Random Chicks Volume 28

U guys complain about lack of good journals ? Here you go:

image: dqwrtb2m
image: fm35vhnv
image: k3r8fma2
image: l4wv6wtg
image: 83owmcxz
image: fick5gbr
image: dyqczi24
image: 5kemw8ev
image: ajujfvso
image: 4jg9wqh2
image: br76c57c

image: x69q98x7
image: s8qnl8q2
image: eatcowkl
image: 98egpx4z
image: kbqoerx6
image: tjpxysku
image: pp4lis5c
image: biwiogi5
image: 3u89ad6a
image: ux6e6sum
image: zsvdw3mx
image: nqfozgcw


random dudes pls <3

randompart 4: birth mark, WOULD NOT BANG
Pls remove 5 :D
3 and 6 <3
wtf is wrong with u? 5 is best
God i hope you're trying to troll here...
idd remove 5
1st, in a few years prolly, she looks 14 or so
Would still do her if she really is 14
U dont know my age bro!
underaged sex!
you know whats funny? guys will always say "oh yeah i'd totally do her" when in reality its always the women who can actually decide if she wants to do someone or not
Never said i COULD do her, i said i WOULD do her.
yeah i know, but in this case it doesnt matter, because if you say you would,this is implying that you are actually given the chance to do it (could) and if you are not given the chance, there is no possibility at all that you would be able to do it (unless you rape her,but thats another story)
I'm implying that if she'd come in my bed right now i would do her.
Not implying that im getting the chance to do her for the simple fact i dont fucking even know who that is...
yeah,but you see,if she would come into your bed right now, you are automatically given that chance to do her.you could do her (could),thats the basics,and now you could decide if you want to do her or not (would)
so basically you prove your first sentence wrong with your second one. well played sir :D
You make no sense and your explanation is wrong. Stop it.
actually WOULD is conditionally. "he WOULD do her, given the chance"
he just lacks a tiny word "EVEN if she..."
reality isnt funny
its funny because its so delusional.
but yeah in reality the game is not so funny for men
10 = awesomeababa
thats style!
not bad <3 #4
definitely, #4 <3
7 - Jillian Welsh
Random part number 2

wanking is kinda hard with broken arm :s
skinny girls volume 1 :/
9 = really pretty :3
serious question: how much do you wank on a day? because seriously making random journals, searching pics on google, hide it and shit. it seems that you have seriously no life at all...
if this is a serious question then i assume that you must be very retarded. So you really think that i waste my whole day to find some chicks and pictures for you guys ? And then you come to the conclusion that i have no life at all? How can you be so sure that i have no life? how can you be so sure that i search them on google (rofl pls)?

What IF i invest my whole day for meeting with friends, listening to music, studying for university, drinking 1-2 beers sometimes, playing fifa with friends, watching movies, going out and having fun and while chilling in front of my Computer i visit every 2-3 days some websites like for example thechive or pr0gramm.net and click through the lastest posted pictures. Often there are some hot chicks and i just save them in a folder and upload them all 2 or 3 weeks here on crossfire to make a journal. You know how much time it takes to make such a journal ? Maybe 5-10 minutes every 2 days while clicking through that websites, having a laugh sometimes because of epic pictures and 5-10 minutes to upload the pictures to make a journal. I do this journals, because some guys on crossfire really enjoy them (hello best journal of 2011 award). Some are bored at work and need entertainment, some really like to see hot chicks, some just listen to the tracks and others like the gifs! So where is the problem to make a good journal? Are you jealous or something?

Lets say i sleep 8 hours a day then i got 16 hours left for life. "no life at all" means that i invest at least 14 hours a day to search for pictures in the web. Accoring to me, i just invest about 30-45 minutes every WEEK.

So who is right? You calling me someone who wanks all day long, searching for pics on google and having no life at all. OR me calling you a retard, because all of your facts just got proved to be wrong.
Shut up wanking no-lifer.

you should also relax a bit from a hard day of rioting
2/10 would not bang ;)
relax will you
not that there are any proves in your text - why even bother to answer to him - , just saying^^
(plus we all sleep more or less 8 hours a day, that doesn't say anything about the lifes we live)
well the prove is that he is just assume some things about me and im telling him how the things are and you must have understood the sleepingargument wrong :P

and ye i was just in the mood to reply...usually i ignore nerds like him
yea well, not meaning it serious anyway, just pointing out that you indeed just tell him differently not proving anything - that and that you didn't say anything about how the 16 ours are used. everyone got the same amount of time per day, yet some have more of a social life than others :P
(or do you mean exactly that, that everyone got 16 hours per day to live, so you can't have no life? well make it 24 then^^)

and no i do not really give a sh*, i'm just trying to get a bit relaxed at work, still a bit messy from the weekend xD
nope not rly special :D
last gif looooooooooool
5 me gusta
me gusta tambien!
10... :)
go study lazy bitch!
*thumbs up* razzah! :D
randompart 11 and 12 DD:D:D:D
2, 9 & 10 <3

still waiting for the saskia special ..
1 - 3 - 10

4 - 5 - 6
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