Thought For The Day!

so true - spread love and unity
Every time someone known dies, same cry bla bla bla. Who cares.
The one that gets spammed on my facebook is.. THERES SOLDIERS DYING AND NO1 CARES BLA BLA
It's not messed up. What's the point in funding them when they keep repeating the same cycle over and over again?
Thats why they need to be educated
It is messed up. What's the point to bring more food out of there to europe than return back as "help"?
that's maybe because that one person affected the world a lot more than those 1 million people together.

but I don't really cry over ppl I don't know personally. It's just sad what's happening in africa etc. but what can we do? 1 person doesn't feed all africans (maybe bill gates but not others) :/
though one person is a start (not that i actually care much about it. because quite frankly you can't help them where and how they live)
..what can 1 person do..

thats the most alibistic and pathetic sentence one can really say. people die in africa? what can I do? nothing. global warming? cant change it myself. mankind destroying planet? cant change it myself!

cmon! agreed on the first sentence tho.
1 death is a trategy, 1 million is a statistic
1 milion is epci tragedy
It is pretty sensible that when someone who have brought you some joy to your life dies you want to remember them.
Fucking retarded thought
Whitney was a superstar who deserves every tear on her way... It was the same with MJ, people calling those who cared about it shallow and stupid...

You sing with angels now, Whitney. RIP ;_;
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