Dear Germany

Why you cannot into English


Concerned citizen of Poland


/mad off
cause dont we gat so much gut schuls in germani
sorry :D

It was a trap!
cause we dont care?

die deutschen sprechen nicht englisch miteinander, wenn ich im channel bin!!!
Jetzt muss ich ganz ganz schnell einen crossfire-post machen, damit alle bescheid wissen was für ein emo ich bin!

wtf, crossfire=facebook oder was?

.. aber trotzdem funny :D
why you polaks cant find proper work?
Robert, du bist ein gipfeli
Because Germany is not a human and thus doesn't have a vocal chord!

Anyway one could argue Poland/Germany and France have equal English skills.
France and English skills? :D
Grats you've got the point!
french and english skills are 2 things not compatible, except for some
You don't mean that, do you
always thought ur retard.
CB admins cannot into English aswell. that's sad :<
and u cant into hygiene. why u acting like a retard on internet? some real life problems? bullied by others, or just outsider of company?
actually I'm not the one acting like a retard, retards just can't see it
i jus never watch what teacher say in school
what teacher say in school i jus never watch
since when comes the bone to the dog
should be an English flag
Didn't u know England stole English from the American?
Your reign of terror has ended some time ago, you don't need the language anymore.
butterfly sounds as strange as schmetterling
the picture is about how aggressive it sounds, not how strange it is
i guess every word read in my "german" mind sounds somehow agressive
yea and i guess its also how people see german language :9
lol no, bübchen sounds awesome xD
one of the few exceptions, and mostly used by grandparents :D
poland - y u cannot into wealth
Yeah, been to Germany a couple times and I really hated the fact that people working in service jobs (restaurants, shops, casinos and even railway stations..) weren't mostly able to talk English well enough to be able to have any sort of conversation with them.

For example at a casino I wasn't able to explain the lady at the front desk that people born in -89 have actually turned into 18 on 2007, so they certainly are 18 (which was the age limit for the casino) in 2008 (when I was visiting the casino). She just kept on going about some numbers and months in German and also pointed at a sign saying that the age limit is 18 after I had shown my ID. Not a single word came out from her mouth in English. So I didn't really have any other choice than to leave the place without spending any money over there, which probably was a good thing for me :D
Haven't noticed that myself, can't remember any place where I couldn't manage with english. Though I used my Germany yerman for the simplest things :)
Perhaps I was very unlucky to find all the non-English speaking people working in customer service jobs then. For me it felt like it was a rare occasion to find someone who spoke decent English, even though I can remember few of them as well (young people working in restaurants generally). Besides that casino occasion I had difficulties at a railway station getting any information about the travelling possibilities to Enschede from Bremen in English.. In other occasions (for example when buying kebab) after noticing that you're not getting service in English you could just use sign language to get what you wanted from the list.
Or maybe they have learned a lot in few years ;)
no you are right. if you talk to young people the change is good that they talk some decent english. for older one.. rather not. for one we dont have to watch or to read anything in english as german is big enough to translate everything for us and for second until some years ago you had like 3-5 years english in school (which is not enough to proper learn a language, given that its school so most people dont really listen :) )

its kinda sad especially for things like railways (at least the airports are good ) and hotels
the sad truth being that indeed most of 'us' can't form a proper sentence. partly because of our school system (and everything involved - that also being the students for some apparent reason not being able to learn the least bits within a few years... and don't get me started about the pronounciation).

but yea, since one does not really need it very often within germany, it's hard to even if you learned it, stay in good shape. at least i find it kinda hard nowadays to remember everything, simply because i don't get to speak it very often these days (sadly enough) :(

but on the other hand many germans simply don't see the need t speak english, not even to be able to help someone out and who's not able to speak german.
>30 years cannot into english in Germany
Oh yea? I see. If that's really the case I am wondering which fucking language I am talking every fucking day :P
finnish ofc!
*facepalm* :D
german elite. but to be honest most germans arent even able to speak decent german, not even talking about grammar knowledge... thx to our school system.
Maybe it's because Germany has a population of over 80million people and they have enough of entertainment (tv-shows, movies + foreign movies are dubbed) and medias on their own language, so they don't need English as much as people in smaller countries like for example Holland or Sweden.
wtf sweden isnt small
population wise it is
cause i'm shit on you ?
cuz they think (or know?) they won't need it

or maybe because Germans are stubborn
i understand just train-station
sorry my englisch is under all pig
Most of the people I know from germany speaks english.

Sounds a bit odd when a guy from Poland blames Germany and call em stupid.

Don't forget who are the one who used horses to defeat tanks :DD

Anyway I'm not in a good position to blame english skills but oh well polish and french are the worst one imo !
french guy talking about war, made my day
Alsace-Moselle guy*
During WWII, there was no intentional use of calvalary against tanks... Some fights occured idd, but it was result of trapping polish troops... Would be nice to mention that horses actually were victorious in such battles :-)
horses won over tanks? lol i love polish propaganda
we never rushed with horses at tanks. all armies during ww II had cavalry, but it was more used for transportation than fights tbh
victorious ? you fucking made my day

The Polish army was defeated within weeks of the invasion (4 weeks actually)

But yeah, victorious ... indeed :D


The charge was successful: the German infantry unit was dispersed, and the Poles occupied the clearing. However German armored reconnaissance vehicles appeared from the forest road, probably part of Aufklärungs-Abteilung 20, and soon the Polish units came under heavy machine gun fire, probably from Leichter Panzerspähwagen equipped with MG 34, or Schwerer Panzerspähwagen equipped also with a 20 mm gun. The Poles were completely exposed and began to gallop for cover behind a nearby hillock

The Polish cavalry charge impressed the Germans and caused a delay ...

you call that a victory "ok"
Delay of the German advance is claimed as successful completion of the Poles' mission.
Losing within 4 weeks is a true success
the thing i mean that there were no real battles likes horses vs tanks, its all propaganda, and this one was like the start of it. still this one single battle was victorious, so if you dont know stuff you can say that horses won battles, which is still not true.

also, idk why im talking about a war with a coward.
i told the guy i'm from alsace/moselle and he got no fucking clue with who we were.
i start to wonder if there is any school in poland ?


Coward ? polish galloped away as soon as they saw tanks.

Propaganda or not, your country was poor and you weren't able to catch up anyway.

Two possible case :

case 1- You guys rushed tanks with horse -> total retards
case 2 - You guys were poor and only had horse, cavalery met tanks, cavalery tryed to gallop away and got shooted by mg42 -> xD

says enough
yes its better to get occupied than to fight for your country
Poland got occupied faster than france did.
nice knowledge
so basiclly you find running away from tanks as act of cowardice, but you laugh at face Polish cavalary rushed tanks....

sadly i fail to see any logic...

ow, and by telling us you're from Alsace, you wanna to say u feel german? Cause last time i checked, Alsace was part of France... but it would explain why ur such dumb fuck, with limited english
running away with horse = you call urself brave but running away = cowards
attacking tanks with horses = once more you call urself brave but in fact that's stupidity

getting rape twice by the same tactic = stupids

You won the retard award, 2 points by 1, congratz :D

"ow, and by telling us you're from Alsace, you wanna to say u feel german?"

Living in "moselle" means we got some german habits, most of the people here got german's familly name

"but it would explain why ur such dumb fuck, with limited english"

Actually i think the total opposite, most of the frenchies can't speak english at all, i'm glad that i'm sitting between 2 chairs :-)
germans, starting 2 world wars... getting pwnd in both = most stupid country evah?
Might be true but at least they had tanks !
french + polish talking about war + victory, i lold a bit :)
Ach alter, du weißt gar nix ! Mein region wurde annektiert
alle hier habe deutsch herkunft
your poor english obviously forbids you from understanding the phrase" victorious in such battles"

I didnt say we won the war, we lost, mostly because France and England were pussies... Out defence was made to delay, till second front was created, by two countries i mentioned earlier...
We lost, we were poor BUT it has to be someone else's fault.

fuck yeah dude.
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