Strongest build on Mage?

image: 1341073-magebanehero_large

1) Vanguard/Hotbl
2) Power treads/agi boots
2) Yasha/Firebrand
3) Rapier/Doombringer


12/0 obviously
You can announce your opponents defeat in allchat and simply watch them trying to screw you even though they know they've got no chance at all.
I don't know what teh fuck you just said
Cant really understand what you are trying to say, but it's dota or dota2. ( Or those copy games Hon lol)

And obviously sange without yasha is shit. And no, you dont have the best build. Manta and later butterfly is better build.
e: my bad. I mistook Sange for Yasha as I dont play a lot of dota

erm yes manta was of course my next choice but after annihilating the opponent i simply changed my strat to insta-rapier, was even close to the second one already before they finally gave up.
however I prefer not getting Sange on Antimage as he gets enough life from vanguard and boots already and the slow isnt necessary in most teamfights. basically you can say whenever i have this huge farm on this specific hero it's just over, most of the times. depends on team ofc but in HoN this hero is just damn op.
I would just go for Sange if I plan to upgrade it further which i never do on this hero but on ranged carries more likely.
Than you clearly havent read what yasha gives you. yasha>sange by a long shot. Read about item or just play the game enough to know the affects :D
mistake :D ofc i go +ms and +agi over +str.
I just dont know the proper dota items
:D Why even play Hon?

It's even shit compared to Dota :D The better graphics dont make up for that.
I played the original a couple of days ago. After 5 years or something.
I smashed a pub with good old Mort crits ^^
And i must say i really like Dota 1 more than any of these kinda games but imho HoN is a more action-oriented game and a lot faster in terms of gameplay. Even though matches take close to as much time as Dota matches do, HoN is just a more fast-paced experience. But i gotta say, playing 4 dota matches last week rly improved my HoN play too. You do stuff with the hon-engine you simply can't do in Warcraft 3 like there is a stop command in HoN which lets you sit next to the creeps without autoattacking just like in Dota 2. You tend to simply not do anything but lasthit and playing dota for just a few games it gives you an insane skillboost teaching you stuff you can't learn in HoN as most players don't think about it anyway.
Yeah, played some Hon and Lol, really didnt like it.

Too bad I dont have Dota2 key. Have watched so much streams, dying to play the game.

And yeah, dota is slow, but that's what I like. Not so much random stuff happens. More calculated or something :D
I hate LoL - it's the most casual MOBA / ARTS around.
Dota 2 isn't that bad but not very good either.. the source engine feels like a fresh start but otherwise the game slower than dota and even less action-oriented. What i do like about it is that people tend to fight until their very last remaining hp. I applied that over to HoN and got some nice tripplekills but u end up fighting 1v3 as your mates back off with 30-40% hp ~~
So conluding:

Original > HoN > Dota 2 > LoL > Demigod(?) xD oh wait put LoL at the end..
anyway if you want to try d2 i can lend you my account I don't use it anyway :)
your shit videocard wouldnt handle dota2 anyway
well 640*480 isnt really a pleasure of playing
No problem, I am still better than you :)
maybe in wanking yes
got a key havent played it yet coz noone of my friends like the game and wants to paly :(
both keys given away as of 1th December 2011 sry :D
Anyway i can gift you my dota2 account from my steam? I deleted it since it was dire.
use steam trade. he got my account for now though.
doombringer???????? are u serious man?
6 doombringers obviously
thanks for the lesson
fire for pve and frost for pvp
Arcane for pew pwn, don't forget.
I don't know what's it like these days, didn't play retail for about 2 years.

I'm playing on some private vanilla server atm.
Started playing again yesterday because fuck university, but man, makes me sad to see what the game has become.
I'd like to see what it has become, too bad I don't have way too much money, so I could afford some time, plus I'd also have to buy Cataclysm since I don't have that either.
Got an account from a friend who stopped playing, otherwise I wouldn't have tried it myself. What they're trying to do with the dynamic gameworld is very nice and works in a sense, but leveling/gearing up is waay too easy. Miss those days where people actually had to travel to instances to summon etc., none of that shit now.
That's why I'm playing on a vanilla server right now :D

so much rage when blink bugs and you fall through the world
i rather pick ra and monarch, ra ends game with +600 gpm everytime

y loosing with RA is very hard indeed.
espescially when u get free kills had a 500 gpm lastweek 25 minute game i guess..
though i get bored from Ra pretty easy
ra ist just a little bitch if he comes up against a magebane :D 4 hits and no ulti bibuy :o
maybe in 1500 bracket yes, otherwise everyone should focus him like stuns distables etc, when monarch stuns him he is like a paper. Magebane is really good carry but its easily counterable like fayde or any hero that has stun. You might say okay get shrunken, but then after 5 seconds you will be crowd controled and this hero really should be cc'd otherwise you end game with 12-0 and doombringer
boring hero + wrong build
opponents: make hellflower and gg
y 1/8 bloodhunter definitely gonna make hellflower :DD
dream on
u can win vs noobs even if u make radiance for anti mage so dont get so hyped up about ur build
y I like going for Codex with Preda too sometimes :DD though that one time i freefarmed woods for 25 minutes won't be forgotten aswell. It rly depends on the bracket you are in and i can undoubtfully say that people tend to have and use brains, most of the times. of course there are some trolls and griefers out there but the statistics say 1 out of 5 players is going to be a retard. And as I am not dumb this statistic will exclude me. Therefore there are 4 possible idiots on my team and on the other one. If there is no retard on my team I will act like a kid and cry all game. That's how i roll. True story!
+ms and extra attack speed per hit.
afaik b4lu prefers MoM on dat hero.
Mom is a double-edge sword. You take so much damage when you have decent team against you.
the only hero that qualifies for a MoM is Void.
And i've never, ever, ever bought it.
It sucks soooo hard and it's super useless.
Get attackspeed from mjollnir if you need it but not from MoM.
Especially not on anti >_<
spirit breaker uses MoM
sry i only play ogre magi
with MoM? :D
btw I heard Linken's is giving your hero a very hard time in lategame :(
didnt know u talk about gay hon, forgot that hon copied all champions and items from dota...
not all of them. for example i miss mort..some are semi-ported like tidehunter and drow. even though they are kinda in the game they are not fully themselves. besides they nerfed most of the original dota heroes and some items as they were too powerful for most of the pub community like void not having a 25% chance but i think every 5th hit is a bash. vanguard now has 20 charges, 1 hit removes 5 charges yea i know its stupid and lame but what can you do about it but deal with it ^^ sange gives a definite slow :) today they don't port any heroes anymore but more likely just create new heroes solely for the purpose of making money and treating those who are willing to invest money for early access on op heroes that grant em a short boost in stats which get nerfed right away during the next patch.
fake malzahar+swain combination, hon get ur shit together bro'z
depends on the opponent but i rather buy a bkb than rapier
scrub game for people like HugTheSub
rage reply countdown activated

retarded cheap copy of dota...
cheap copy? that's a good one considering that HoN actually costs money.
Who is that idiot? :D
I wish people talking about HoN would stop using dota names.
power of the backslash
3) Rapier/Doombringer


every item is dependable on the other team heroes... usually i get hotbl + steam agis + runed + bkb + geo = game won

depends if you wanna go lifesteal/brutalizer
hotbl + runed is a bit overkill. get firebrand for a fast end. runed is more a farm item imo.
I don't know what teh fuck you just said
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