Happy Boxingday

Dear sweet xfireers.

P.s name 5 resolutions u are gonna make via next year
First im gonna put r_mode 4, then r_mode 5; then r_mode 6; then r_mode 7 and last but not least r_mode 8.
feyenoord - psv today!
u seem bored!
i am bored
i never change my resolution :s

fecking english retards...
in poland they also have 2nd day of christmas
in iceland as well, but why boxing day, that was the question?
1: Shave my head
2: So many women, so little time - i will make more time
3: Finish a crossword
4: I will think of a password for my computer other than "password."
5: I will take neither myself nor any of the above seriously

Merry Boxing Day
Boxingday is smth like " goede voornemens :G "
wat goed van jou sjonge jonge.
I'll move to somewhere in Kensington.
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