why oh god why!?

everything is so interesting in internets when you need to study?!?!?!


just made my 2nd annihilation with FA, frostburn all the way fuck them shieldbreakers and shit son.

big King is Back.

1rd u mad brah?
dat 4chan/reddit/9gag kills my life with its endless content
thats why i always study at night, when noone of my mates is online anymore :> gonna start in like 10 minutes for the next 6 hours _-_-_-_
lol yeah i always study in the evening till 5 oclock in the morning, go to bed at 6 oclock, wake up at 16oclock, do regular shit, and start again in the late evening
image: IsThisRealLife
dunno how u manage to keep ur brain working after 12 o clock, after 12 my brain just dies and all i do is just watch tv lifeless till i fall asleep. thats why i study from 8 till 12, just perfect combo :D
well i just wake up at 16oclock in the afternoon..so im not too tired after 12oclock...but yeah my bio rhythm is pretty fucked up..but its okay as long as i dont have to go anywhere...for me the morning/forenoon are useless anyway...so ill just sleep trough...the important things are in the evening anyway, and if not, ill just study
u're a big fuck up bro
+1 i know this feel cho
i only do that shit when its ramadan, its the best shit ever dunno why everyone complains about it, but i know how u feel tho :D only thing is i get a big ass meal at 4 o clock :D yummy.
Emerald Warden is so overpowered with frostburn.
ez hero:)
who are those geeks role-playing in your vid? they must've really had an OD of internet

image: 488743711_2f343fa1b1
yo dunzy I started playing poker again :) up about 110$ in a week or so going pretty well! hope u've been doing good aswell
yoyo, nice for you:D havent lost ur touch :O) i kinda stopped cba nerding
nah i feel like ive been running pretty good lately. definitely worked out some kinks in my cash game play imo (my pre-flop hand range was a far too wide)
vanaf morgen is het voor mij ableton tijd!
management exam at tuesday...havent browsed the interwebz that much in the last 6 month :/
management, my most hated of subjects :@
mmh still better than macro or ethics
while they can be boring, i find that management is a strictly practical activity, that has almost no basis for the theoretical side of things.

actually, now that you mention it, ethics is fucking gay too :(
i like game theory and her range of application :)
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