should really look into it with bit more open mind.
well, there's no way for me to prove acheologists wrong about hyroglyphs and their meaning, now is there? but i believe they did alright with them. and well, a tomb(not a tombstone) meant more than just a place to put a body to them back then, so i suppose it's alright to assume that it was worth the effort to them to keep a body safe.
How they were build? the agytians knew about cranes and a great deal about physics in general. and if you consider the shape and structure of the pyramids, they didn't have to carry a stone all the way up at once, but only a few metres at a time.
sure alot of my assumtions are based on other peoples believes. though since i didn't first accept them, but reconsider them a few times and came to the conclusion that they're likely to be right that makes me atleast somewhat a person with an open mind and will on its own :P
it's just i find it more logical to assume that those places were infact tombs and nothing more, since there is (really i didn't give much a alien theories, thats true) not much to prove that there's anything human beings couldn't have so far possibly achieved or invented.
if there is something that couldn't be possibly explained by anything but "a psychological explanation that the person simply must've been mad" i am at least up to consider something not being earthern origin. (i could understand why "they"'d come to earth and not any other planet of our solar system, but so far i don't see reason to believe that "they" were actually here)

i do know that not all knowledge and tech has been erased from that time (obviously, since otherwise we'd only know from hearsay about them, which would have gotten lost at some point). and yes, sure some things even origin from that time, same goes for other things that used to be part of a religion which are these days accepted as medical treatment or to treat the body otherhow.
thanks bud

ill actually use some of this in my work, :D
yea... decem is a genious :D the world needs more ppl like him
watch "Ancient Aliens" should be around 4seassons 3episodes or 4 in each seasson.
oh god.. i really dont want to get into that :D aliens and such things arent my thing hahha
its interesting to watch, healthy for ur mind.
sleepposting journals on crossfire :PD
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