CB Group A


I got a problem with finding out how cb nc works.

Group A got 3 nations with 4 wins. [ http://www.clanbase.com/league_schedule.php?lid=2799&league=1&poule=1 ]

SWE (3 wins, 1 win - 4:2)
CZ (4 wins)
AT (3 wins, 1 win - 4:2)

Therefore AT and SWE must be at the second place and in my opinion they should play it out. CZ would be first.

I really do not understand how the CB NC System works. Do you have an explanation?
just look at the ranking (read: nr of rounds win/lost) http://www.clanbase.com/rating.php?lid=2799

Group A
Win Loss rounds
1 SWE 4 1 18/6
2 cze 4 1 16/4
3 AUT 4 1 16/6

swe won vs cze so swe first
and aut won swe :D
aut is already 3th cause they have +10 rounds whereas others 2 have +12 and than that sentence makes sense ^.^

edit: the win against usa was far more entertaining tho ;<
If swe would have 18/14, and cze 16/2, swe anyway would be in first place because CB count won rounds, and only if swe and cze got equal won rounds CB count won/lose rounds difference.
but we pwned cze who pwned you? =D
its strange :o
nope not at all tbh >(
Its either

- teams have equal wins, but the team with least points against goes through
- teams have already played against eachother but had same wins in the end, but as team X won from team Y, team X is through
Yet again you know to much.... we better have a talk.
liegt daran das die CB nur auf das rundenverhältnis guggt und nicht auf den direktvergleich :)
its based on point diffrence, you gain 2 points when you win a map, lose 2 when you lose a map. if two teams have equal amount of points the head to head score is what matters.

czech republic and sweden each have 12 points, austria has 10. the match between the czechs and swedish was won by sweden so they are first and czech are second.

(yes its a dumb system)
But what about AT, they were strong, too.

So its good if you play a draw and than loose, at least it was for the points of SWE
Its simply, they lost 2 more rounds than cz did. Thus they are out.
don't put salt into my open wounds :<
cz just pwn all even with backup player who wasnt on backup list before starting Nc
I dont really get what you're talking about. What would be a better solution if three teams got the same amount of wins and losses? Cointoss? lol...
what about a fight of these teams?
Theres no time for that. For some reason CB always thinks its fun to put EC OC and NC around times like summer and christmas so you have to have either teams folding because everyone goes on vacation (thats why deMi didnt play for 3rd place in last EC), or a two weeks long break for people to celebrate christmas and the new year (thats why idkfa didnt have time to prepare for the lower bracket game against idle)
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