Tough guys and manly men of crossfire

So what is your reason for not benching 100kg like this teenager @ 68kg bodyweight?

looks really healthy for her back..
It is normal flexibility and mobility for non-eSports sports-people.
looks really healthy for her back..
seems useless :s
So is life.. you make the most out of it and then you die. :D
Life seems useless but you cant compare that with this. and it was more or less an answer to your question what my reason was.
Let me rephrase: Everyone can do whatever they want with their lives. What everyone should be doing is something that makes them happy - let it be collecting rocks, playing ET, bodybuilding. And we are just talking about a hobby here.

Im not sure if you are just provoking me here but many things look useless when viewed from another persons point of view.
with your journal you want to make me believe its really necessary i can bench this?
hell yeah i can lift 100kg now what?
hell yeah i graduated now what?
get married
too alpha for that
find work -> make career -> more money -> nice living?

nowadays its hard to actually proof a point without getting back

Thats funny since you didnt even answer to my reply. :(
i just made a comment, on benching 100kg, that its useless. same goes for most hobby's and while wrying this i forgot what you posted
hello lordosis
every now and then Im experiencing trouble handling the idea of nfp.Slarto ET 24/7 becoming a bodybuilder
He is training so hard because he wants to be able to lift the parts to repair his moped on a daily basis.
Metrakit 70cc cylinder + piston kit weighs a ton
At least, if not even more.
bodybuilders = compensating for something
she is not really a bodybuilder :/
She is a powerlifter -- bodybuilding pfft
never seen a pic of u slarto =)
need update on your pic :)
son you fat
I have thyroid condition
bad for you ;[
Ihan pakko kysyä uteliaisuudesta, kui käytät mavessa vyötä 160 ja 170 painoilla? :P
Käytän vyötä oikeestaa melekee aina ku tangossa on yli 100kg. Joskus tulee kokeltua vähän kovempia rautoja ilman sitä mutta aika harvoin.

Tossa kun korokkeelta vetää niin vyöstä ei kyllä saa yhtään tukea että siinä mielessä ihan turha.
Nojoo, vyo on sitten 200 kieppeille aika turha, taino kehittyy kyl ilman vyötä paremmin. Aika mukavat raudat sul syväkyykys, voi ku ite pääsis taas kyykkää ;/
Mun kyykyt on vielä kaukana syvistä koska mulla on niin paska liikkuvuus :D Oon kovasti koettanu venytellä ja sitten tehny jotain erikoisliikkeitä että paikat alkais aukeemaan. Pikkuhiljaa kuntoutat sitä polvee nii siitä tulee parempi ja vahvempi ku vanhasta

Etukyykkyä oon tehny ny pari kertaa ja se tuntuu kyl perkeleen hyvältä liikkeeltä varsinkin tota liikkuvuutta lisäämään:
no offense at all but you remind me that finnish retard "haters gonna hate"

on the video atleast!

but grats for your 100kg, never tried but I really doubt I can do half you do :D
Whaat, in which vid? :D

dunno why you remind me a bit of him

ok well.. you look less retarded actually but still

or im completly brainfucked and I need some sleep
Everyone looks messed up when they are deadlifting :D
guess so, never tried and I must be terrible at it.. so grats :D
never seen a pic of u slarto =)
never seen a pic of u slarto =)
yes i go to the gym. but i dont care about how much weight i can bench or squat

and especially dont care how much YOU can lift.

insecure people need to compare and brag about how much they lift. I dont identify myself with these fags.
Talking about insecurity, I didnt mention how much I lift and you have a good point, everyones competing with themselves so it doesnt matter how much someone else lifts. :D
You should care how much _you_ can bench, sqaut, deadlift and how many chins, dips you can do etc etc.

Do you know why maybe ?

If you want to improve in gym and grow more, you need to lift more aswell and push yourself more everytime .
But why should I always remember, how much I just lifted?
Most of the time I'm just going to the weights and take those which feel more heavy than those I just used/used the last time.

If I dont want to end as an ugly prick like you or some of the other amph victims I see all around, I'm sure as hell not going to watch what or how much I exactly eat, how much I can squat or bench, I'm watching on the progress I make, by the feel and the weight I gain/lose.
Do what you want :)

But follow ur weights and always try to preform better is a key to become better, more fit, smaller, etc etc..

And ofc some weeks you cant make the same weight or that many reps u did the week before, but next week you might improve or not.
no shit i track my progress.

I just dont care if you can bench more than me. Or i cant do a certain weight.
you just said:

yes i go to the gym. but i dont care about how much weight i can bench or squat

what i am saying, you should care for urself
i dont care about you anyway, im not fond of steroid use .
good to hear,but im not using steriods aswell mr jealous
100kg 2 izi
100 kg with belt and shirt, lolololol
Its a normal lifting singlet.............. and try reading the title in the video :D
yeah noticed stronggirl/10

100 kg is np, but get some videos of kirsika now ;)
So u lift naked?
you really dont know what im talking about? Or retarded?
Erm, neither.
belt and use a bench shirt and it is alot easier to lift then, i could prolly bench 150 with it rofl
U should reply this to Uniq as he obviously doesn't know what that means.
actually she is not allowed to do that thing with the back.normally,ideeal is to be able to push around 10 or 20 kg more than your body wheight,and being able to make at least 10 normal push ups with that weight without any help.

the moment u start doing that thing with your back not only that is not the correct exercise because u r not only using chest and shoulders but also the back,but it is also un healthy for your back and even dangerous,despite the fact that she wear a belt
Not unhealthy for your back if you use proper technique (i.e. lats flexed, traps into the bench, shoulders depressed and retracted)
your back must sit perfectly horizontal with the bench and that s it.any normal person with experience in body building will tell u same
Strange kitchen :sssssss
where's my sandwich?
I'm rather bad at benchpressing :|, but then again I train to get a nice body, not to bench a certain amount of kgs. Still need to gain weight though, fckin hardgainer.
same here :) just keep on going it will come in the end mate, gained 9 kg's in the last 2 months! but now i've come to a point where nothing like happens and really hard to improve like add more weight etc. BUT keep on moving and it will happend eventually :)
9 kilos is sick :P, had that kind of progress when I started training, now I can only see progress on my body, but my weight basically stays the same. Started working out 4 times a week lets see how this gonna work, but most likely I just should get myself a proper eating plan, guess I'm not eating enough of the 'right' stuff. :)
the food u eat is like 80 % of it, and the gym only 20 % but gainer helps alot aswell if u are working out alot :) for me i normaly go 5-6 times a week but gonna try to go 7 times next month and move the scale a little higher! once u fit u NEVER go back :D
Slarti mate, is it better to do the bench press with the bar or dumbells( don't know what it's called with dumbells)
It's better with dumbells if u have the right technique, gives more stretch
Do you do the same weight with dumbells?
Less total weight, harder to stabilise than a barbell. A bar will allow you more overall weight to lift, but dumbells have their place too

E: if strength is your goal, use a bar - if size, use dumbells
Mass bro, I'm gonna start working with dumbells now, I just hate that uneven feeling though.
in fact, if mass is your goal, i'd cycle between both! ask alexl or johnny for sure though, they've probably got the best advice on hypertrophy on crossfire since slarto and i both lift but mostly for strength
Haven't been getting bigger for a good 6months now bro, just started taking protein so might see results now.
But will ask them.
yeah bet taking proteins and asking for advice on crossfire will make you grow, mr "im huge"
I'm a lot bigger then you mate
You most likely are because were not the same weight class, but i'm definitly alot more ripped and aestheticly more pleasing than you, which is my goal btw, fuck looking bulked up
I'm not trying to get ripped at the moment just trying to get my mass up. And trust me I'll get more cut then you'll ever get.
I'd love to see that, challenge accepted
Like I said I'm trying to gain mass atm
its summer in few months, why bothering now, should have done it earlier, having to diet for months and get ripped at the end of summer
I don't go to the beach so don't care.
but thats where the bitches are :s
personal feeling :)
I love Bench Pressing bro, favorite Exercise!
girl body building = not attractive, aerobics = better. Also have to be careful of fucking up your joints too much when lifting heavy weights @ long term, same with martial arts with techniques of joint locking.
my excuse is weighing less than 68kg :d
Best excuse in the journal
whats her reason?
She's prolly weaker than 95% of the other girls in that country
she is russian thats why she can lift that
100 = easy bash
U know whats funny? all these bodybuilders going big and then any guy who knows any basic martial arts beating them up hard.

cuz lets be honest bodybuilding its just a show off and totally useless.
Wise words m8
you are totally useless, this is the hardest sport ever and you will never understand it untill you will have to wake up at 5 am to eat the first meal, then spend half of the day in the kitchen and next half on the gym training extremely hard, stay focus on your dream, on your goals not for week, two or a year, but for 10/20 years EVERY SINGLE DAY. So shut up your mouth and if you don't understand something then don't judge it
all that to get choked by a guy weighting half u do who knows some martial arts and doesnt even try
are you seriously that fucking retarded? How the fuck can you compare two totally other sports disciplines? Let's comapre guy who's training matrial arts to professional archer, what's the point you faggot?
imabob on 20/02/12, 19:23:18 Del | Edit | Reply

I know plently of retards who think that they are better and think they can beat the shit outta of u because they lift when they infact know nothing and are like fish for someone who knows martial arts.
still how the fuck can you compare body builder to a fighter, you're totally retarded man face it
i dont want to compare the sports, im talking about those retards ive said.
no, you said "all these bodybuilders going big and then any guy who knows any basic martial arts beating them up hard. "
So for you it's like everyone who's bodybudiling is retard who "think that they are better and think they can beat the shit outta of u " use your brain next time before you'll write something stupid
u know whats funny? this journal isnt about bodybuilding. And no-one lifts weights to beat people up. :D but many martial arts guys use weightlifting to support their main sport. :)
I know plently of retards who think that they are better and think they can beat the shit outta of u because they lift when they infact know nothing and are like fish for someone who knows martial arts.
only idiots lift weights so they can beat people up - the vast majority of people who lift do it for sport or aesthestics
i pretty much agree with this but do keep in mind that fighting-oriented sports generally have weight classes - it doesnt matter how good you are with your martial arts, if youre against someone who is just way bigger than you
if u fight a guy whos bigger than u and he knows nothing about fighting (the majority) ull pretty much own him.

its different if he weights more and does martial arts too, even tho it depends on the art he does (eg he does karate and u do bjj u just get him on the floor and he is pretty much dead) but if ur more skilled than the heavier dude u can aswell own him
Skill > Size

Check out Roger Huerta (lightweight?) absolutely destroying a muscle bound bodybuilder in the streets, knocked clean out.
this isnt bodybuilding m8, its powerlifting. bodybuilding is making your body look like a veigny piece of shit.
my reason is that i dont need mucsle to get laid. nerds.
pretty sure it's not good what she's doing with her back!
seems like a dream-date, maybe she can crack wallnuts with her ass ^^
Kyllähän 100 kg nousee kerran tai pari, vaikka penkki onkin aina ollut heikko liike :l
jep mut tais olla toi 68kg se pointti tossa..

siihen vitusti vaikeempi päästä ku noi 100kg nostot..
Do you even lift?

You seem to come across as the 'tough' guy of crossfire but fail to back it all up with evidence. Never seen a pic or a vid of you.
This journal isnt about me, why would it be? -- and to make it clear, looking at relative strength, that girl beats me.

Theres a link to my vids in this journal if you are interested.
Show me then, back this shit up.
Slarto is a big boy! :)
dont know whats the point in weight lifting. not useful for anything. i can bench 100kg. so now what?
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