The world is doomed
12 Feb 2012, 21:09
we even have snow in mallorca, even more now, already snowed 3 times. shits going crazy.
im the short guy

im the short guy
35.8 %
(19 votes)
64.2 %
(34 votes)
doubt we can amplify it to a irrevocable level, or that it is even possible (without transforming/exporting big amounts of material from earth, on the long run it should all start off at nearly 0 (well something seems to last through those times, and if it's only a tiny bit)
my brother is just tiny in a huge jacket
you're adorable
hows with the chick btw
well she is still my crush/oneitis...some time back we had alot of contact and talking etc,and when you wrote me to attack,i was like yeah fuck it,all or only 2 weeks later we had some kind of "date" to watch a tv show which we had arranged a month earlier already..and i was like "thats gonna be the big night"...but suddenly things changed, and she was totally bitchy towards me and suddenly all the rapport from earlier was gone...and she kinda blew the "date" by inviting other friends of us too...and i was like sadfrog.jpg and okay.jpg and thought okay fuck it, game is over...
then there was winter holiday and we didnt see each other, but she called me on new years eve on 0:00 and i was getting hope again.then after holidays we saw again in our university city and she was like "sry blabla i was kinda confused last months blabla lost of trouble bla"..and we started to get rapport again...went for some walks through the park,talking and doing little sports together etc...then exam phase in university came and i had shitload to do and we didnt see each other (i was betafag and didnt call her for something lol) a few days ago ive met her on the streets and she was totally excited about me and was like "omg so long no see,lets do something,im gonna call you on the weekend" and i was like "yeah totally,but i gotta go now,my bus aint waitin"
so i was again like "yeah this time im gonna make things clear"....but she didnt call me/facebook me on the weekend and i was like okay.jpg again
probably i just fucked it up, and she was waiting for me to call or something,but our relationship is so weird...we know well enough so it would be weird to do things which would be kinda sexual/relationship-bound but we dont know well enough so i would just call her and ask her out to do something (so atleast im not friendzoned)
i know its me who has to do something too (it was mainly her who called me/wrote me on facebook and i was only answering), but it takes so much nuts :D
sry for the long post, but i just felt like i had to write it all down :P
Japs arent giving a shit, why are u?