Need ETTVd / no

Hey guys!

Since I can't broadcast the cup through due to that its format is teamwise and the players in this cup aren't in a team.
But that's not the point of this journal.

I've had several PM's and comments about the cup not being broadcasted through ETTV.
I've found a solution and that's ETTVd.

The people who have ETTVd or had one know what I mean, So my question is:
Does someone have an ETTVd that can connect to the server so that the people can watch?

As a further notice, I've made a forum post on about this matter, the matter that I hope they change they're format or add the LMS format so that we can broadcast the cup through them.. But I haven't had any feedback about that. But that's fine :-).
Here is the forumpost:

Last time the info! and then I'll leave you guys alone ;-)

Regret's LMS cup : #2 Sniper edition
Regret's LMS cup #2

1 Belgium Keithh - Aged 16 - prefers: axis
2 Netherlands outlaw - Aged 18 - prefers: allied
3 Romania bLizzi - Aged 14 - prefers: allied
4 Tunisia Aymoun - Aged 19 - prefers: axis
5 Belgium Slic3r - aged 17 - prefers: -
6 Estonia kraby - aged 16 - prefers: -
7 Germany bATTELboiii - aged 19 - prefers: allied
8 Canada tAZYAA - aged 22 - prefers: Axis
9 Poland snny - aged 18 - prefers: -
10 Germany b4lu - aged 22 - prefers: -
11 Sweden slajdan - aged 23 - prefers: -
12 France RASHOMON - aged 21 - prefers: axis

13 Finland Vanhaomena - aged 21 - prefers: -

As I said backupsignups are possible if someone can't play. Which occasionally happens.

Keep the scene alive!

tl;dr version, need ettvd to broadcast awesome LMS cup
QuoteCanada tAZYAA - aged 22

image: what_the_fuck_am_I_reading
im actually 22.

sorry to disapoint.
isnt tazyaa that 15 year old look-a-like retard who cant even write his mother language correctly?
so if i set my date on 1950 does that make me uber old as well?
im actually 22.

sorry to disapoint.
so many cheaters and retards in one place :<
elaborate Robert :-)
ahk.. cause i can't see any, must be personal
no offence but you are bloody newschool mate :D
:D awesome comment is awesome :P
don't care what you do but make sure the old apple plays!
the old apple? xD

btw where were you in the first one :-( had to arrange a new player :<
Rashomon vs Vanhaomena
RealMadrid'545 gonna take this one
Shh that's my secret identity :D
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