The world is doomed

we even have snow in mallorca, even more now, already snowed 3 times. shits going crazy.

image: scaled.php?server=692&filename=42495529623805719151033

im the short guy
why u laf man?:S
u, looking so awesome, friend
Global warming is false, evidences speak for themselves.
This is why the expression "climate change" is better
And even then it's a naturally occurring phenomenon.
it is, happens periodically(more or less). after a big ice age there are a few, first weaker then increasing 'smaller' ice ages. maybe we manage(d) to change the intervals a bit, but overall we do no harm what so ever, and we certainly can't do anything to stop them entirely, or delay them - not more than it would normally have taken, only the time that we still got.
Yea I know that there are peaks and that they are shorter and shorter, but changes occuring on such a short time scale are all but natural. We are dramatically amplifying the phenomenom
well as i said, at least it's likely that we're reducing the time between the intervals... or yes, maybe we're even skipping one or another, true. but in the end we're not here for ever (not even close if we don't manage to keep everyone alive at dunno, -80°C(?), so anyway far sooner than our sun would die)
doubt we can amplify it to a irrevocable level, or that it is even possible (without transforming/exporting big amounts of material from earth, on the long run it should all start off at nearly 0 (well something seems to last through those times, and if it's only a tiny bit)
nice hat, bro
ty man, its from amsterdam, i stole it:) u didnt no right?
you arent in that pic ! LIER!
he's the right guy. bob is tall as fuck.
im the guy at right, why dont u belive it:d want more pics?
yes sir ! :D
Tedd Deireádh
ur 12 or somth? wtf 145 cm
i was kidding, the guy next to him, im 180
Thought the short guy was a girl :O
I still think it's a girl.
nothing here to make you think something else for now, or is there hmm!? ;)
dont know whatcha talkin about :C
just thought you, were, after everyone said, that they THOUGHT it was a girl, didn't change your mind at all, and still THINK it's one, since you have no prove to believe otherwise :P
looks like a girl, why change because of few comments ;)
when i was a kid i was girly looking alike aswell and now fucking look at me.
did that retarded outfit come with the snow?
i think you're pretty
im at right
the end is near bro, was nice knowing you pro*m8
lol little bit of snow they wear alaska clothes lolwut
t shirt and jacket, jacked is actually really thin, looks thicker on the pic.

my brother is just tiny in a huge jacket
You look cute, wanna hook up?
dude time to hit the gym!
ochen interesno!
sosi huy 4urka :D
Poshjol ty suka :D
0,1 cm of snow

you're adorable
thank you

hows with the chick btw
fucking epic that you still remember it man! :)

well she is still my crush/oneitis...some time back we had alot of contact and talking etc,and when you wrote me to attack,i was like yeah fuck it,all or only 2 weeks later we had some kind of "date" to watch a tv show which we had arranged a month earlier already..and i was like "thats gonna be the big night"...but suddenly things changed, and she was totally bitchy towards me and suddenly all the rapport from earlier was gone...and she kinda blew the "date" by inviting other friends of us too...and i was like sadfrog.jpg and okay.jpg and thought okay fuck it, game is over...

then there was winter holiday and we didnt see each other, but she called me on new years eve on 0:00 and i was getting hope again.then after holidays we saw again in our university city and she was like "sry blabla i was kinda confused last months blabla lost of trouble bla"..and we started to get rapport again...went for some walks through the park,talking and doing little sports together etc...then exam phase in university came and i had shitload to do and we didnt see each other (i was betafag and didnt call her for something lol) a few days ago ive met her on the streets and she was totally excited about me and was like "omg so long no see,lets do something,im gonna call you on the weekend" and i was like "yeah totally,but i gotta go now,my bus aint waitin"

so i was again like "yeah this time im gonna make things clear"....but she didnt call me/facebook me on the weekend and i was like okay.jpg again

probably i just fucked it up, and she was waiting for me to call or something,but our relationship is so weird...we know well enough so it would be weird to do things which would be kinda sexual/relationship-bound but we dont know well enough so i would just call her and ask her out to do something (so atleast im not friendzoned)
i know its me who has to do something too (it was mainly her who called me/wrote me on facebook and i was only answering), but it takes so much nuts :D

sry for the long post, but i just felt like i had to write it all down :P
ya its weird, girls are like this u know they want to make themself wnated, graving for attention. anyway whenevr u have another "big" night just put it all in and stop the pain, if she rejects dont make a deal of it. do activities keep yourself busy and ull eventually not care at all.
image: 09406acf73ba924746a41d3d846609f5
Japs arent giving a shit, why are u?
You're a mongol.
How the fuck did u know that?
short model lol
i was kiddinggg im at rightt and im about 180cm, yes not so tall but enouf
thought this small thing is a girl :P
I like your style :)
which of the ones in the pic
I like the coat from the left person, and the overall skinny style both guys in the picture have
its my lil bro he is 12 xd im the guy at right, i was just kidding and cf nerds buy it
Haha, I knew it was you though. Think Dual spammed me with some pictures of you earlier. You're a fashionable chap
i dont try to dress up fashionable tho, i dont even buy clothes myself xd
my lil bro got lots of fans man:S weird
you look like a dwarf
im not taht short, 180cm
:D:D:D best journal 2012 so far.
Some people say that global warming means that the seasonal climate just gets more extreme i.e. summers get warmer but on the contrary the winters get colder.
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