What's up, CF?

Hey guys and girls long time no speak, hows everything going along, just typing this journal to ask what you guys are doing online at this time of hour.

Its almost 2AM here and unfortunately it's not one of those BCAK FRMO TEH CLUB Journals, how I miss those days, I'm actually up awake due to University exams, did a few intensive hours about Heart Disease (Heart attacks/Myocardial Infarctions, Angina, Coronary Heart Disease, Heart Failure and Ischemic Heart Disease and other bullshit about heart diseases which you don't wanna know, believe me, the more i learn about it, the more paranoid i'm becoming, hell, i prepared a thermos full of coffee to keep me awake during the night and I'm aware that al this sugar and coffee might clog my arteries and basically, i'll have a heart attack, awesome yee :P

Gonna start studying hypertension (high blood pressure crap) hopefully i can finish it before i get too sleepy, this coffee is keeping me active though luckily :)

hopefully your night is much better than mine, also I have to admit the last time I studied was like.... when I was 12 years old, I've spent the past 8 years of my life doing exams without touching a book, which well... explains why I failed 2 years in a row, hopefully I can keep studying like this in the future cos I found it really hard to start studying again, my ego tookover my apetite too study (I used to get high grades without doing anything lol)

Finish exams this friday, refreshing tosspots "isitfridayyet.com" site 24/7! :D

Hope you have a goodnight miss ya all x x
gl in ur exams!
for all those who care I'm studying at uni to become a nurse and later on hopefully continue a masters in something else like medicine and surgery, something related to theatrical operations or dunno a lecturer or something :P but thats like in 4 years so many time left to decide ^^
a nurse? A doctor surely a nurse just empties bed pans and checks blood pressure
in malta's it's different, a doctur just assigns drugs and the medicine lol

for example if there is a patient who has just had a heart failure, we have to be prepared to:

take an x-ray of his chest
take blood test
cardiac catheter
oxygen therapy/catheter
monitor weight
administer morphine and other duiretic therapy
monitor weight and blood pressure and other vital signs of course

and also guide the patient to what he has to do 24hours after he is released and how he has to change his lifestyle bla bla bla just like a doctor and subscribe his medication :P

it's more than the usual nurse for some reason, 70% of the maltese nurses end up smoking and having so much coffee do to the stress and workload (12hour shifts), but the pay is fucking high

i didnt go into medicine (ie for a doctor) because i didnt get my chemistry grade, and i dread that subject until the last few seconds of my life :P

i want to help other people lives or save their lives, and the closest thing to a doctor was a nurse, so i took the opportunity.
well good luck to you ;D just tohught wtf he studying for if hes going to serve meals and empty piss pots :D
Had any cell-biology or chemistry so far regarding dissolving?
That's not just in Malta, nurses all around the world do that. Doctors actually interpret the resulsts of the various tests, but don't know how to do them. They are taught, but once they rise in ranking never perform them again.
I feel for u brah
Well, this may be long but you asked.
first, go to lecture, go to lecture, go to lecture. Unless you're amazingly bright you are not going to learn most subjects from a book (at least not science and math) because books won't elaborate on a point for you like a human being can. Go to lecture and listen, I used to teach at the college level and I noticed a high correlation between sleeping in class and being pissed at your grade. You will not passively pick up information from class at a high enough level to succeed, you have to attend lecture and actively participate in learning by taking notes and asking questions.
Honestly for any course 2000 (sophomore) level or below going to class and taking good, complete notes will be enough to get you a pretty good grade because 75% of the class won't even do that. Once you start getting past "pre-algebra addition and subtraction" courses though you may need to do more than write down the information one time. I'm a science person so I'm going to write how I study/studied for more advanced courses.
1) Do the reading before class, do it. I know reading, especially science and math, can be boring. I don't care, you need to know what you're going to talk about and formulate questions that you want the professor to answer during lecture, and you need to wait through the lecture to see if they're answered. This is both a great way to familiarize yourself with a concept before lecture (makes it easier to understand) and keep you active in learning as you will be waiting to see if the points that needed clarification are clarified.
2) Take notes in class. I never went too overboard trying to organize my notes in class because I focus on trying to get all of the information, but for concepts make sure you write down "how the concept works". Even if it's just a little blurb like "renal artery stenosis; htn and high renin ... renin due to decr flow"
3) Re-read your notes within 24 hours of writing them, make sure to write down the important points. This is a crucial step for concrete memory formation, go back over the information and make sure you know what you need to know. You don't have to completely re-write your notes but at least write bullet points of important facts.
4) Go back to the text and see if you understand it, if you still have problems, ask your teacher. They're teachers they're job is to clarify this for you, not once have I had a professor upset that I read and tried to comprehend the assigned reading. If your question is amazingly esoteric though, save it for private Q&A time (before/after class or office hours).
OK all that was not actual studying per se but rather how to prepare to study. If you did the reading, took notes, reviewed your notes, and reviewed the reading asking for clarification along the way you are ready to study.
5) Begin by organizing your thoughts. For example when taking a microbiology course I tend to organize my notes into list such as "Gram Negative, + DNA, dsDNA, etc." I then go back to my class notes and begin to fill in the blanks. I generally try and create many many lists with each thing I'm learning generally making it onto mulstiple lists. This allows you to compare and contrast the information "E. coli is a gram negative rod with some species creating potent toxins. Salmonella is another gr - rod that is found in the colonic environment that can cause GI distress, both are enterobacters" I find that connecting thoughts like this is very helpful on a test because topics are already connected in your brain waiting for one of many trigger words to bring it to the forefront. I've noticed that when I flashcard instead of list I need the "key word" to get all of the information about a topic rather than getting information by thinking of the information in the prompt (hope that sentence made sense).
6) Now that you have your lists begin to write notes using those lists to write out all the information you have on each topic in paragraph form. It's amazing how much more you retain when you have to create a story from bullet points. My brain at least is very good at remembering concepts as stories.
7) Find practice problems, and do them all. If you can't find practice problems form a study group where everyone writes practice problems in whatever format the test is going to use.
8) Relax the night before the test. Give yourself at least 45 minutes before bed to relax and do something like listen to music or read regular literature (unless your an english lit major). Get a full nights sleep (7-8 hours) and set multiple alarm clocks (once woke up at 9am for a 9:05 final because my roommate unplugged my clock during the night) and rest. Nobody is as fast when they're tired as when they're awake so make sure to sleep.

this might help you, source :http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/o0z2n/how_do_you_study_what_techniques_do_you_use/

Watching big bang theory/the mentalist from last friday then of to sleep. gl with your exams!
didnt read all yet but i wanted to say that i record all my lectures in school with my ipod touch. There have been exams, i just listen to these lectures again and study that way by listening and looking at my slides and just leave the book closed.

I Passed all my exams this way i learned with this method, true story :)
Is that allowed or are you just doing it secretly?
why wouldnt it be :p? i just sit in class and record it :p a few profs know im doing it but most of them don't. 1 prof even asked me not to share it cause otherwise nobody would go to his class anymore since he's not usings slides :p

since your dutch? you can listen to them here if you'd like to hear how we get teached in belgium uni!
wow, listening to this gave me chills

reminds me so the days @ school lol
his question is legit

my profs at uni say in the begining of every semester its not allowed to record any form of media

i do it anyway, though its for personal use only
I don't think you are allowed to record a prof and share the record without his consent because he owns an intellectual property over the content.
technically it isn't without permission, but if you use it for personal use only, nobody will ever know, so i dont see a problem with it :)
actually i've put them online and everybody can acces them :p for 1 course i gave the link to everybody cause this prof was talking so fast it was impossible to note everything down etc. Looking at my FTP webalizer i saw most of them had around 200-1000 hits :p so a lot of ppl relistened it.

But why wouldn't it be allowed rly. It can only help ppl to pass better, which is the goal of the prof right?
well as long as you do not make any profit from his lectures it should not produce any problems (i.e you dont sell it to ppl to make money from it etc) as long as you use it for studying, recording a lecturer is like writing what he said word by word, or writing down notes and later on sharing them with your classmates :)

so i guess you are right after all
yeah its way easier just listen to him so you can fully understand what he is saying already in class.

And no i don't sell it to people :p But my fellow students have been grateful for these audio files :) 111GB of bandwith flown off my server this month so far (for summaries & audio files)

that's some illegal shit you got there :P

watch out for the e-police :D
they are just links :p i don't host these files and neither have i uploaded them :p

hmm i actually wonder if i could get sued for posting the links alone, any ideas? :D
well, apparently torrent sites can be shut down because they share torrent links aswell, seems like the same case to me :P

dutch: http://tweakers.net/nieuws/71383/brein-haalt-samen-met-mpaa-29-torrent-en-nzb-sites-uit-de-lucht.htm
more actual, but not really taking down, blocking: http://tweakers.net/nieuws/79266/ziggo-en-xs4all-moeten-the-pirate-bay-blokkeren.html
(why block a search engine? let's block google aswell because we can find illegal stuff thruu it ...)

not that you should be afraid, just mentioning, you also don't seem to care that other peepz can just access your stuff? :D

thx for the drinking game btw, with a few adjustments it should be fun :DDD

what i didn't say, but i assumed everybody already knows by now, TPB shut their tracker down by november 2009, so today it's just a (torrent) search engine
source: http://thepiratebay.org/blog/175
well its not like there is any information on there that i wouldnt mind sharing or making it available for ppl to see or something. All the stuff i don't want to share with others is well hidden at folders that aren't viewable and password protected

its funny when ppl find the link for my ftp they completely search it all over to find some "interesting" secret stuff :p like you would have access to somebodys computer's documents or something :pi tend to do the same actually when i think about it
well i can imagine how no life your fellow students think you are as they saw your trickjump movies :DDD
lol :p i dont think muchstudents go in the root of my ftp. just at school
"its funny when ppl find the link for my ftp they completely search it all over to find some "interesting" secret stuff :p... i tend to do the same actually when i think about it"

probably the same for most of your fellow students :P
whatever :D
we had guyz taking pics with pro (nikon, canon) camera's of slides which wouldn't become available, after 2 or 3 courses whole the class got camera's with them and they were all sitting in front of the room make pictures :DDD

than they decided to make them avi anyways, because it was impossible for profs to give lectures, i lolled hard :DD
In Estonia you get like half the lectures in videos also. The university uploads them themselves.
come back to et. the game needs you dude.
what has happened to the game, i would have thought cheaters decreased now that slac/tzac is implemented, if its about the activity, theres nothing much i can do alone, the game is old and the fact that etpro hasn't been updated = a slow death, no change will always lead to death, u need to evolve/update to live on forever :P
seems cheaters are rising again, lately. not sure tho. just come back to make sure they stay away. :PPpPpPp
there are only cheaters because chaplja seems to have given up on banning tzac accounts, when screenshots catch players the admins ban them on cb/esl but afaik banlist for tzac hasn't been updated in a while :d the only cheaters are those who cheat and know they're gonna be busted the same day so it doesn't really bother anyone.
tzac is breached, so a lot of cheaters

youre needed mate :<
Our toilet-cleaning business is still doing well, want your share?
haha i still have that quote in finnish you sent me about that VITTUN POLAKKI COME CLEAN MY TOILET lol

Good times :D especially the 2o2's
Just Back from work (4.30 am) ...tomorrow get uP at 9 am qnd study for electronic's exams....

Gl to you and gl to me! :)
need u back to bust some polish cheaters.
Just wake up, slept only 2h. Smoked first cigg and Drinking coffie right now. Today i have exam of polish language its very important if i will pass it i will be very happy. At midnight i have date ~.~ After all i will pwn you guys in ET, cu at night.
never ever studied after 8:00 pm in my life. true story.

I'd rather insert nails into my dick than study at night. true story.

chilling atm, drinking coffee. and it's so fucking cold outside
Studied 1 week from 12 - 00:00, take breaks, discuss with others etc best way imo.
I'm rarely able to study before 8. Once the dark sets in I find peace to study though.
arnt you that guys who raped the ET community in the anal and then left?
tenderly and gently, yes.
yea, gl in exams.
wow that is an interimage: hnnnng
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